Two days left in the round, and we can spend time debating the spelling of SHAN’KHOR while we’re at it. It’s the SHAN’KHOR Regional, that’s why! (All I know is this is the original spelling from the ancient runes and thus the one used.) Now if someone could tell be if it’s Shesterkin, Shestyorkin, or a third alternate spelling. Either way, onto polls.
33. “So to summarize, tWBS collected three pussies this week, and didn’t get to keep any.” vs. 5. “Fitzgerald is coming back to the Cardinals? I’m guessing that BS in communications from Phoenix University Online didn’t open as many doors as he thought it would.”
53. “Packers musta been acquired by Goldman Sachs to be bailed out that bad.” vs. 7. “Tony Romo’s mic breaking down is perfect, because Tony Romo always fell apart in the postseason.”
13. “I’m not sure why I’m still watching The Walking Dead in general, but I will say that watching it while eating a plate of leftover ribs definitely adds a level of interactiveness that I wasn’t expecting.” vs. 55. “I’m not saying Belichick’s son looks like a homeless person, but Scotchy just slit his throat.”
1. “Like most vaunted Ds, it ultimately disappoints” vs. 21. “This list of Bond villains proves that white folk are evil.”
Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment. Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment. Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment. Sorry, there are no polls available at the moment.Guess what? The round won’t last 15, it can end tomorrow and we can all have a day to decompress and not have polls. Keeps it interesting I think, a month of non-stop hot poll action is too much of a thing. The second round will either start March 10th or 11th and last for four days, with each region’s second round playing out individually. And meanwhile the real tournament won’t have even started yet, and once again ends in April. Bastards.
Do a voting or four!
Looking forward to my first round exit from the tournament
Just like the Aztecs, me too.
Settle down, Montezuma, you’ll have your revenge.
What a shitty comment.
I’m pretty sure I’m already mathematically eliminated
What, you’re the Jets?
I said it before and I’l say it again: a comment that makes fun of tWBS will always get my vote.