And Now For Something Completely Different…

It’s 5:26 Eastern Standard Time and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is still dead.

Justice Scalia apparently passed away in his sleep, at the age of 79, while on a “hunting” trip in Texas.  As deaths go this is pretty much a conservative Republican’s wet dream.  So good for him.  Incidentally I put hunting in quotes up there because my understanding was that this was one of those quail hunts, where the quail are all but domestic pets who are suddenly taken out one day, stuffed in thickets and then wait, too terrified to move, until a dog, (or on really tough days a guide), flushes them out of the thicket, whereupon, assuming no attorneys are in the way, a fat-ass elderly Republican like Dick Cheney blasts them out of the sky with a shotgun.

C’est l’vie bird.

Justice Scalia was the first Italian-America appointed to the bench.  He was approved unanimously and served for nearly 30 years.  Scalia was an “originalist”, (alternatively called the “Old man yells at cloud” theory of Constitutional interpretation) ,  grandpa_simpson_yelling_at_cloud and on many occasions seems determined to bring the United States back to the peak of his greatness, which he seemed to believe was right around 1826, when Jefferson and Adams died within hours of each other.  He could be, and more often than not was, scathing in his dissents, or even when in the majority and addressing the arguments of dissenting Justices.

Scalia’s legacy will be a complicated one.  There’s no doubt he was a brilliant jurist and well deserving of his position on the Supreme Court.  There’s also no doubt that, if he had his way, gays would remain very much second class citizens, denied not just the right to marry but the right to have sex with another consenting adult should a state decide that was a good idea.  Scalia wasn’t much for racial quotas, actually voted to overrule Miranda v. Arizona, (with apparently no consideration given to how that would effect the writers of detective procedurals), and LOVED the death penalty.  He was, in my opinion justifiably, criticized for allowing religious views, both his own and what he perceived as the religious beliefs of the majority of Americans, to affect the way he looked at cases, particularly regarding teh gays.

For every criticism us liberal types come up with however there’s a conservative who will praise Scalia for leading the charge to protect American exceptionalism and all the traditional values that made us the greatest country in the world.  The traditional values that made us so great, by the way, are having a great Navy and being located between Canada and Mexico and in the  middle of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans while Europe and Asia teed off on each other, (with our help), in WWII, leaving us as the only intact industrial nation in a world that needed lots of stuff that only we could make.  It’s been downhill since.

But I digress.

The point is Constitutional Law is not black and white.  For every position I have there’s an alternate position(s) and for every position Scalia had there’s an alternate one or more.  I don’t have a lot of respect for the way he argued those positions, particularly towards the end of his career, but he had the right and the ability to make them, and make them as well as he could.  I’m not going to celebrate Antonin Scalia dying, (karma only goes so far and I’m saving that party for Dick Cheney), but I am going to celebrate that there is now an opening on the Supreme Court, caused by an arch-conservative leaving this mortal coil and finding out the answers to many mysteries, such as whether or not the Devil is real, and President Obama gets to at least try to fill it as one of his last acts as President.

That appointment promises to be a clusterfuck of epic proportions.  It may even be enough to save Twitter’s stock price!

Now back to dick jokes, football and Sill’s rugby world tour.

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Porky Prime

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Senor Weaselo

I wish, ski jumping’s the coolest and I’d love to go watch it for myself one of these days. Instead I’ll be watching Deadpool with the sis because I’m actually free tomorrow and she goes back up to school.


I like winter and all, and winter sports.
But shit no….that’s insanity.

Sill Bimmons

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Home from a great day out. Saw “Hail, Ceaser” fucking loved it and went to the best pizza place in L.A. afterwards.
Many brews and many other things later.
All I can say is…

How the Fuck You Doing Boys!!!?!


Yes. For the production values alone.
It’s beautiful to look at.


Lots of fun.


Who’s a philly expert that should tell me what to check out when we’re not paying our Valentine’s Day dues?


Mac’s Tavern in Old City, 2nd and Market. Get the gravy fries and grilled sausage sandwich.

Excellent selection of beers, both on draft and bottles/cans, the food is outstanding, price isn’t bad, and plenty of Always Sunny references. Sometimes McElhenney and Olson show up, too. Missed them by one night once.

Sill Bimmons



Again with the “quotes!”!

Sill Bimmons

What I struggle to understand is the “respect for the dead” thing when those responsible killed WAY MORE PEOPLE than respect demands.

Porky Prime

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Sill Bimmons


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I’m sure there is nothing to worr…………………

Senor Weaselo

It only depends on if she’s cosplaying. And then depending on what she’s cosplaying as.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Where and when?


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Sill Bimmons

If you’re a little confused about the death of Antonin Scalia, allow me to illuminate your confusion.

Antonin Scalia was the worst person to be appointed to any higher US office in the last hundred years.

Everything good that has ever happened to the US just went a little bit further forward.

The world rejoices in the death of Antonin Scalia, and I join with the world in rejoicing in his death.

Lothar of the Hill People

I think you give Alito a little too much credit, Sill. That’s the face of evil on that guy.

