Did anyone else have a paid stat today? WHOO HOO! Gub’mint jorbs are the bestest!
With that tack comes a slow news & sports day.
With Easter (or, for that matter, any kid-centred holiday) comes your usual reminder that parents are the worst.
Thirty-one days until the draft! Which means, a month of anticipating who the Browns will elect to ruin! The only interesting free agency news today is that the Dolphins are going to kick the tires on Arian Foster.
Viewing-wise, there’s less than 10 games to go in the NBA & NHL seasons. Only one Canadian team is going to be in the playoffs, and – funny enough – it’ll be basketball. The only thing on the horizon is baseball, the Masters and the Derby.
Games that matter: (all times eastern)
NHL: 8 games total
- Jets @ Flyers – 7:00
- Sabres @ Red Wings – 7:30
- Kings @ Sharks – 10:00
NBA: 10 games total
- Thunder @ Raptors – 7:30
- Spurs @ Grizzlies – 8:00
- Celtics @ Clippers – 10:30
NCAA Women’s Flacco Eight:
- #2 Texas vs #1 UConn – 7:00
- #2 Oregon State vs #1 Baylor – 9:00
Enjoy your week waiting for the Final Four. NOTRE DAME – YOU HAD ONE JOB!
OK, if I’m gonna make the golf course tomorrow it’s time to try to get some zzzzzzz’s.
(Still holding the club wrong, still totally forgive her)
She looks like she’s about to tee off in the direction of her sexy foursome (giggity).
Have fun drinking and golfing!
Don’t try this at home, I’m a trained profess…..AWWW SHIIIITTT!!!!!!

My favorite part is when his face hits the pavement and he probably ends up with a jaw wired shut.
I assume this was written by a a Trump supporter.
And this position we call….aww fuck…fractured coccyx. TURN THE CAMERA OFF!!!!!

My biggest fears as a soon to be father of a girl. . . having a camera in her room and doing shit like this. . . among other things.
Totes understandable.
Hehehe.. “cock sex.”
ha! http://i.imgur.com/ddLObhD.jpg
Brooklyn doesn’t acknowledge Evil Emma’s existence and then cheer’s Eva Marie’s theme song? You’re dead to me, Brooklyn!
They are a week out from what could possibly be the worst Wrestlemania in 15 years. The crowd matches the card.
Pretty much. I don’t think I’ve ever been this bored going into a Wrestlemania.
I still read Stroud over at #Up. He sounds defeated.
Oh yeah. He sounds defeated and burned out. Dude needs to cut back on some of his wrestling B&W’s.
Yes honey, everybody’s doing it. Yes, I’m sure….completely safe.
Husband: “…and that’s how mommy got her concussion.”
And fractured C5 and C6. WOOOO TRACTION!!!!!
This one, I’m just wondering what this guy realistically thought the best case would be? No offense, but he was never clearing that net even with a hella updraft.
No brakes…no brakes…no brakes!!!!!!

What the Hell? Why?
No idea. It’s not like he couldn’t see it coming from way back.
Trying to be a time and then no brakes was my presumption.
Too much collagen. Will bang, but I won’t be happy about it.
Banged Cristiano Ronaldo. Probably has HPV, herpes and a ton of other STDs. Also has uneven eyebrows. 3/10, Would not bang.
Fuck you all.
I mean, I would think about it, but I much prefer a girl with a practical sense in shoes.
… and also not littered with STIs
Now, for the maiden flight of this cheap ass Styrofoam glider…..INCOMING!!!!
Step 1: Don’t face towards that big assed wall.

Step 2: See Step 1.
Step 3: Don’t ride a dirtbike
Good night, you sexy sons of bitches! I have a hot date with dreams of a Stanley Cup parade in downtown San Jose.
Sleep well you poor delusional human.
Even in your dreams, the Stanley Cup parade goes through downtown San Jose because it’s the Kings trolling Sharks fans.
Good night!
Audioslave – Like a Stone
Baseball can be hilarious.
That’s how you get pinkeye.
More like stinkeye, amirite?
I guess baseball is good for a laugh.
I’ll take that bet.
Women’s Tournament Final Four: UConn, Washington, Oregon State, Syracuse. Actually kinda cool to see some fresh faces make it that far (Even if UConn will likely end up winning it all anyway).