Whoops — forgot to put this baby on the schedule. So….uh…..yeah. Here are your Week 8 Quotables results.
When did Ray Lewis become a Titan?” -Unsurprised“Ol’DoubleJ: “See? What’d I tell ya, he’s a gott-damned star!” Assistant: *whipers* “That’s not Tony.” OlDoubleJ: *snorts coke off hookers chest* “YEEEEEEEHHAAAAAAW I AM FUCKING CRAZY!!!!111!!!”” -LemonJello“He can handle it, all bla- running quarterbacks have quite tough skin, it’s in their DNA.” -Trevor Semen““That looks just like the one I mailed to Jonathan Martin’s mother.” – Richie Incognito ” -SonOfSpam“They can teach you a lot of things at Harvard, but they can’t teach you purple monkey dishwasher.” -Rikki-Tikki-Deadly“Crowd: **Cheering** “He’s moving!” Trainer: “These post mortem muscles spasms creep me the fuck out! Let’s get him to the glue factory.”” -LemonJello” A lesser known holiday than Halloween, October 30th is known as “No Saints Day” and is celebrated exclusively in the New Orleans’ secondary.” -Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
“And Jay didn’t stop running until he found his new home.” -BrettFavresColonoscopy
I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
Quotables is a great way to showcase how fucking disturbed all of us are.
That ray lewis joke has to be one of the most absurd “low hanging fruit” jokes I’ve ever heard.
Still lol
We don’t hammer the Ray Lewis Killing Angle too much around here (insert Aaron Hernandez joke) so I gave it a tip of the white cap.
will never get old.
That Richie Incognito one is perverse. ?
UNRELATED: killer article by Barnwell (redundant, I know) on how QB play in ’16 is better than ever and totally not to blame for low TV ratings.
Calling “Barnwell” redundant is only really accurate when you’re talking about Andrew Luck’s carpentry skills.