Recently, while on the beach, I spied a group of a half dozen or so lovely young ladies. Shut up, I said “spied”, not “stalked”.
Nonetheless, there they were right before me. I couldn’t exactly not look. Some were swimming, some were sunning. They seemed to be having a nice time. Good for them.
At one point, one of these young ladies walked past where I was sitting, headed away from the beach toward the boardwalk area. She was a petite girl, attractive, and seemingly having fun with her friends at the water’s edge. No idea why she was headed toward the boardwalk. Maybe she had to take a leak (or whatever), none of my business. But as she passed, I couldn’t help but notice “things”.
The swimsuit she was wearing should have fit her. As I said, she was fairly petite. But either she, or whomever picked it out for her, hadn’t taken into account her “measurements”. For a small girl, she was well-endowed. Let’s put it that way. Probably D-cups at least. And she was barely topping out at 5 feet tall.
Now while I won’t sit here and lie and say I don’t like boobs…because I totally do…boob SIZE is not terribly important to me and never has been. Shut up and stop looking at me like that, I’m serious.
But as this girl passed within mere feet of where I was seated on the beach, I couldn’t help but notice. It may or may not have looked a little something like this…
Now again, honestly…boob size does not matter to me one way or another. But I have to admit that there was something rather…let’s say “enticing”…about the visual that day. Under different circumstances, I must admit it was enticing to the point I might have even spoken to this young lady.
I mean, not to tell her how great her tits looked falling out of an undersized swimsuit, even though they did. I’m not that stupid. But there was a definite attractive quality there. Given my circumstances at the time however (I was not exactly alone at the beach, let’s put it that way), I did not speak to the young lady.
But the image stayed in my mind. As well as its effect on me, and several other guys on the beach I noticed. Several heads were turning, eyes following her as she made her way to the boardwalk area.
So, that’s where this week’s theme comes from.

Stanley Cup Finals
I really thought the Caps were gonna make me sweat this one out at least one moar game and I’d have to write some sort of creative yet humble crap here foar tonight.
Sorry Vegas. Sincerely. Your story this season was amazing. I honestly would not have begrudged if you’d won three straight to take it.
OK, that’s a lie. But I would have gotten over it. Eventually.
But no shit, Vegas was amazing this year.
Give ’em a hand. Seriously….
OK, now shut up.
Because it’s time for the Caps to go on the quest foar the repeat…
Get me two….
I’m never satisfied?
Side Boob!!!!!
OK, that’s enough of that.
The Other Side
I had considered an “equal time” section this week, but there is still a double standard on such things….
Maybe next week.
Orrrrrr….probably not.
Have a nice weekend, everyone.
Love ya’s.
Do you have a “request” or an idea for a future TGISF theme? Drop me a line…
[…] ending on a high note would make tWBS’s ghost pull at my feet at night, lemme end with his sideboob TGSIF. Luv ya, […]
OK, no late night half drunks; that’s fine.
Balls’ favorite piano player; Misty Copeland
Looks like I’ll be 1 for 2 on footy tipping before I go to sleep
WOOOO Geelong!!
Friday night at the airport. Woot woot.