Sill Bimmons


This came up on a GIS of “Alito Will Kill Us All.”×430.png

Senor Weaselo

What about ’60s Dixiecrats?

Sill Bimmons

Can’t hang those fuckers…

Porky Prime

I disliked his decisions…won’t go so far to say I’m glad he’s dead, but the guy had a name like a Bond villain and an agenda not too far removed from one.


I laughed a good 20 minutes reading Drew’s tweet, and still am about this one.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

His opinions did follow in a puppyesque manner. As if there was free Coke in the break room.

Sill Bimmons

Glad he’s dead.

Couldn’t be any gladder.

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So BLEERGH has extended its reach into politics huh?

Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

Taking inspiration from Horatio mentioning Poison Ivy, I just want to post this that I saw the other day.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


OK, you didn’t type it, but the voice in my head that sounds like Horatio Hornblower said it.

Sill Bimmons

My cat just showed up to play.


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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Don’t worry; it’s the voice.

Porky Prime

Thought that was the unedited clip that showed nipples.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I did not know that existed.


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Also; speaking of rule #34; holy shit.


I disagree.
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And there’s the other reliable animated wood.
Makes me wanna eat glue.


Yeah, that helps.


Why do you think I learned how to draw in the first damn place?


Sorry, just got here.

1) Are we allowed to feel good about Scalia’s death? Because I do, and I feel bad that I do, but then I don’t feel bad because it’s a good thing for America.

2) When Trump went after Jebra about 9/11 being his bro’s fault, it was weird to feel some kind of agreement with Trump. Mostly, though, Jebra is a gigantic vagina.


1) Yes. Join the festivities. We’re having rye and Indian.

Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

I disagree with other doctors. I do.

For example, Andrew Wakefield.

The anti-vax guy.

If I could go back in time and kill him as an infant I would not hesitate to do so.

There are more important human principles than Touchy-Feelyism.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Being a homophobic religious zealot doesn’t mean he didn’t know the law and could render coherent, logical decisions that were out of the realm of his obsessions. My point is that to be a brilliant jurist one has to compartmentalize those beliefs and make appropriate ruling as such in ANY case. I believe that is why the statue has a blindfold. The other part that influences me is the cognitive dissonance he possessed to have his views, yet be relatively intelligent in other areas; it is bound to overlap in his rational thought on a majority of cases.

Sill Bimmons



That was a perfectly cromulent response. I don’t share your respect for his brilliance, but that’s probably because I’m a petulant child.

Sill Bimmons

No, it’s because you’re not a lawyer.

I love you Horatio, but your profession is as full of fucktarded bullshit than every other human endeavor combined.

Sill Bimmons

I believe that you represent the sign of angels or something.

Scalia doesn’t and never did.

Lothar of the Hill People

Trump not-so-conspiracy theory time.

He says he’s self-funded. That’s bullshit. He’s taken in about $5.7 million in donations. Loaned his campaign about $3 million of his own money. He’s spent about half of what he’s taken in, and most of that has been paid to his own people and companies–his people run his campaign (very few outsiders, which is why his Iowa ground game sucked so hard), and his campaign contracts his transport companies to do the logistics of his campaign.

If you do the math, then, about $2.8 million has been paid to his companies by donations. He’s loaned his campaign about the same amount. A loan, of course, that will be paid back (by law) with the other $2.9 million in donations.

End result: Trump is out almost nothing out-of-pocket, and his companies (and personnel) rake in business, funded by donations.

Ergo, I believe he’s not really running for President. He’s the Dark Knight Joker. He wants the nomination for the ultimate in publicity (making money the whole time), and then he walks away, laughing. Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No way he is losing any money on this, it is not his way.

Porky Prime

Right? Trump always finds a profit; it’s the company that takes a financial hit and often goes bankrupt.

Us. We’re the company. The United States of America.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

EXACTLY; he is a business failure as far as his record with most companies. HE very seldom loses money because he is good at conning others to invest.

Lothar of the Hill People

I think I put it together from a NYT article and an unrelated WaPo article.

One or more of them might have been Op-Eds. I can’t remember. I’m foggy.

Egan at NYT has been really, really, really good at taking on the Trumpster.


This is even better than Alan Keyes paying himself to run for President.

Lothar of the Hill People

I wonder who the token black GOP candidate will be in 2020? We’ve had Keyes, then Cain, and now Carson. “Ambassador,” businessman, surgeon. I think we’re due for a rapper–one of those Christian ones.


Kanye, just because he legitimately think he would win.


Ja Rule

Sill Bimmons

Six of one, half a dozen of the other.


John Kasich grew up two boroughs over from where I did. I’m not comfortable with this.


This Indio rye is fucking great. I should drink more if I want to get drunk, but yeah, good stuff.

Also, I am still super giddy that Scalia is dead. I feel like the munchkins in the Wizard of Oz dancing on the wicked witch’s corpse.


Trump and Jeb! just need to bang and get it over with.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Consider this boner don kilt.


Fucking A

Sill Bimmons

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Maybe I am drunk if I couldn’t find that.


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Sill Bimmons

I need an unrestricted legal cannabis promise or I’m not on board.


