Balls’ Bedtime Stories – Chapter 14 (About Fucking Time)

Author’s Notes: This will serve as the Open Thread tonight.  The last two posts in this series will post two hours apart later tonight.

I do apologize for letting this go for so long without it coming to an end (Boy, if I had a nickel for every time I said that to a girl…).  Anyhoo, to catch you up, you can click on the following links for the balls-deep experience (Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13) or read the synopsis below:

Our story so far:  Balls was drinking at the McCarran airport lounge pondering his previous assignment when, out of the blue, Tom Brady stepped up and introduced himself. He had a problem he needed help with and Balls was bored, so he agreed to assist. Turns out Mr. Brady had a NFL Commissioner problem. Balls took care of it and a certain Ms. Moynahan tout de suite.  A week later, Balls’ boss spoke with him in Vancouver about a problem with that very same Mr. Goodell. A golf match against Mr. Goodell was arranged so that Balls could investigate further. Despite some blatant cheating with the help of Goodell’s weaselly caddy, PK, Balls managed to beat Goodell again. His pursuit of Goodell led Balls to Wembley Stadium in London where he “watched” an American football “game” while a cabal of NFL owners met to discuss a proposal from Goodell.  As the plan was laid out, the greedy owners could barely contain their glee although there was one dissenter.  He was dealt with promptly by PK.  Just as he was trying to get the details of the evil plot sent to HQ, Balls was knocked out by PK and taken prisoner. As prisoner, Balls was forced to work logistics for Goodell in order to make the plan work.  He was given no pizza. A glimmer of hope appeared as a mysterious picture was slid under the door one night.  As zero hour approached, Balls continued working on the plan and was desperately trying to figure out a way to foil it…


Chapter Fourteen

As the clock struck midnight, Balls was rustled from his short nap by the sound of the door opening.  The operation was starting and the door opened to reveal PK with a gun pointed at him.  Goodell stood behind him.

“Mr. Balls, it seems our time together is finally coming to an end.  As you have realized during your stay here, I have thought of everything, so if you try anything, you will be shot, killed, and the operation will go on without you.  If you, however, assist in the success, I may reconsider killing you after this is over.  Understood?”

“Yes, let’s get on with it.”

The drive to Credit Suisse was uneventful as it was a weeknight and few people were out. At precisely 12:45, Goodell’s red Rolls Royce rolled into the parking lot.  The getaway cars were there and the drivers/bagmen/ex-players were inside.  Upon seeing Goodell exit, they all got out of their respective cars and fell in line behind Balls and PK walking up the steps.  The front door, as expected, was unlocked and the alarm was not active.

The entourage made its way to the vault.  The door was open and one could hear soft voices inside.  Goodell entered first.  As Balls entered the vault, he could see some tables had been set up inside.  The room was laid out in an L shape.

As Goodell turned the corner, he uttered an audible gasp and stood frozen on his tracks.

“Wha…what are YOU two doing here?  Where is Blatter?!?”

“This guy!”, exclaimed Donald Trump, the American President-Elect, “this guy knows how to do business!  It’s about time you chucklefucks showed up!”

Goodell was speechless.  “How the … who the…”  He turned and glared at Balls.  Suddenly, his eyes tracked farther back behind Balls.

“Actually, Roger, it was me.”

Mr. Brady walked past the other players, knocked out PK with a crowbar, walked past Balls, and sat next to Mr. Trump.

“This worked out perfectly, didn’t it, Donald?”

“Tommy, you’re good people!  This is why good things happen to you.  The best!”

Goodell finally got his composure back, “What happened to Blatter?”

Mr. Brady replied, “Roger, you dickless, spineless, worthless bag of shit, have a seat and I’ll tell you a story.  Guys, can you give us a minute?”

The ex-players grabbed PK’s unconscious body and carried it outside the vault.

“Mr. Balls, do you care to join us?”

Balls suddenly felt very much at ease.  The tables had turned and Goodell was, seemingly, no longer a threat.  Still, this particular group could not be trusted. At this point, Balls was ready for anything.

Mr. Brady continued, “Dickless, you do not know how long I’ve waited for this.”

“Tom, I sent you the check.  I thought we were square!”, Goodell entreated.

Brady slammed the crowbar down on the table.  Loudly. He continued, “You really are fucking dense if you think this is all just about that time you cheated me at cards.  Listen, asshole, while Mr. Balls was most helpful in getting your cheating ass to pay me, this is bigger than that.  It didn’t fucking help your cause that you appealed my suspension and won.  So, I got a few friends of mine some first class tickets to Switzerland and we’d all like a word with you.

Mr. Brady addressed Goodell again, “As I was telling these guys over lunch yesterday, if the rest of the league had listened to the Steelers, you might actually have lived to see tomorrow! Mr. Balls, I will now go have a drink with Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin outside.  If I may kindly ask you to stay here and witness what these boys are going to do, we would love it if you joined us when this is done.”

Balls try to stifle a smile but failed.  He replied, “Sure.”


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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Shogun Marcus

Stake thru tWBS’ heart time….


Yeah, that was a bad idea.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I had been watching her show on Netflix before this, no theme other than that


She’s my “the lady friend doesn’t get why I think she’s so fucking hot” crush

King Hippo

That whole SIngles soundtrack, man, magical shit.


Just bought the movie for Mrs. Cola, she is 8 years younger than me and has never seen it.


Technically not a 90s song…’03 if I recall correctly…but definitely one of my favorite 90s bands, so I say we count it.

