JJ Fozz’s Journey Through Hell

JJ Fozz Sits Down with Billy Cundiff

Many great and wicked men have suffered from depression. Winston Churchill called it his “black dog” because he was eloquent man who banged down cigars and champagne for breakfast while trying to make sure Britain didn’t fall under Nazi rule.

Like my father and generations before me, I also suffer from depression. And anxiety. At first, I thought it was because I didn’t grow to 6’5” and play linebacker in the pros. Nope, it’s mostly hereditary, and believe or not, more common to people of Mediterranean descent.

Translation – when you’re a mix of Italian and Sicilian, you’re more apt to be a passionate person who loves to eat and then cry and get emotional after a few jugs of wine. Or flagons of bourbon. Then feel guilty about the time you forgot to show up for Friday dinner and your grandmother went into mourning for a month.

So, with what’s going on in my life, depression has been a bitch. Unlike Mr. Churchill, I call my depression Billy Cundiff because the fucker broke my heart and made me sad for weeks.

Billy is tenacious when catches ahold of me – unlike that fucking waste of space Lee Evans who should have made that catch. LEE EVANS WHY DID YOU FORSAKE US?!

Billy magically appears and hangs around for days. Weeks. The result is an ongoing war in my head that threatens to rip my brain from its moorings.

I decided to chat with Billy.

“Hi Fozz! I’m back to make you see in the world as a washed-out page of newspaper all grays and blacks, as dank as dungeon water, as meaningful as a block of concrete. Let’s get started!”

“Billy, seriously? I mean, I’m on the meds – “

“Ha! Doesn’t matter, I can win sometimes. You know like when you wake p in the morning and wish to just bury yourself in the mattress? Or during the day, when you can’t wait to go to sleep?”

“Yeah, it sucks. I want to grab you by the throat and stuff your ass into a jar full of rancid mayonnaise.”

“Fozz, you’re full of shit. How about when I bring along my buddy Anxiety? He never sleeps, he can wake you up in the middle of the night with his fingers, like rotten bananas, wrapped  around your throat.

“You start to worry about not having a job, money, your family, your parents, the house, the car. Oh, also that you’ll never GET a job again.”

“I’ll deal with him separately.”

“Big talker. One of my many talents is that I can make you sad or resentful of every card you’ve been dealt. That’s a good time for you lash out at your family and friends!

“Even pick a meaningless fight with Mrs. Fozz! My favorite though is when you ignore everyone – even your kids!”

“You’re a fucking fuck. You know that?”


[Fozz Spawn Runs into the Room. Dispenses a hug.]

“Probably wants some money, or is softening up some bad news! Go pour a drink, alcohol is a depressive. And my best friend.”

[Mrs. Fozz walks into room, thanks me for my hard work.]

“Ha! Hard work when she’s the bread winner. I bet you feel like a man who is not a man, but a drag on everyone. Where’s that drink?”

“But, I am starting to feel a little better. I guess small things add up. Do you know where the door is? You piece of burning shit.”

“Come on, Fozz. [GRUMBLING LIKE BELICHICK] I like hanging out. I’m the wet slimy jellyfish in your underwear! An ingrown toenail exploding with pus!”

“You can go eat shit for awhile, Billy.”

Billy stomps off into the night, knowing he’ll be back. Maybe it’ll be a little longer this time.

Brethren and Sistren, I don’t want you guys to think I spend my time looking for razors, loaded shotguns and scimitars to end it all. Depression is just of part of living and it sucks. Guys, I know we’re taught to be tough and shake that shit off – but you can’t. If you think you have it, see a doctor or a counselor. Talk to a buddy. Just do something.

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This was brilliantly written Fozz. I know Billy very well and you described it perfectly.


That is getting you there. And you will get there, I can tell by your tude. Hugs are much better than meds. Hang tough buddy.


Thanks for being willing to share this


Social anxiety and paranoia here. I do not like being out among the people who are out to get me.


