It’s frickin’ cold in this neck of the woods, let me tell you. It’ll be -20 Fair-Un-Height tonight and I’m already bundled up. Quickly, TO THE GAMES!
There are no games whatsoever in the NBA tonight because (of my) criteria. The NH of L brings us LA/NYI, COL/OTT, WASH/MIN and DAL/CHI. The college gives us #4 IOWAY/19-5 INDY, #11 OREGON/15-8 CAL but the game of the evening features a couple of ACC strugglers-16-7 FLA STATE against 16-8 SYRACUSE. AWAY WE GO!
Today in WTF?
Man, little Georgie Denbrough really took to Pennywise down in the sewers, didn’t he?
They all float down there.
I gave my actual weight out, which makes me self conscious. My brother that passed Army Ranger shit, runs 10 miles a day is 215. He is psy ops now but he is shorter than me and in better shape, 230 just seems like a big number for weight so I had to clarify
Dude. Relax. I’m at 270 or so, and 230 sounds like an impossible number for me. I remember you saying you were pretty tall, too, so you’re probably at a decent weight, I just wonder about the not eating thing. That’s double plus ungood.
It’s just a number.
Don’t get hung up on that. What’s most important is how you feel. I lost down under 200 a couple years ago, but felt way too light….too weak.
Yet for some folks, 200 is way too much.
Dont’ get hung up on the number.
I’d murder you all to be 230.
For some reason this cracked me the fuck up.
The worst offense is interrupting a man eating his frozen yogurt on his break.
Froyo is serious business, son.
Is that Fred Savage?
I loved this freakin’ show:
Where’s OSZ? I think I should visit this place before it closes, but I’d like his opinion.
The Trouble With Ghosts – ($10)
Your choice of za’atar & honey seasoned fried chicken OR eggplant, caramelized onions, roasted peppers, honey crisp apple, chevre, avocado, arugula, fresh pesto, praline bacon, & aleppo aioli on a Grand Central hoagie roll. Served with smashed potato lemon-dill hash with roasted jalapeño-rosemary ketchup. (*v)
My choices of food were pizza with a sauce that makes me sick, ice cream or ramen. I went w/ ice cream so I at least ate something today
An important part of any nutritious breakfast.
/so….what up with this eating thing dude?
I lost 100 pounds by just not eating, it became a habit and unhealthy at some point, I am still 230, but not a fat 230, well a gut
Yeah, the problem there is, once you start eating again, and you fucking well better, you’re going to gain the weight right back.
FWIW…I can relate. Though my loss was only about 70 at its greatest (in the 270s at my heaviest…in the 210’s now and still trying to get back down to 205 for the 2nd time in about 3 years…long story).
I’m not gonna get all preachy, not my style. But totally not eating actually make the wt loss slower. Multiple small meals, activity, etc.
BUT…and this is a big BUT…if it causes seizures it’s even a bigger deal. My ex wife had seizure disorder. She was a bitch, but that’s beside the point. The seizures took a huge toll on her health. She died last spring from related effects of the seizures.
So….be smart dude.
/shutting up now
I think the only one of those I ever watched was the one about Dungeons & Dragons, which eventually led kids to suicide? Or something?
I look at my nieces and nephews and wonder which of them is gonna go Goth on me, and I really hope it’s my older brother’s oldest. He would lose his god damn mind.
How do “gently massaging” pants create resistance to body movements?!
For $4.99 it HAS to work!
I’m not dropping half a sawbuck unless I get me some GUARANTEES, man!
This is just my 2 cents…but if my pants are massaging me, I’m probably not gonna want to move.
I didn’t eat today. Like 30% chance I am die because I have seizures when I do this. Which forehead side should I pose on leaning off the bed tonight? I want to look my best
Or, and this is just a suggestion, you could go eat something before you pass out. Just a thought.
I was saying I would while being a dick to you in a comment below, but yeah, I will eat
Suggestion my ass.
Go eat something shithead.
So, how was the rest of the debate, you crazy masochists? I went and watched the World’s End. Not a bad movie, but, better than the debate (probably).
I really enjoyed that movie. The fights were very well done, I thought.
I think the problem was, I was expecting something like Shaun of the Dead or Spaced and I got an action comedy. It threw me off just a bit. But yeah, the action scenes were well done.
Also, we basically spent the evening discussing New Mexico, me and MTWV had ourselves a rap song battle, WeeBabySeamus is growing a beard, Moose posted a photo of the Osmonds that is already haunting people’s dreams, and I discovered I have been to a fuck ton of bars listed on the Bucket List Bars website.
After a pretty bitchin’ 3-on-5 two minute penalty kill by Calgary, the Ice Stampeders and Ice Raiders are heading to OT!
So there is a “Bucket List Bars” website. I will now see how many I have been to without realising I am slowly counting down my own doom.
I’ve been to the Capitol Bar in Socorro.
I’ve…. been to far too many of these places.
One that’s not on there, that I do recommend if it’s still open, is the Saloon on PCH in Encintas, CA. GREAT bar. Really good staff, good drinks, decent prices for CA.
