Week 12 results are up. For those of you who do that type of thing, don’t be all reading your press clippings because, much like when the NFL expands the playoffs to 37 teams and runs postseason games every night from Christmas til What-Used-To-Be-MLK-Day-Until-Trump-Changed-It-To-White-Americans-Day in mid-January, you’ve only got a day’s rest until your back at it with Week 13 action tomorrow.
Sorry fans — Quotables is a business.

I guess I ought to be proud that I got in on my first try. I’m certainly surprised. Maybe I’ll retire now, at the top of my game…
Ain’t gonna win out with that kind of attitude.
Please please please let the Arizona State football program be relevant in the years to come cause Herm Edwards’ press conferences are going to be magical.
I can absolutely guarantee that ASU will not be relevant under the Herm Edwards era.
That Chris Henry one is amazing.
It’s an all-timer.
I haven’t seen ankles break like that since Rob Ryan tried to tap dance.
“Look at that Cuck. Figures she’d send him off to Canada. It’s the land for snowflakes. Wait, she wants to trade in her hubby for one of…them. Looks like our nation is being overrun by mongos.”
ArmedandHammered was mighty impressive this week. That was just great work.
All did great. That was more gifs than usual but I figured I’d be able to get rid of a couple for the results. Nope — all around good stuff.
It was like a TD on the opening kickoff where somehow the opposing QB also gets injured, and one of the people being saluted gets hit Stanford band style.
You’re amazed by the quality of the work. You don’t want to laugh because it would be “wrong”, but funny is funny.