Your “It’s All Terrible” Thursday Evening Open Thread

NFL Nuggets:

The big news today is about vaccines.

  • Dan Snyder is going to buy out the minority owners of the Football Team.
    • It will likely cost upwards of $875 million.
    • He reportedly has to get a debt waiver from the league, since teams cannot be owned with debt on the purchase outstanding.
      • He will have until 2028 to clear the waiver.
        • No word on what might happen if he doesn’t.
  • The NFL announced it will not require players to have had a vaccine before the season starts.
    • They will rely on “education” to guide players toward making the “proper” medical decision for themselves.
    • They are hoping to go down the path that the NBA has established.
      • Fully vaccinated NBA players no longer are required to quarantine following exposure to COVID-19; they can have friends, family, and others visit without testing or registration; and they can dine outdoors at restaurants.
      • For NBA teams that have 85 percent of players and 85 percent of staff fully vaccinated, masks no longer are required at the practice facility and teams are given more flexibility on road trips.
  • It makes sense to “encourage”, given the predominance of Black players in the league & history of medical abuses towards Black people in US history.
    • Two examples:
      • the Tuskegee Syphilis Study
        • 400 sharecroppers were denied treatment for syphilis over 40 years.
          • In 1932, U.S. Public Health Service employees recruited hundreds of poor, uneducated African American men with syphilis and watched them die avoidable deaths over time, even after a cure was found.
          • The discovery of the experiment made front-page news in 1972. The study participants won a $10 million class-action settlement in 1975 and an apology from President Bill Clinton in 1997.
      • the Henrietta Lacks case
        • Doctors at Johns Hopkins had taken samples of her cancerous cells while diagnosing and her aggressive cervical cancer.
          • They gave some of that tissue to a researcher without Lacks’s knowledge or consent. In the laboratory, her cells turned out to have an extraordinary capacity to survive and reproduce; they were, in essence, immortal.
          • The researcher shared them widely with other scientists, and they became a workhorse of biological research.
        • Known as HeLa cells, they continue to be used in scientific research today.
          • And to think some Christians won’t get vaccinated today because of some stem cells harvested over 50 years ago, but have no problem with cancer treatments derived from research like this.

**sigh** Deshaun Watson:

  • The count is now up to 16 lawsuits.
    • I believe we are well past the “It’s a McNair plot” stage and into the “serial predator” stage.
  • It appears one of the accusers may have attempted to blackmail Watson into a financial settlement.
    • She asked for $30,000, through an intermediary.
    • His lawyer has an affidavit from his business manager attesting to the phone call & “blackmail, not extortion” attempt the caller made.

They seem to be running with the “it’s all a get-rich scheme” motive at this point. But with 16 women, and only one possible fraudster (at present), well – to steal an old Foxworthy bit, it’s like watching the wife pave the driveway but telling her you emptied the ashtray in the den.

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL:
    • NY Islanders vs Boston – 7:00pm | NHLN / Sportsnet
  • NBA:
    • Portland vs Miami – 7:30pm | TNT / Sportsnet1
    • Philadelphia vs LA Lakers – 10:00pm | TNT / Sportsnet1

That’s it for me. Hippo’s got your NCAA weekend all lined up, so I’ll see you next week with news, notes, and Part 2 of the Pete Carroll lineman experience. Thanks for enjoying the first installment.

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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Mr. Ayo

Hey internet dad, have you read this?

Seriously, fix the performance issues.


We’re on it. Be nice.


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Don T

16 Instagram massage therapists seems like a lot, even if spread during one year.
I’m gonna withhold judgment.

Mr. Ayo

More like Done Watson.

Don T

My hope is senility does not erase the memory of this freakin’ piece of 100% genius:

Last edited 4 years ago by Don T
Don T

In retrospect, an evening of weed and whisky was alsudb???????????????????

Don T

It’s great to read about the Tuskeegee Study. There are real historical grievances. It should be acknowledged, by people who want to live in a society among equals. It’s a matter of tact, not being all vaxx deniers snd conspiracy nuts.

Don T

If someone took my cells to cure cancer, I would expect only a modest shrine to myself. Musts:
-alife-size Virgin Mary; and,
-a pic of of GG Allin pukin’ engraved in one of the frescoes in the South-East 1a wing.


“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” is a good read.


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God Bless You.

Col. Duke LaCross

She takes her vitamins.


Democrats: “We must get rid of the Filibuster.”

Yes, because you’ll never be in the minority again and the Republicans have a long history of never abusing power when they are in the majority.


Whereas if you leave the filibuster alone, the Republicans will never touch it, because that would require Mitch McConnell to be a hypocrite, and he would never do that. Just ask Supreme Court Justice Merrick Garland.


the world sucks, here’s some sexiness
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Viva La Tabula Raza

Interestingly, I saw this when I got online this morning, per our brief Air Force Academy convo last night.


Yeah, cheerful stuff.


Cant believe I can’t find a liveblog for Bermuda v Canadia in World Cup qualifying.


I cannot and will not speak or question a rape survivor, but I’m not certain why they are going for lawsuits instead of trying to put him behind bars. If someone did that to someone I care for, I would want this guy behind bars, but only because the law frowns on giving someone the Bob Barker treatment.
comment image?16313321446378421386


I have some possible reasons for you.

First of all, nothing is stopping the Texas authorities from investigating and prosecuting these allegations. A District Attorney can pick up a newspaper and see that someone in their jurisdiction has been accused of multiple felonies. As far as I know, there is no Texas law that says you can’t charge someone with a crime if there’s a civil suit pending. (And Watson’s defense team is going to call the accusers moneygrubbing liars whether they’ve filed a suit or not.) On the other hand, if you don’t sue because you’re hoping there will be a criminal prosecution, your claims may be barred by the statute of limitations by the time the D.A. tells you “yeah, we just don’t think we can get a conviction, so we’re not filing charges.”

Second, relying on prosecutors to do their fucking job and prosecute a famous man for sex crimes does not have a great history of success. Partly because prosecutors are scared of taking on tough cases, which leads me to:

Third, a criminal conviction requires proof “beyond a reasonable doubt.” Civil cases require a preponderance of the evidence.

Fourth, as an accuser of a popular and famous athlete, you’re going to get dragged through the mud, get death threats, etc. whether it’s a criminal or civil case. In a civil case, at least you have control over whether or not to settle or pursue the case, and you can get compensation out of it.

I would also note that one can apply the same argument to Watson’s team. If, as his business manager claims, he was contacted by someone who admitted that “this is blackmail” and the encounter was consensual, why didn’t he report that to the authorities?


Makes sense. Chalk it up to suburban naiveté.

Either way, Watson is in trouble. One voice is a soloist. Two voices is a duet. We’ve just reached a chorus and at this rate, we’ll be in an ensemble by May.


Hah! Sens up 1-0 despite being outshot by a ratio of 2:1.