Your Cornucopia Of Late Games Open Thread

Oh wait. It’s just two freaking games. Nevermind.

Oak @ Den: Oakland is progressing just fine right now but it seems to be Denver’s time to shine. In this pass-happy-friendly league what the Bronc’s “No Fly Zone” have accomplished beggars belief. CB’s Talib, Harris Jr. and Roby have yet to allow a 300 yard passer to date. Much of that depends on help from the front seven for sure but hold up a second. These guys have given up only 1 (ONE) TD through the air. Maybe they give up plenty of yards in the slot? Uh, no. There have been only two guys that have done 100 yards receiving versus these super stubborn fly boys. I’m thinking Oakland WR Cooper gets his wings clipped here.

Dal @ GB: Since Wk. 8 QB Rodgers has a 57.5 QB rating.  Everyone and their mother knows that he’s much better than this and that he’ll come out of his funk but I think it would be great for the Boys to take the game and take the lead in the-. Hold up a second-that won’t be funny at all. GO GREEN BAY!

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I cannot get any more erect at the thought of the “Point Break” remake.

Maybe next, there will do the Godfather…someone should re-imagine that with Adam Sandler playing ever role in the family. I would PAY good money for that!!!

Sill Bimmons

Jimmy Fallon as Travis Bickle in Delivery Boy: Making The Psycho

Recovery Whiskey

And now TD-kakke. Always a draining 5 minutes

Moonbatting Average

Now all I need is for the Texans to win without Hopkins scoring 40 fantasy points. Not sure how that’s gonna happen

Sill Bimmons


Defensive Back Mike Wallace

If the “Eddy” chants replace the “Khun” chants, Fat Eddy will be my favorite player.
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Recovery Whiskey

Scott Hanson just derped verbally… Sorry folks its been 7 hrs of live football

Sill Bimmons




Rikki-Tikki-Deadly, streaking his own living room

Moonbatting Average

Well deserved

King Hippo

you earned it!

Middle fingers to the Donks from teh Hippo. AFC looks like a P*ts cakewalk once again.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Congrats; of all the teams to have ten big mistakes in it’s the WAAAAIDERS.

Moonbatting Average

Well. The Raiders being decent is a good thing, really, but this still pisses me off

King Hippo

I wanted us to at least punch back. THAT is what fucking pisses me off. We rolled over and died.


Apparently after beating the Ravens, Pete Carroll explained to the team that nothing can fall faster than gravity…ergo “Inside Job”

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Not shown: jerry cans of jet fuel he poured over the steel lockers and then lit

Recovery Whiskey

He’s like a kid up there

Recovery Whiskey

The AFC everything is coming up Brady. B

Sill Bimmons



Remember when the Patriots were shit, their weapons dead, and they had to play in the Wild Card Weekend?

That was a fun week.

King Hippo

Forget it’s always darkest before the dawn.

It’s always brightest before God sticks down His celestial ass, drops trou, and shits all over us.

King Hippo

Denver might not even win the division at this rate. Depending on how shitty AJ McCarron is.

Sill Bimmons

The Raiders never do what I want them to.

Last week, lose at home. This week, win on the road.



The Cowboys going with the unconventional “Let them score” approach when already down by 2 scores



Moonbatting Average

Fucking finally, Fat Man

Recovery Whiskey

Dallas just quit, playing for the draft picks


Draft picks to be traded for Johnny Boozeball

Recovery Whiskey

True! I know Dallas fans who have it all planned. JFF as Romo’s backup and mentor-ee


Can you teach Romobyl? Surely Johnny will have to develop his own personal style of losing in the most back breaking manner possible.


Fat Eddy did a good*?

*against the Cowboys, so it’s worth half a good

Recovery Whiskey

Turn out the lights.. The party’s over

King Hippo

Running a 2-minute drill with no OL is pretty fucking hard.

Sill Bimmons

Has anyone ever made more out of missing the playoffs with one of the most loaded rosters ever?

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Defensive Back Mike Wallace

2010 Houston Texans?


1985 Denver Broncos…

Elway wasn’t even hurt so there was a massive hole in the offense. 11-5.

Shogun Marcus

On a consistent basis? No. They have a dynasty of dysfunctional malaise.


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Sill Bimmons

Stupid howlies.


Not to mention the 11 mile hike it takes to get there.

Raiders are playing this like chickenshits.


The Broncos have broken out the Peyton playbook – all shotgun, all checkdowns, all the time

Defensive Back Mike Wallace

Just wondering, is there anyone else besides me that doesn’t hate Joe Buck? I don’t think he’s good, but his voice is just white noise to me.
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He is very white.

Sill Bimmons

I am ambivalent about everything but the nepotism.

King Hippo

“stay in bounds” like anyone is worried about a CasselVANIA-led comeback

No one wants to win this Donks-Raiders game.

Col. Duke LaCross

Matt Cassell was outplayed today by Jimmy Clausen, who had to play against Seattle. That is how awful Matt Cassell is.

John Difool

The Man in the High Cassel

King Hippo

way to not drop the fucking punt this time, asshole


That last Cassel…WTF…was kind of sad…

Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons



Mike Singletary just dropped his pants in disgust over Vernon Davis dropping that

Moonbatting Average

This is double-plus ungood


Big Bleerg Is Watching You.

Shogun Marcus

Captain’s log: We are in orbit above Prevnar 13…

King Hippo

Vernon Davis, piece of shit. Entire team sucked complete ass, and Oakland deserves to win.

King Hippo

Have to go for it, assholes.

Sill Bimmons


Recovery Whiskey

Oh boy that one team I hate did something to that other team I hate

Sill Bimmons
Defensive Back Mike Wallace

James Starks: STILL ALIVE!!!!!