David Chao’s Hollywood Upstairs Medical College Info Pamphlet 7: Is Fecal-Based Birth Control Right for You?

Good morning. I’ve heard claims of lots of happy Rams fans out there this week, but curiously, I haven’t seen any yet thus far. Seems odd to me – in years past, I couldn’t tell you how many women I’ve had to turn away from my doors this week due to being overwhelmed in performing abortions from post-Super Bowl celebratory coitus. Fortunately, it’s time like these where I’m glad where I’ve got a friend just down the street to help me out. Dr. Germit Kosnell… nice guy! Never had any problems with him. Anyways, I understand you were worried about a similar problem. I just hope you haven’t considered the solution I warned you about in the pamphlet you got back in the waiting room…

crocodile - Form and function | Britannica


What are the positives of this treatment?

It’s not hard to understand the modern fascination of Ancient Egypt; for over three thousand years, Egyptian culture was the pinnacle of stability and continuity, and the architectural treasures, technological innovations, and artistic wonders continue to inspire and impress people across the world in every historical era that followed. From the pyramids to mummification to elaborate irrigation systems to an extremely organized and well-educated class of civil servants, many modern societies continue to learn and borrow from discoveries made from this incredible era in history.

Egyptian medical practise was remarkably advanced for its time, and could treat, with some success, a wide variety of ailments, including broken bones and internal bleeding, and could even provide some rudimentary diagnoses of more complex ailments like diabetes and cancer. As Egyptians seemed to have a good understanding of anatomy and physiology, it’s thus no wonder that they also wanted to have more control of reproductive function.

We have concrete, archaeological evidence of Egyptian women using crocodile dung as birth control during the height of Egyptian civilization. A reconstructed and translated papyrus gives explicit instructions to collect leftover feces, form it into a brick, and leave it to harden in the hot desert sun. Once hard, this brick is inserted… inside. Yes. Seriously.

As it turns out, croc poop is alkaline – and in similar levels to contemporary spermicides. As such, in some circumstances, it is technically possible that it could have neutralized any sperm entering into a vagina.

From Crocodile Dung To Honey Paste Part 1 Birth Control: An Ancient Practice | Ann Arbor District Library
If you can read hieroglyphics, then you, too, can get the info you need on birth control directly from the source! [source]
What are the negatives of this treatment?

Consider this section to be a giant, blinking neon light that reads “SEPSIS”. Obviously, the lining of the female reproductive system is extremely strong and flexible, but if a patient had any microfissures at all… things would likely go extremely awry very quickly.

One must also consider the dangers of trying to collect enough croc dung in the first place; wading into the Nile, or even just standing on its banks, can still be risky business even today. Even if the crocs didn’t get you, the hippos might – and many consider their bites even more ferocious than the resident giant Egyptian reptiles.

What are are some real life examples of this treatment? 

In addition to ancient Egyptians, we also have archaeological evidence of some ancient Mesopotamians using croc dung in the exact same fashion. In places where crocodiles weren’t common, some Mesopotamians would use elephant dung as a replacement. Even in the 11th century AD, the esteemed Persian philosopher and physician Avicenna was still prescribing dung as a suitable contraceptive, though, like the Mesopotamians, he recommended elephant poop as the go-to, likely due to his closer proximity to the animals.

Besides crocodile dung, some ancient Egyptians combined other contraceptive methods in their treatments, such as lining the cervix with honey (ideally to prevent any place for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterine lining), and, on other occasions, consuming silphium, a plant similar to fennel, in juice form which was mixed with water. Silphium might possibly work as an abortifacient, but we have no exact way of knowing – it’s believed to have gone extinct sometime in the Roman era, possibly due to overfarming and decreased soil quality in the Mediterranean area.  Finally, in addition to dung, some women may have used tampons made out of acacia shrubs as a contraceptive – acacia leaves have significant quantities of lactic acid, which is also a key ingredient in modern spermicides.

How can we improve this treatment for the future?

We have extensive literature on crocodile dung, but comparatively little on their close reptilian cousin, the alligator. I’m currently in the process of securing funding for a study based out of Gainesville, Florida, to see how tweaking this ancient recipe might affect the local population of co-eds and their sexual proclivities. We’re having some issues trying to find enough subjects for the control group that aren’t currently addicted to crystal meth, however… these goddamn ethics boards.

Woman killed by alligator in S.C. during visit to do homeowner's nails - National | Globalnews.ca
Aw, look at him! He’s smiling! [source]

Information for this article taken from herehereherehereherehere, and here

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The Maestro
The Maestro is a mystical Canadian internet user and New England Patriots fan; when the weather is cooperative and the TV signal at his igloo is strong enough, he enjoys watching the NFL, the Ottawa Senators & REDBLACKS, and yelling into the abyss on Twitter. He is somehow allowed to teach music to high school students when he isn't in a blind rage about sports, and is also a known connoisseur of cheap beers across the Great White North.
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Most of yinz know I could say plenty about this topic, but, I’ll just say this:


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Senor Weaselo

Or mini-golf clowns.


Speaking of clowns, this is a picture of me and my mother in law in the mid eighties at a bar somewhere near Pikes Place market. We got completely shitfaced with those clowns!

Game Time Decision

All the risks of normal coitus but now with poop, but not the way you think



— any German


Women were using alum until well into the 20th century, when they could get the first practical diaphragms. But only married women, and only if you had a sympathetic doctor who wasn’t Catholic. I would argue that safe and effective birth control is right up there with electricity, cars, and computers as among the most impactful inventions of the modern era.

Last edited 3 years ago by Gumbygirl

Those ancient Egyptian chicks musta been a funky bunch.

King Hippo

Nods in Marky Mark


I read the title and I thought this was about anal sex because everyone knows you can’t get pregnant through anal sex.


I know. The guys at the park bathroom keep trying to impregnate me, and I haven’t got pregnant yet.


Damned butt pirates


Accidental gay sex. It was a huge problem in the Navy.


Yeah “was”…


Ah Hoooyyyyy me buckos !!!

Last edited 3 years ago by 2Pack

Well the Greeks know for sure.


Huh, that’s weird. I heard the Greeks don’t want no freaks.


That’s a deep cut.

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