My Foray Into PixStory: The App That You Don’t Like

So, the other day I posted about a new app I saw that Dwight Howard was promoting called “PixStory”.  So, I decided to give it a shot so you don’t have to.

Now, what makes this such a special app?  Good thing you asked, my friend, because that tells me you are still paying attention and not in the corner doing dirty things to a fern.

This app is for positive posts only.  So, the community decides if a post is negative or positive, and you get or get taken away points for your posts and comments.  Too many negative points and your account may get suspended.  So scary!

Sounds simple enough.  Oh, and this social media is a visual medium, meaning post plenty of pics.

The first thing that stands out is the horrible colors that look like they were picked by a 13 year old color blind kid whose parents didn’t love him enough.  Just look at this shit.  Are these meant to be modeled after an upcoming shoe design for Nike?  Some of those shoes they have been dropping are fugly.

Moving on, but not moving up, here are some of the posts I have seen.

First off, how am I supposed to act in a positive way when I see some dumbass shit like this crap?  White people who think I care about what they have to say.  A shitty neck tattoo that dude is going to regret when all his friends (both his mom and his pet gerbil) are laughing at, not with, because even a gerbil knows it’s a shitty tat.  Fuck, this thing is going to be a challenge.

So, I then went and updated my profile.

As you can see, that spinning wheel is telling you how slow this thing is going.

So many spinning wheels of failure.

But, since my plan is to gather shit tons of followers and then crash into the negative realm in a ball of flames, I have to build my empire of followers first.

Soon, I will amass an army of followers for my flowers.  Flower power!

You can follow me in the PixStory app or here on DFO, the website that is on the web.


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A face only your mother loves… repeatedly.
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Doktor Zymm

Okay, I just spent 5 minutes of my life playing with their horrible interface and I regret it. My favorite part was when only the edge of the ‘next’ button appeared and it wouldn’t let me scroll down so I had to guess that the line at the bottom of the screen was a button and try to hit it!

Game Time Decision

we should all join and just upvote each others crap and then burn it all to the ground.


not like we don’t have a bunch of experience in doing that


You have almost the exact same “Integrity” as neck tattoo Jesusboy, and Christopher Chubb. That would make me nervous!


Jordan is not better than LeBron. Progress is such that today’s stars are better than those of yesteryear. If we want to compare, I’d ask who changed the game more. Like, look at what Tiger Woods did to bring up the talent level in golf.

And I don’t have the answer — or maybe the real king of transforming basketball is Bill Russell. But is LeBron better than Jordan? Absolutely — and in part because Jordan created a basketball universe that made it easier for the likes of Kobe and LeBron to develop younger and, thus, peak out higher than MJ.


that tells me you are still paying attention and not in the corner doing dirty things to a fern”

I can multitask!


RIKKI: Okay Google, start a list called “Chores”.

GOOGLE: Okay, starting a list called “Chores”.

RIKKI: Okay Google, add “water garden” to list “Chores”.

GOOGLE: I don’t have a list called “Shores”.

/not a dramatization. Actually happened.


“Gottdammit, Gurgle! I wanted to add to my list “Whores” a few names my ol’buddy Bobby K. gave me!” “YEEEEEEeeeeeeeHAAAAAwwwww I AM FUCKIN CRAZY!”



You retain more by writing, rather than saying to a device that doesn’t record*.

*I mean, it records for the government and Big Pharma but nothing you can access ’til discovery.


Based on the color scheme, they should have just called this app “The University of Oregon”.


Don’t get all quacked up over it

Don T

Well, with Cabin Fever as an interest, I’d expect 1,000 followers in a week.


PixStory–the app giving participation ribbons to people who complain about participation ribbons


-Najeh Davenport has started following TheRevanchist