Your “Stop Confusing Me” Friday Evening Open Thread

There’s both so much and so little going on right now that I’m not sure what to write about.

This will be over in 10-15 days?  It won’t be over for months at least?

Wear a mask?  Don’t wear a mask?

(btw, unless you’re the sick one there is no point to wear a mask to prevent viral transmission)

Hmmmmm….I stand corrected.  That one might work.

Also, where the hell is my $1,200???????

And please, if you’re sick, stay the hell home.  Please.

This man is now dead.  Thanks to someone who was without regard to herself or other people.

And today, the Governor of Georgia saying he’s only just now realized that people can be asymptomatic yet still propagate and spread the virus?

Where the fuck have YOU been asshole?


It’s a confusing time.

My brain hurts.  So get ready to be bored.  In addition to the confusion.

Random Stuff To Fill Space

I went out to the store yesterday.  We didn’t really NEED anything.  But I was getting cabin fever.  Hadn’t been out of the house for nearly a week.  And I wanted out for an hour or so.  Sooooo…  I hit the grocery store.  Surprisingly they had milk and bread and some produce.  They also now have installed gigantic plexiglass face shields between the cashiers and the customers.

Then I came home and made some soup and a grilled cheese.

The soup turned out pretty well.  But I burned the grilled cheese.

OK, it wasn’t that bad, but it was close.  But I still ate it though.

Also, Mom wanted to bake a cake.

tWBS:  Mom, we don’t need a cake right now.  It will go to waste.

tWBS’ Mom:  Wellllll….just make sure to get an Angel Food mix, vanilla icing, cream cheese and coconut.

So I did.  And not terribly shockingly she still has not baked the cake.  But at least when the world ends I have the ingredients for cake.

And not surprisingly I did also hit the booze store just in case.  Prices have gone up but at least they were open.

And that’s about all I got this week.

Sports Are Still Non-existent More or Less.

Other than soccer in Central America and apparently in Northern Europe.  And I know not enough about that to even try to talk about it.  So I won’t even try.  You soccer hooligans can fill everyone in as is appropriate.

Heckuva save, no?

You can also still find re-re-runs of old World Series games and NFL Playoff games.

Oh, and NCAA Men’s BBall re-re-runs.  I’m ashamed to say I was so bored that I re-watched Wisconsin vs Kentucky in the 2015 Final Four Semis last night.  Fortunately, Wisconsin still won.  It’s always fun to see Kentucky lose.

I did not watch the finals, however.  Fuck you Duke.

But yeah, the lack of sports, aside from re-re-runs that is, is becoming a bit annoying.  I can’t tell you how many episodes of Family Feud I’ve watched in the past week.

Pork-Cupine.  It’s gon’ be #1!!!

Alright Let’s Just Look At Some Girls

No theme this week.  Just whatever I find.


I always have liked Polka Dots for some reason.

But that’s it for this Friday.  Please, do take care of yourselves and those around you whom you care about.  If you’re mildly sick, stay home.  If you have breathing problems please seek help.

Stay in and stay safe.  And don’t forget to wash your hands.

Love ya’s.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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Senor Weaselo

So Senorita Weaselo will show me all the Miyazaki movies next time I see her. In exchange I’m showing her Final Destination and Snakes on a Plane.

I’m probably getting the better end of this deal, but Rube Goldberg death devices and Samuel L. Jackson makes it a more even trade.