Shogun Marcus

I see your goo goos and raise you…


Yeah, baby….let’s fire this fucker up.


I fucking love naan bread.

/yeah I am stoned
/it’s a very convenient conveyance


This is the part where drunk LCSS and drunker yeah right show up to tell me how much my musical taste sucks. You shush yoself too, Hippo…..

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I will always back you up on your 90’s alt-rock. We have similar bad tastes in many ways

King Hippo

I just learned there is a 4.5 hour collection of Sufjan Stevens Xmas music on teh YouTubes, in case my asshole family insists on compiling people in one place for a pre-Xmas exchangery of consumer items and pointless idle chatter.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I just grabbed a fresh 1.75 of whiskey from the car, I am keeping this pointless drinking too much tonight going.

King Hippo

“Pointless Drinking, Pointless Life: The DFO Story”


Jeebus….talk about your All Star Cast of misfits.
I mean, NOT YOU guys here now of course. But those other fucker who ain’t here right now. Yeah, they’ve got issues.


I just cracked another btl of wine. This has been my only day off the last 18 days and my next one is xmas. I feel ya.

Doktor Zymm

Guten Nacht, Buona Notte, etc, etc. SLEEP FUCKING TIGHT

Doktor Zymm

And don’t let the ASS HERPES bite!

King Hippo

this is likely how real Germans put their kiddies to bed ,, ppl forget that

Shogun Marcus

The Dangers of Sleeping Untight: The College Diarrheas of Shogun Marcus

King Hippo

You just made me guffaw out loud. GUFFAW, ah say!

/Foghorn Leghorn voice engaged

King Hippo


I am usually suicidal on Monday tbh.

King Hippo

The football helps. But damn, when that last game ends, and I realize I have to deal with getting kids up for school in <6 hours…


“It helps I’ve stopped giving a shit about work.”

Someone didn’t think we’d noticed him cranking out posts like an unemployed freelancer.


These fuckers sound like the Beach Boys.
Sorry, just thinking out loud-ish.

King Hippo

oh, and it looks like Sen. Heitkamp is going Vichy. FUCKING GREAT. Just get the world officially burning already. ASS HERPES FOAR ALL.

Bloody Lethal

So should I quit my job and become a nature photographer? Sound plan right?


I want to be a gardener. I do not want to be poor though. So, yeah, follow your dream!


As someone who has no gainful employment, and also likes cameras….
I vote hell yes.

King Hippo

I have started dreaming about being a freelance assassin. Oddly comforting.


I like your plan better.


It’s a growth industry

Doktor Zymm

Verdi is so damn good. You might even say Verdi is VERY good.


Sooooo….when’s the next ‘stallment go live?????

King Hippo

sounds like someone is writing with a little Colombian helper!


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Bloody Lethal
Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I feel I owe one more. NSFW

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I was told I had to pay a cover charge of one hot blonde pic.

There is a 100% chance I accidentally posted this in the wrong thread first


What’s up dicknuts?
I just had a fucking awesome nap. Feeling nothing really is pretty great.
I look forward to feeling nothing tomorrow again, as well.

So what’d I miss while unconsci…….errrrr, sleeping?

Doktor Zymm

I’m drinking plonk from crystal while listening to opera and reading Terry Pratchett. While it snows out. It’s a whole melange of happy and death.


Awwwww, lucky!!! You got snow, alls I got is cold and dry and windy.
No fair.

Doktor Zymm

Guy at the 7-11 said 10 in, but I only heard 3, and unless it snows all day tomorrow I’m looking right. Love the snow though, other than being wrapped up in cozy stuff, only good thing about the winter. And even then only if it stays below 50 in for the season.


There’s a joke there re: guys overestimating inches, but I’m too lazy (read: high) to spend time trying to craft it….so, insert (giggity) your joke here.

Doktor Zymm

Does she know he’s sharing that out? Cause if not…um…you kinda got an ethical obligation there.

Doktor Zymm

Fair enough I suppose….but that’s probably still supposed to be private. If you ever met her you might know. Your friend is a dick.

Doktor Zymm

I use the term friend loosely. And it probably is against the terms of service, but that’s not automated. They won’t take something down unless people complain and it’s reviewed and found to be outside the bounds. It’s a private group, sounds like, so probably no harm done, but if he’s that cavalier about posting stuff….you gotta wonder. Just feel bad for that girl, whoever she is. Hope she finds something better.


We goin to kicks in toronto!

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

I am 1 liter of whiskey drunk, yes it’s early and that kills most people. I just had to give my dad an hour lecture on how php works and I faked sober through most of it. I slurred my words twice at the end.

Checked the timestamps. Half hour


And also….fuck it!!!!!


Watched a thing on the ‘dog’ people, to each their own, but it was quite bizarre.


None of these goddamn kids today will ever appreciate the craftsmanship of well-made miniatures used for VFX productions.


Is anyone watching extra time in the MLS cup?

Shogun Marcus

Those are all words I know, but not in that order.


Fuck it. Watching Blade Runner.


Someone DMed me a photo of their tree by mistake, and it has a Mr. Slave “star” on top, which is the perfect adornment to every tree.

Marc Trestmans Windowless Van

Moving the Open thread is like the guy who never wants to stay at the cool place you are hanging out at and have to go to the other bar because “it will be epic” except this really took no effort to switch over here. I still refuse to read your article Balls.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Guess I’m not at all sentimental about that fucking movie.

Doktor Zymm