Guest Lecture Series: Eli Manning and How to Select Your Horcrux

Editor’s Note: Hello, and welcome to the DFO Guest Lecture Series!  Over the following weeks and months we’ll be welcoming some familiar faces from the NFL to speak to our readers about topics that are near and dear to their hearts.  Our inaugural speaker is none other than Super Bowl winning quarterback Elisha Nelson Manning.  Thanks for joining us!

Okay, so last week when playing Fortnite I was kicking butt all over the place – what can I say, practice makes perfect – and somebody said that the only way to take me down would be to destroy my Horcrux and somebody else said that it was probably one of my Super Bowl rings.  I told people that would be a dumb thing to use for a Horcrux, but then a Golden Cube appeared on the far side of Lazy Lake so I didn’t get a chance to explain why.  So I thought I’d take this opportunity to explain what you should be thinking about when trying to track down an evil wizard’s Horcrux.

Before I begin, I want to throw in a disclaimer: making a Horcrux is one of the most evil things you can do.  Like, seriously.  This isn’t supposed to be a guide for making your own Horcrux.  That’s dark magic and I won’t get involved in that, ever.  And don’t start throwing hypothetical situations at me, like “what if a Death Eater disguised as the cable repairman cast a Vinus Restrainus curse on Abby and you had to cast a Cruciatus spell to get him to release her?” I got news for you, buddy – something like that happened just last week and it was easily resolved without having to resort to the Dark Arts (turns out it was just a big misunderstanding).  There’s always a way to avoid using the Dark Arts.  But if you’re facing an evil wizard like Kcihcileb or Ydrabmot [footnote to Eli’s fan fiction] and want to have any hope whatsoever, you’re going to want to carefully consider the factors that went into their thinking when they selected the item they’re using as a Horcrux.  As Professor McGonagall would say: the foundation of good wizardry is good preparation.

First off, you have to consider the environment of the time period you live in.  Sure, back in the Hogwarts’ Founders Era you could sink your soul into a statue or something and other than having birds poop on the physical embodiment of your soul, ha ha, you’d be fine.  But according to my old pal Philip Rivers (yes, we’re actually friends!) cancel culture is ruining America and soon Black Lives Matters is going to tear down every statue of anything, ever.  You’ve got to think long-term – what’s an item where you can deposit your soul where it can reside forever without being destroyed by a bunch of ANTIFAs?

The first thing that comes to mind – and those jokers at Fortnite actually weren’t wrong to think of it – would be a piece of jewelry like one of my Super Bowl rings.  But you’ve got yourself a problem here, because a piece of jewelry like that is valuable to everyone.  Nobody’s ever tried to steal either of mine – as far as I know! – but it’s not too hard to imagine.  And if the burglar wasn’t a Giants fan, they’d probably pluck off the diamonds to sell and then melt down the platinum.  And then you’re in deep doggie-doo.  And that’s not even considering the prospect of ending up like my old teammate Tiki and having to sell off your runner-up ring to pay child support. So you really don’t want to go with something that has too much outright monetary value.

Now some people – mostly Ravenclaws – will tell you that an action figure is a pretty safe bet.  And you’ll say “but isn’t he going to get all banged up when I’m playing around with him?” and they’ll say “just leave it in the original packaging, dummy!”  But hello, they’re called ACTION figures, not “original packaging” figures.  You’re gonna leave Fisto sitting all alone in some cellophane while the Evil Warriors gain the upper hand and he could end this all with just one punch? I don’t think so.  I don’t think so.  And then there’s the prospect of someone’s mom – we won’t name names here but don’t you think “Olivia” is a pretty one? – deciding that it’s time to clear out all of that “kid stuff” and your Horcrux ends up on the curb somewhere in a box that says “Free Toys”.  Good luck tracking your soul vessel down when that happens.  Call me if you have any luck.  Oh, by the way, my number is 218-FAT-CHANCE.

Your best bet is going to be something that won’t get lost, won’t wear out, and that nobody is ever going to throw away, ever.  No, not a report card, hah!  It’s gotta be something that isn’t particularly valuable in terms of dollars and cents, but is priceless to you.  And it’s gotta be something that you could easily track down if it ended up on eBay or something like that.  I don’t mind telling you what mine would be, since like I said I’m never going to mess around with the Dark Arts.  Here it is!

My dad even got them to all sign it for me when he met them on a business trip (it’s crazy how much all their signatures look like his).  And the best part? You can keep your sloppy joes in there! Ha ha ha!  Anyhow, thanks for coming to my talk.  Keep your wand tip up, and never trust a Slytherin!

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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Senor Weaselo

Dammit, I guess this’ll be the final Guest Lecture. How do we top this?




Well played. Is this Peyton’s horcrux?
comment image

King Hippo

Just made my end-of-year Planned Parenthood donation, to feel 5% less helpless about the state of the world.


