Charlie Whitehurst is one of those lucky fellas who is employed as a backup quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts in the National Football League. That means he gets a pretty nice salary ($2 million per year on his current contract) and doesn’t experience the memory-sapping abuse that starting quarterbacks endure. As a result, he probably has some game with the ladies, especially considering he looks like he does. His current squeeze is none other than Alaska native and indie-but-really-kinda-easy-listening chanteuse Jewel (last name pending). As a football insider and entertainment reporter, I had the unique opportunity to interview the happy couple at their favorite restaurant, Shrimpz in Indianapolis.*
DFO: So how did you two meet?
Jewel: Well, I saw Charlie holding a clipboard and thought how wonderful it was that he still used a clipboard while everyone else used those tablet things. He’s a throwback! Who throws!
DFO: You giggle delightfully for someone on the wrong side of 40. Charlie, since your lady didn’t answer my question, how did you two meet?
Whitehurst: Well, I saw her at an awards show. See, I was outside collecting cans, and she walked up on the red carpet across the street, and I just knew. I knew she was across the street.
Jewel: Oh, Charlie, you’re just so esoteric!
Whitehurst: Yeah, I do like fish.
DFO: You’ve been together for about a year, and Jewel is 41. Any plans for kids, or has that window slammed shut like a bedroom door at the Osbourne household?
Jewel: Well, I never say never, except those two times, but for right now I’m just happy tapping this younger ass and watching my Colts play football!
Whitehurst: Babies are nice, but not when I have to do work because of them. Like when Andrew Luck got hurt. Stupid baby.
DFO: What do you two do for fun?
Jewel: Well, Charlie plays in Indianapolis, so I usually go out of town. Traveling is great when you get to leave Indiana!
Whitehurst: Yeah, her boobs are nice and stuff. I like salmon and fishing for salmon.
DFO: Jewel, you recently divorced rodeo star Ty Murray. Was it difficult for you to start dating another professional athlete?
Jewel: Well, Charlie hardly ever plays, so I can rest easy knowing I’m not really dating an athlete.
Whitehurst: Is “Jackass” still on? I love that show!
DFO: Ok, last question for you two: What do you love most about each other?
Jewel: You know that song from The Killers that goes “He doesn’t look a thing like Jesus..?” Well, it’s called “When You Were Young” and I’m not young and Charlie DOES look a thing like Jesus! So take that, Killers, and I’ll see you on tour!
Whitehurst: I like it when my girlfriend is home, and no one really demands a Jewel tour these days. So it’s nice. Plus, her boobs.
DFO (looking at Jewel’s boobs): Thanks, you two.
*Note that nothing in this sentence is even remotely true.
That esoteric/fish line just cost me a mouthful of beef & broccoli. I didn’t really mind losing the broccoli so much.
Jewel – No Good In Goodbye
Not what you were expecting when you Googled “gay sack gif” right?
This was beautiful.
You know, she WAS previously homeless, so I’m guessing that’s where the attraction to Can Collector Charlie lies.
Technically, she lived in a van. I guess she’s just chasing Charlie since Rob Ryan is already taken.
Wonder if it was down by the river……
I don’t like Jewel’s music, but there are two things I do like about her.
Amirite? Up top bro!
“I *do* like Jewel’s music, but there are thirty-two things I *don’t* like about her.”
– Jewel’s dentist
Living the dream, living the dream.
Wonder what he thinks about her poetry/if he knows how to read.
Only X’s, O’s and lowercase t’s.
Seems like a good fit. Accurate throwers have always irritated her.
From wikipedia:
Whitehurst’s best game of the season was on December 27, 2015, against the Miami Dolphins, throwing 9-14 for 78 yards and a 78.9 passer rating
Hey, if your passing rating is the same as the number of yards you’ve thrown for, that’s actually pretty…actually, you know what, that’s NEVER good (unless you’re a punter or something).
So in today’s world a full fledged starter?