Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: We’ve Hit Oil

Well, the warm weather didn’t last very long. It’s currently snowing once again, and I’m over it. I like winter, but I’m much more of a summer/beach person so I have no use for snow after January1st. It’s nice and seasonal up until then, but come the new year? Keep that shit in the mountains where I can visit it if I want to.

That mindset gave me inspiration to think more tropical this week. That’s why I decided to concoct a drink I saw and bookmarked a while ago: Corn n’ Oil. It is a rum based drink from the Caribbean that seems like just the thing to ward off the last snowfall of the year (hopefully).

Corn n’ Oil:

2 oz. Blackstrap rum (or aged Barbados rum)
.5 oz. Falernum
.5 oz. Lime juice, freshly squeezed
3 Dashes Angostura bitters
Garnish: Lime wedge

Fill a rocks glass with ice. Add the rum, falernum, lime juice and bitters and stir to combine. (Alternatively, you can add the rum last by slowly pouring it over the back of a bar spoon so that it floats on top of the drink.) Garnish with a lime wedge.

Speaking of rum, I think rum might be the least used base spirit in this column. I don’t know why but I rarely have it on hand, and the ones I do I tend to not use, case in point here. The rum I used here is a bottle that I’ve had for way longer that I care to admit. It was brought back from our trip to St. Martin, from a restaurant which unfortunately no longer exists due to Hurricane Irma (R.I.P. Calmos Cafe). Which I think is why we’ve held onto it for so long. It was the bar’s own blend and once this bottle is done, there is no replacing it. That said, I’m not sure if it counts as a blackstrap rum (it probably doesn’t) but it is the closest thing I have to an aged Barbados rum, so it is what I went with.

The nose is very lime forward. The garnish and fresh juice combined with the falernum will ensure the lime is the dominant aroma. I do also get a little bit of the ginger and almond notes from the falernum as I go back for more and more whiffs. I kind of thought the rum would come through but it doesn’t. Not even a little bit. Again, this could be due to the house rum not being blackstrap

The flavor is very bright. Again, very lime forward, with ginger flavor coming in from the falernum underneath. The rum adds some natural sweetness which plays well here. It also adds a nice depth of flavor. With these bright and citrus-y flavors going on, the rum brings everything back into balance. I do wish it was a little stronger though. I can also detect some of the angostura bitters come through towards the end, as they provide a little bit of a bitter finish. The lime lingers for a some time after the sip, but not too long.

This is a classic Caribbean drink. I envision making more of these once it gets warmer out, or making them in bulk and bringing them to the beach.

(Banner image found here)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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I think rum’s reputation suffers from the problem that for some reason, even though rum already has a fair bit of sweetness on its own, the most popular drinks it’s used in often add sweetness — rum & coke, cheap daiquiris and other tropical drinks, etc.


I enjoy a cuba libre once in a while, but not something I would want regularly. Even a Dark and Stormy should be made with a dry ginger beer, not a sweet ginger ale.

Anyone have any suggestions for good rums? I know next to nothing about them. I try to keep a bottle of Ron Zacapa 23 around — it seems very sippable for a reasonable price.


Cazadores is very good for the price. You can spend a lot more for SIP-ONLY rums, but I would only do that for añejos.

Ron Matusalem makes very good aged rums:
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Last edited 3 years ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Don T

I didn’t know what Falernum was. Sounds great! Seems like a solid cocktail.

yeah right

You make a great point. Every time I’ve had rum drinks they’re some of my favorite drinks ever yet I only have them if I’m somewhere tropical. Maybe it just tastes better when the weather is hot and humid and you have sand on your bare feet.

Game Time Decision

EVERYTHING tastes better that way


Falernum sounds like a relative the the perineum.


“I knew she was a nasty skank when she begged for a golden falernum.”

Checks out.


Honestly i did know there were non-velvet falernums (falerna?)

Last edited 3 years ago by BrettFavresColonoscopy

There’s some newish medication commercial that talks about potential side effects on the perineum. And there’s small print at the bottom of the screen describing what/where the perineum is.

“Please take this medication, although it might fuck up your taint.”

King Hippo

Warms the soul, I am thinking. Good choice!