Just don’t disappear on us again. We missed you!


This was wonderful. I’m glad you’re continuing to fight it. Anything we can do for you, let us know!

Brick Meathook

I’ve been diagnosed with PTSD from military service. I have nightmares, but I work on it. There was also a lot of fun out there, which I’m trying to share now and I like it. More to come if that’s okay with you.

Let’s all have a DFO mental illness contest.

The winner gets a straight jacket.

King Hippo

I think you mean a gently used straightjacket


I’ll be the low seed that makes the Final Four. Separately, my neuroses are minor but combined, it’s a wonder how I function in society and not the subject of several documentaries.


You know, I felt like my creativity suffered greatly during the pandemic. But I’ve discovered that mocking the death of antivaxxers has done a nice job of resurrecting it.

(to the tune of “Stay” by Lisa Loeb):

You say…
I only hear what I want to…
…and I thought that the cough was a light cold
and I thought ‘my immune system’s strong’
and now that I’ve got a tube down my throat, well,
now I know that eating horse paste was wrong

Last edited 2 years ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

When you are stupid and don’t know how to add.


Game Time Decision

there not even a BEDMAS or order of operation thing there, its just counting.


 I don’t want you guys to think I spend my time looking for razors…

“Speaking of which, you don’t happen to have one on you?” – Jim Irsay, looking up from a mirrored tabletop


I look at it this way: If it weren’t for depression and anxiety, my head would be full of nothing but completely useless trivia!

King Hippo

Fuck though, I LOVE being good at trivia, imagine how much more family arse* I could have kicked on Trivial Pursuit if I wasn’t so fooked in tha head??

*not really, my softie Mom would have kept giving me siblings too many clues


I too suffer from anxiety, though it wasn’t until recently that I figured out what type. High-functioning anxiety disorder. Unlike other anxiety that freezes you up, mine doesn’t. The easiest way I can describe it is, with every action I take or don’t take, there is a least one voice in my head questioning it and obsessing over it.

I was able to come up with a survival mantra that works for me when I feel my anxiety building up. If you wish, feel free to steal:

I have anxiety but that’s okay.
I have anxiety but it can’t control my thoughts.
I have anxiety but it can’t control my actions.
I have anxiety but it can’t control my dreams.
I have anxiety but that’s okay.
I have anxiety but I’m still me.

Don T

I’ve done this one when things have gotten completely and absolutely dire:

Desire nothing except desireless-ness.
Hope for nothing but to rise above all hope.
Want nothing and you will have everything.

I’m pretty sure I got that from the liner notes of a Pete Townshend CD. Whatever; it works toward clearing the mind and vanishing anxiety or panic.

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Don T

Toughing it out is useless when your brain keeps calling you loser and a waste of space. It’s alienating and self-defeating; the fucking worst. Therapy helps, that and doing constructive stuff that shifts the mind out of oneself.
Fuck Billy Cundiff. You The Man, Fozz. ✊🏼

Brick Meathook

This was an outstanding post.

Game Time Decision

Being 6′ 5″ only means you hit your head on everything or walk around ducking* everything and don’t fit on public transit or amusement park rides.
And get lot of questions about if you play basketball. Fucker, I’m barely the average guard height in the NBA, there’s no way I can play with them.
So, being taller isn’t helping much.
Find someone you can talk to that you trust.

*First time using “ducking” in a sentence in years. Fuck you auto-correct.


Don’t you mean “Duck you”


Billy Cundiff is a dick. Stay strong man. You got this.

Horatio Cornblower

The great thing about being Irish/German is that we don’t recognize depression as anything other than a normal state of being, and we deal with by hurling petrol bombs at the British.

As one does.

Hang in there, Fozz.


Also drinking!

Horatio Cornblower

Well yeah, but how else are we supposed to stay hydrated?

King Hippo

I hate to think how bleak a hellscape my mind would be without Zoloft. As is, just a moderately tolerable hellscape. Like Topeka, maybe.