Hell, I’ll do that if I ever just get on a big enough stage. Or the street corner. or my porch. OR THE MOTHERFUCKING INTERNET.

Senor Weaselo

Cornblower 2024, after Entropy’s two terms.


Shit, I keep forgetting I have to be president next year. I think I’ll go for Outright Madman as my first term’s theme.

Sill Bimmons

That’s been my contention all along.

Dude doesn’t want to be president!

Dude just wanted to make sure a Dem got elected so they wouldn’t deport his work force.


I’ve been leaning this way, myself. I think Sill has a very valid and probably accurate point, but Trump also has that huge megalomania streak, so everything has to be about how he can do everything better. By polling well with the scary, jacked-up GOP element, he can shout out that he could have been president, which gives his idiotic criticisms merit within certain circles. Y’know, the same people who think that a half-term disgraced governor of Alaska is someone you should take political advice from whenever she spews out some word salad.

Sill Bimmons

It’s both.

Doktor Zymm

She made a shitton of money out of pretending to maybe run for president. Seems reasonable to think that’s Trump’s motive too. I bet someone is ghostwriting a book right now that will be released when he drops out of the race.


Are you suggesting that he may let someone else come in and take over?

Perhaps that they may RECEIVE his campaign/endorsement to carry out the purposes in his stead?

Sill Bimmons


He’s just going to quit.


Sorry. I was implying he has a lot of experience with receiverships.

Sill Bimmons

It’s both.

Sill Bimmons


Senor Weaselo

When is Godwin’s Law getting invoked?


Genuinely surprised it hasn’t yet.


The Three Point Contest is the only thing worth watching on the NBA All Star Weekend Saturday Night Hooops Extravaganze or whatever the fuck they’re calling it now.

Senor Weaselo

I think there needs to be a game of H-O-R-S-E.

Sill Bimmons



I’d watch the hell out of both of those.


Raphael forgot to mention his dad fled Cuba to Canadia.

Sill Bimmons

Cristiano Ronaldo is the WORST

Sill Bimmons



…and the debate is melting down.

Senor Weaselo

I’m waiting for someone to hit someone with a chair.



Sill Bimmons

Hey! It’s me!

/I look like an older, fatter Stone Cold

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Moose -The End Is Well Nigh


Sill Bimmons

Aux armes, citoyens,
Formez vos bataillons,
Marchons, marchons!
Qu’un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons!



Those aren’t words!


Feeling an inexplicable urge to surrender.
(I have a very good friend who is French…she would be pissed at me for saying that)

Sill Bimmons

Over the last thousand years Gaul/France have been the preeminent Continental power.

Just because Gamelin couldn’t think past the last war does not change the fact that France has always been the martial equal of Germany.

Contrary to popular belief, the US had very little influence on the outcome of WWI because Pershing wouldn’t allow his troops to be committed to battle under French or British command. The US contribution to WWI was basically to stand there and look tough while the British and French did all the figthing and dying.


Geez dudes…’twas just a joke. Not a referendum on realz geopolitical historicalz.


And like that, WeeBabySeamus surrenders.


I surrender to no man.
Now, my female French friend, on the other hand, may take me prisoner anytime she wishes.

Sill Bimmons


We stood there looking tough so the Germans would have to go on the offensive or admit defeat.

Turns out they did both.

Sill Bimmons

Contrary to popular belief, the US had very little influence on the outcome of WWII as well. Once Sechste Armee was lost at Stalingrad it was only a matter of time before the Soviets crushed Nazi Germany. The disaster at Kursk only accelerated the inevitable.

The only reason the US put an army in the field in Europe at all was to stop Stalin from going to Lisbon. Which he absolutely would have done.

The US did indeed save Europe from speaking a single language, it’s just that the language was Russian instead of German.


Same reason they bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Sill Bimmons

There was never a legitimate plan to invade Japan because the War Department knew that as soon as the Soviets declared war on Japan the war was over.

We had to make sure we got those horrific bombs into non-military targets before the Soviets got involved and started to demand reparations from the 1904-05 Russo–Japanese War

We’re not the good guys.

There are no good guys who kill innocent people.

Which, not at all coincidentally, happened on August 9.

Sill Bimmons


Sill Bimmons

You live in CT.

I live in NJ.

We can easily meet in NYC if you would like to discuss matters further.

Sill Bimmons



Gods of Egypt is going to suck so much ass. Not even any good spank material.

Sill Bimmons

Worse idea: Gods Of Egypt or Batman Vs. Superman?



Sill Bimmons

I don’t even care if Suicide Squad sucks.

I just want more Margot Robbie in the Harley Quinn costume:


Agreed. Even if Suicide Squad sucks balls, they should make a follow-up with Harley Quinn and some redhead playing Poison Ivy. I think the DFO crew would all see it like 10 times in theaters.


Redhead, you say?


I prefer her Wolf of Wall Street “costume”

Sill Bimmons

Seems extraneous at this point…


Gods of Egypt VS Batman VS Superman sounds pretty awful.


Cool….three way.

Senor Weaselo

Ben Carson’s on brain surgery anesthetics, right?