Hear ye, hear ye, I don’t have any Sunday morning errands/chores to do because football starts so early! Of course the down side of this is that I should be ‘football-ed out’ by about 7:30 this evening. Whatever. This London game is great in theory-NFL fans in the U.K. get to watch a game live. It’s a treat. Sure the games have not been of the best quality nor has the field been in the best of shape (I recall a Fins/Giants tilt from a few years back that was a mushy, slippery, rain-drenched eyeball-scorching travesty of an affair) but..I have nothing to end this sentence with. (aside from a preposition) TO THE GAME!
Indy/Jax-The Colts have a comfy 21-9 series lead and their entire starting D on the field for the first time this year. Their goal? Be average. That’s all it will take to beat a Bortles that has clearly regressed from last year. Opposing D’s have locked down on wr Robinson, limiting the damage he can do and Blake has time and again misfired on passes to Hurns (he of the 1000+ yards and 10 TD’s last year) and Lee. This is where a young running back should be stepping up and Yeldon has done so 2.5 yards per carry at a time. So the Jags are gonna lose. So do they fire Bradley? Probably. But this brings up the issue of who replaces him. The OC Greg Olson doesn’t look like a ready candidate and DC Todd Wash was just promoted from D-Line coach in January. No matter what happens, the Jags seem likely to have lost one year of competitive football.
Now take a big swig of that Bloody Mary and LET’S GET GOING!
Been reading too many Phryne Fisher books. Just spent way too much money for silk sheets (it was actually a good deal, but silk is just expensive). I’m gonna be hella comfortable though.
“They’re terrible for wrapping up dead hookers after a long weekend at the Double-J Ranch though”.
I love goofy-ass last plays
You’ve come to the right place.
Well that was awful.
This Me
It, eh, whatever.
I suck
Doyle Rules!
Commercial break
Trent Green: still so concussed he can’t remember the 2 minute warning exists.
Just keep on investing in the D, Jags.
Nooooooooooooo. Sat Dorsett and Hurns. Poop!
Must remedy “lack of alcohol in near vicinity” situation.
/see ya in a bit
True story: Pagano was hired for his supposed defensive brilliance, in particular his ability to coach the secondary.
That doesn’t make any sense at all.
Hardly the first time indy hired a defensive coach who only succeeded because of a lucky first round pick
This game, I call it Bridget Jones’ abortion because…well, it’s an abortion.
I have found the solution to Jacksonville’s defensive problems
Not sure why this was replied to wbs, but let’s just roll with it
Because my inherent gravity pulled it here.
Maybe that’s why everyone tells me I suck.
/totally not why everyone tells me I suck