I don’t get the multiple bars in Mesilla, but then again I’ve only been to Las Cruces three times and the one time I was supposed to go to one of those bars I managed to hurt my knee so badly I couldn’t walk.
I think there should be a special spot for the Rainbow Bar & Grill in Hollywood just for being name-checked in Sam Kinison’s first HBO special. Plus it’s where my father got shithoused before my brother’s graduation.
I didn’t get the Mesilla thing either, but it may be where the authors are from. Also, Philly has some nice bars, but drive an hour outside town and you will find places that have been open for a hundred years or so. They don’t seem overly adventurous.
Mesilla is just a suburb of Las Cruces, which is also a college town (NMSU), but come on. Juarez isn’t even an hour away.
Nope. I’m passing on any woman with a photographic memory.
Porky? What are you doing in Albuquerque?
My only experience with Albuquerque is the SWA flight to El Paso stops there, so I’ve landed there ~20 times. The way the winds are there makes for a turbulent takeoff/landing every fucking time. For Mr. Moose Motion Sickness guy made those trips a lot of fun.
I have realized tonight I have lost my NWA cassette
NWA – Express Yourself in it’s honor
What is this “cassette” that you speak of?
/remembers .45s and 8track…no worries
It was the only one I owned in my old car with no cd player. Also frequently turned on because it was great
OMG. This is hilarious about Cliven Bundy.
“he missed the 6pm flight w/Fiore because he was on the federal No-Fly List. TSA offered to get him a waiver (FBI probably helped arrange that), and he got on a later flight.”
So I haven’t shaved for a week. I hate shaving.
Trying to decide if I want to shave tomorrow or just clean up a little and let the beard grow.
I mean, it’s cold as fuck. But not sure if I’m up for the damned itching next week.
Sheesh, being a lazy fuck if hard sometimes.
I haven’t either. I’m giving it another week.
I haven’t been clean shaven since I was 16 or so. JOIN US.
For the past decade I’ve had the goatee. Before that I went back and forth b/w completely clean and full beard. Usually have let the full beard take over in winter, but not for the past couple years for some reason.
Now, as age encroaches….well….it’s way more gray than I recall.
But still….laziness takes hold at times.
You guys talkin’ face…. RIGHT?
Moose wantin’ to talk manscaping?
For Moose:
And yet we all get to enjoy it.
That’s how they start. Appreciate it.
Oh, I do sir. I do.
Shit, I meant ‘I appreciate it’, but still a funny typo.
Appreciate tit for $400, Alex.
I forget how the rest goes, but your mother’s a whore.
Yeah BABY!!!!!
So where’d we land on that whole “getting you a vagina” issue?
I kid, I kid.
Look, man, I don’t mind someone taking control from time to time, but I gotta drive, know what I’m saying? You gots to be the woman here. How it has to be, man.
So close.
Everyone take a moment to stretch.
Actually, I have to go grab more beer, so that is a good idea.
Maybe Ponch should cut back on the pelvic thrusts.
Said no woman in the 70s ever.
I get bored, no need to be mean about it
Probably more fitting to this guy.
Rick Sebak is my favorite Yinzer.
I am often sad about the way America treats things that are considered time wasters, but perhaps worst of all is what happened to Route 66. This highway was once home to some of the most varied and interesting things in the nation, and served as an ideal for American mobility. Once the interstate system went in, R66 wasn’t as well traveled, and many of the weird old places shut down. I drove it a few times, trying to find those old gems, and I did manage to see a few before time and the elements reclaimed them.
All of that, of course, was just a reason to show you a picture of the statue that used to stand outside the Roy Rogers Museum, in Victorville, CA, before they moved it to Branson, MI, where Good Things Go to Die:
Just seeing the demise of various locales within the city was pretty sad at times.
Flagstaff got lucky with Route 66 pretty much being their main drag, but a lot of other places were just screwed by the highway suddenly becoming deserted. Although I was there last year and Joe’s Place finally shut down and became a fuckin new age magic crystal shop or some shit.
It’s not like Central Ave. (which is what Route 66 becomes within Albuquerque) completely went away, but yeah, it did suffer a lot. Then part of the drag became hipsterish in the mid-90s until I left, and then not too far away it passes right by UNM, but then it dies again until it passes through downtown a mile or two away. Then after that it just goes to shit. The two interstates that cross through the city really did a number on the mother road, especially since I-40 basically parallels it all the way to Barstow.
I always wanted to ride it on a motorcycle with my dad, gave that up when mine got stolen. A motorcycle in WI i a dream anyways, at least 6 months you can’t use it
One of the biggest reasons I drove 66 was because of my dad’s stories about it. He made it seem mythical, like something everyone should do at least once. Now, you can drive 1500 miles and see the same fucking restaurants everywhere you stop.
It really does make me pretty sick.
I watched an interesting documentary on PBS about the Lincoln Highway. New York to San Francisco, but it eventually went away except in Illinois, of course.
That sounds awesome.
Dammit, now I want to drive cross country again.