To keep this thread as Bipartisan, I’m going to make a donation to adoption programs and charities to support Pregnant Women in need.

I’m sorry, I was reading from the Republican Party playbook from 2011. Let me get the current playbook. Ah, here it is. Instead, I’m going to go out and shame someone already making worst decision of their life by making them feel somehow even worse even though I have no involvement in the situation and I’m better than them.

King Hippo

I am 100% in support of adoption program support. Multi-pronged strategy and whatnot.


That’s part of my answer to the Abortion Question. Instead of demonizing those who have abortions, approach it from the opposite end by promoting adoption, beautifying those who give babies to those who cannot conceive their own due to biological defect/design with government subsidies to assist the Gifting of a Life.

I know its only part of the solution, but its at least better than what we are doing currently.


What’s the we part? The whole point of pro choice is exactly to make abortion safe, legal, and rare. Support access to contraception, empower women to have choices, and make sure that anyone who wants to bring the baby to term can, and more. Did you know most employers don’t have parental leave policies for adoptive parents? Most of the fiercely pro choice people I know are big advocates for expanded parental leave to include adoptive parents, can’t say I’ve heard boo about it from the “abortion is murder” crowd.


Emphatically agree (What’s higher than the plus button?). That’s why I included the original post with the playbook. The Right tends to demonize Abortion without thinking of the person involved.

Also, to illustrate my point, I had no idea that pro-choice’s goal was to make abortions rare, I thought the goal was safe, legal abortions for those who desire one. Someone needs to work on their messaging! That’s as close as you can get to my view while still be considered pro-choice.

Everything else you said are exactly my views. Too bad I’m in the minority on the Conservative Side, who believes that empathy for pregnant woman has absolutely no place in politics.


It was the official party position for years, of course the reward for which was to be literally called baby killers by anyone on the right.

Oh, I’m not exaggerating, btw, I have been personally called a baby killer while doing in person GOTV and phone/Text banking.


Ah, Clinton. That explains it. He could spin anything to fit his views. That’s why I respected him so much.

Also, I hate those who call people “baby killers”, especially Christians who confuse Witnessing with Judging.


One of Gumby’s first duty station in the Navy was Charleston. For his United Way donation, he gave money to the Florence Crittendon Home for Unwed Mothers. Just in case!


I usually give to NARAL and PP. Plus ACLU and SPLC lately.

If any of you want to donate to Komen to fight breast cancer, DM me.


This Duke’s Mayo Bowl, I call it the money shot because its going to end with someone being showered in a semi-thick white liquidly substance.

Last edited 3 years ago by Redshirt


King Hippo

FUCK, now I want a bunch of college dudes to spunk into my hair.

oh shit did I say that out loud smh


That was a lot thicker than I expected.


That’s what she said?

King Hippo

It came out (PHRASING) more like “is that it?” but I’m sure she meant what you suggested.


The questions I usually get are “is it in yet?” or “where am I and why am I wearing a little league uniform?” or occasionally “why are you so interested in whether I’ve seen Boxing Helena?”



King Hippo

Gotta get better hydratiion smgdh


This is wonderful and demented. Look forward to seeing more of these.

King Hippo

As an aside, with almost every kid program my brood watched, I had a dark humour “backstory” to keep me sane.

Wiggles – were Satantists, obviously (Wags the Dog being a cerebrus)
Bob the Builder – abortion clinic bomber
Teletubbies – Nation of Islam Dipsy

I am certain there are more, many waaaayyyyy darker than I care to admit.


Curious George – The Man in the Yellow Hat uses a cute monkey to groom and traffic kids.

(pls send email to sign up for my fanfic)

King Hippo

Hey, you need coal you gotta DIG for it, if u noe wut I mean


I always thought Scoopy Doo had a Manson Family vibe to it.

King Hippo

Holy shit, that TOTALLY works


Yup. If you get in that van, it’s a one way ride.


🎵Wiggle it! Just a little bit 🎶

Game Time Decision

If that’s an Original flavour Wiggles lunch box it might have some value as most of the original group has changed/got old/died


This is much better than any TedTalk I’ve seen.


I never go anywhere without mine. Friggen dark arts all over this place…plus… I heard she is (was) on a cloud somewhere… Uhmmm… been told… dont really know nuthin bout that for sure…


We’re all agreed that Roger Goodell is Dolores Umbridge, right? A petty tyrant who ignores the evil perpetrated by those in charge in favor of lording it over the younger and less powerful?


nods at your reasoning

Doktor Zymm

Sloppy Joes of the SOUL!! *Looks around and whispers* damn RIGHT!

Last edited 3 years ago by Doktor Zymm

Well, now I want sloppy joes.

The Right Reverend Electric Mayhem

“GrumblegrumblegiveyourmomFistogrumblegrumble” -Kcihcileb

King Hippo