Assuming no family members die or end up in jail (and probably even if they do) I’m planning a cross continent jaunt late spring/early summer. Can’t wait.
I had this insane idea that everyone should have to travel across the country prior to going to college, or joining the workforce, or what have you, for one year after high school. This country has so much to offer, it seems a shame to stay in one place your whole life.
However, regarding your trip, you’ll love it. Driving cross country is fun as hell, providing you understand there is a LOT of the “driving” bit.
Oh, good. Not moving to SE Portland has probably kept me from being poisoned by cadmium and arsenic leaks.
Oh, good. Not moving to SE Portland has probably kept me from being poisoned by cadmium and arsenic leaks.
I lied before. This acoustic RHCP might be my actual favorite song
RHCP – I Could Have Lied
Cripple fight might be one of my favorite extremely fucked up South Park moments. Especially Cartman going around the town.
NZ beats the Philippines 17-7 in 8.
If anyone wants to smoke pot for the first time. I would go with this album as the soundtrack
Tom Petty – Wildflowers. First track, same name as the album. You will know at least 5 songs and the B sides are great
Oh, nice call, man. That is an excellent album.
Possibly my favorite band and song
RHCP – Under the Bridge
I enjoy this song, and this band, but this is probably my favorite RHCP song:
I would never say I dislike their newer stuff, but I have to go with Blood Sugar Sex Magic or earlier for my faves
Magik* I knew it but doubted myself for 3 seconds and changed it to the normal spelling
Goddamn you. If you had a vagina I’d frigging marry you.
Then verbally and abuse and divorce you probably.
But those first few weeks would be great.
RHCP in general is a fav, FWIW. But Otherside is probably my fav. But fav album is as MTWV says…BSSM. Wow, that’s a lot of abbreviations.
The way we would run our marriage sounds alarmingly similar. Shit, you’re me from an alternate universe, aren’t you?!
Mystic Seer sez….It seems that it is destined.
I came to resent Breaking Bad because every person I met upon learning I’m from Albuquerque asked me about that goddamn show, but damned if I don’t think Better Call Saul is the best lawyer series I’ve seen.
OK, I have a question (neither ABQ or BB related): have you ever been to Gallup, NM?
Is EVERYONE in that fucking town miserable, or just the 10-12 people I had dealings with when I passed through?!
Everyone is miserable. The lucky ones escape.
The not-quite-so-lucky one die of exposure while drunk as fuck.
I have been to some shitpile towns that everyone longs to escape in my time (I like to drive cross country, and I take massive detours every time I do it), but holy fuck everyone there was just miserable. I was half expecting a mass suicide on my way out of town.
Yeah. It’s isolated, the edge of the Navajo Nation, and was the nearest town to a lot of uranium and other heavy metal mines. So that shit really is in the water (since almost all of NM uses groundwater) and just ends up being a vortex of awfulness. Strangely enough it also has one of NM’s most concentrated African-American populations.
I enjoyed the Navajo Nation, though. It was poor and depressing but I knew enough Navajo to have a good time and get by.
These Gallup fucks? Awful people. Made people from Jersey look happy.
I think because it’s on the fringe makes it the closest place for some people to get away from the interior, but realistically once there it’s still hours from any real civilization.
I don’t know for sure. I tried to get out as quickly as possible and no one I know from there talks much about it.
But Gallup is mentioned in Route 66! It’s not a sprawling metropolis?
I’ve been here 8 years, but I’ve not seen this whole state yet. Is Gallup just a more depressing version of Los Lunas or is it worse?
Is Los Lunas that weird town just north of where there are a shit ton of boats in the goddamn desert along I-25?
I think that’s Truth or Consequences. The boats are all for Elephant Butte, which was a great boating vacation spot when there was water in the fucking reservoir (Thanks a lot, Texan fucks).
I don’t know it was Truth or Consequences, but I remember that being one of the weirdest bits of that last trip back up I-25. All these boats, just sitting out in the high desert, no water anywhere to be found. Just seemed sad.
That, and the entire little town East of ABQ on I-40 that was for sale as one lot. Weird place, New Mexico.
Indeed. The east mountains are surreal. The people living there are pretty weird.
That was the single funny thing about BB is that they used a place in the east mountains to double as New Hampshire.
It’s way worse.
Gallup doesn’t have all the gangbangers Los Lunas does, though.
Jumping genres. Staying with music I listened to high
RHCP – My Friends
Unlike Moose, I am a benevolent god, and I show mercy to my chosen people:
Moving away from rap, same era hardcore:
This is fucking creepy:
Thanks for the nightmare fuel, Moose.
Sorry if that was too scary.
Nice & Smooth, a little old school shit someone played recently:
Chet’s nuts roasting…….
Midnight on the Right Coast.
Time for The Americans.
Any of you degenerates still around in 2 hours I might see ya’s later.
Or I might not. I’m mysterious that way.
I need an Easy E song. Someone help me out. I know his best were when he was featured I am on board with recommendations of that nature
You should dig this:
The centerfold of Cat Fancy has gotten really graphic.
Kind of a non sequitur, but reminded me of this