Saturday Night Review – HBO’s “George Carlin’s American Dream”

No, this won’t be a regular feature.  I am too scatterbrained to commit to finishing anything.

But as a young Hippo, through various political phases, I always identified as a George Carlin disciple.  What he said, and how he said it – really spoke to me.  Not that he was a saint (he’d never claim to be), nor that I agreed with everything he said (he would never even TRY for that) – but he always made me think.  And laugh like a goddamned hyena.  His clean bits are fun.  His wordplay is fun.  His lengthy profanity recitation is sure motherfucking goddamned fun.  Shit, he even makes despair and political hopelessness…FUN!

As I mentioned elsewhere in the Clubhouse, I hate that he wasn’t here to eviscerate Donald Micropenis Trump.  If anyone is the anti-Carlin, it’s that creepy slimebucket.  I’m not sure he has spent a FULL LOUSY MINUTE in thought, once in his useless life.

The 2-part, 4-hour(ish) documentary is full of interesting detail, really old clips (including sub hosting for Johnny Carson – how did I miss/forget THAT?), and analysis of the man and the FAMILY behind the legend.  I liked the bit about when he left house at 17 (to join the AIR FORCE – like our imaginary pal WCS!).  For his older brother, he left an envelope with something to open/look at whenever he needed cheering up.

It was a picture of their father’s gravestone.

George’s daughter Kelly is also heavily featured, and brutally honest without being bitter or seeming like a complainer.  It’s so fucking good.

And hey?  Did you ever realize that most people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place??

(NOTE – my heavily-utilized, non-FB season “tag” is also from a Carlin bit.)

I think the Geographically Disparate Whalers play the Ice Gigantes tonight.  Should be re-name the visitors the Whale(uh)canes?  I think Horatio would buy a sweater then!

(only semi-related, Michelle Joy gives Hippo the most raging of semis…)

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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You are so right, the show was great it did get a “little” dark in the process but if you can’t laugh at suicide that’s on you, pussy. I always said that I was created by four people, in no particular order.
Stephen King
Luciano Pavarotti
George Carlin and Richie Blackmore

Oh and fuck God

yeah right

I love this town. I’m falling asleep with the sounds of boats in the harbor and a cool ocean breeze.

And there’s only a minimal possibility of a drive by.

Brick Meathook

My beachside community is safe because there’s a 24-hour donut shop in a little strip mall across the street. It’s the only place open for miles around.

Look out there in the middle of the night and there’s usually six police cars, all lined up.



Mr. Ayo

Haha, it’s way more obvious on my end.


I have retreated to the basement for more Red and music.


I’m drinking Wild Turkey 101.


Congrats, don’t forget to tithe to Bill Gates or whatever the crazies believe

Mr. Ayo

John Wick Horsey scene!!!


Dinner was excellent and so is this whiskey but I’m getting up in 5.5 hours so good evening and goodnight


Bob’s Burgers Movie was about 20 minutes too short*, and definitely missed Gayle, but, was very good. Go see it.

*I wonder how much was cut since Jimmy Pesto decided to go all January 6th

Last edited 2 years ago by WCS
Mr. Ayo

20 what too short?


Stoopid typing fin

Mr. Ayo

This… this doesn’t help.


20 minutes too short

Mr. Ayo


Mr. Ayo

Admins, this post would be the best banner ever.

In my books.


I swear to God I saw a cop tonight and said “omg that looks like Linda Belcher’s sister Gayle” and I was right.

yeah right

You’re fortunate she didn’t shoot you.

Mr. Ayo

Fuck yes! A@E is running a John Wick marathon.

I’ll kill them all!

yeah right

There’s some strange synergy and synchronicity running up in here.

Mr. Ayo

Indeed. Keanu for president!

yeah right

I was fortunate enough to see George Carlin live twice. Once in the early 80’s in Davenport Iowa and the second time with the former missus right in San Diego.

/ pours one out

And it was life altering both times.

He had a stage presence that was as dynamic as anyone I’ve ever seen and he was insightful and equally hilarious. Most definitely a major life influence.

I owned Class Clown in the early 70’s for chrissake.


My stepdad let me listen to that back when I was in grade school. That and the old Cheech and Chong albums. I do still remember the seven words you weren’t allowed to say on television.

yeah right

“Dave? Dave’s not here!”


Gumby still has his copy of Big Bambu with the rolling paper.


S.Y.T.Y.C.D. IS B.A.C.K.!


One of this year’s judges was apparently dismissed for a “production protocol violation”. Can’t wait to find out what that was.


I assume sex with a dancer but we shall find out!


Someone just called out Twitch for a “battle” which went about as well for the contestant as if I’d called out Jimmy Butler for a game of one-on-one.


The new judge Jojo Siwa reminds me so much of Ellen DeGeneres that I expect her to start hurling water bottles at the faces of the show’s production assistants any second now.

Mr. Ayo

Amazing how hard it is…

To find a picture of this lovely lass without Ellen.

comment image


She is amazing.


Holy shit boys, Shoresy is so fucking good.

Game Time Decision

Watched the first 2 episodes tonight. Tres funny

If you’re not watching, then give your balls a tug as it’s fucking embarrassing

Last edited 2 years ago by Game Time Decision

Why do we not provide coverage of this stuff?

Game Time Decision

Didn’t we just do that?

Maybe we can add a “what are you enjoying watching/streaming” post once a month


I just saw all 6 episodes. To quote Shoresy:



You love Cnadia, I love Mexico. Synergy.

Col. Duke LaCross

“Your mom’s crotch is so swampy, not even Ducks Unlimited want anything to do with her!”

High quality chirpin’ throughout!

Last edited 2 years ago by Col. Duke LaCross

Best thing about watchign hockey is seeing all the vaguely weird but familiar brands on their commercials that are the same as ours but just with different names. Like, apparenlyt they have a Men’s Warehouse but it’s not called Men’s Warehouse. XENOPHOBIA.

Mr. Ayo

You’re going to like the way you look (in bed). I guarantee it.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Ayo

comment image

Mr. Ayo

Thank god all the things I’m trying to buy are out of stock tonight.

I’m saving a personal mint due to these supply chain issues.


Didn’t realize spiky dildos were that expensive.

Mr. Ayo

Can’t believe there isn’t a discount for bulk purchases. Maddening!


My favorite Carlin bit was from “Carlin On Campus” where he reflected on the birth of the flamethrower. “Someone must’ve said, ‘I’d sure like to set those people on fire over there. But I’m much too far away to get the job done. If only I had something that would throw flame on them.’’”


[frowns] – Vyacheslav Molotov


Day drunk. Covered it up, totally….. made dinner while still drinking, I am good right? RIGHT?

Mr. Ayo

Nailed It!


Throwing on the Afropop in the backyard.

“you ok, why are you dancing?”

“Don’t oppress me!”


Goddammit, I found the perfect pic to make fun of Scotchy for his horrendous Keanu Reeves take, and I didn’t realize the night thread was up and no one will see it. I command all of you to go back and look at it, toot fucking sweet!

Mr. Ayo

Hahaha. Totally worth it.


Keeanu Reeves likes Winnipeg. He is ok by me

Mr. Ayo

Keanu is Groot?


That’s part of his charm


I don’t get it; if someone dropped his brain, he would literally be dead, as dead as the people John Wick shoots, so maybe that’s the joke? Is it about Uvalde or Ukraine?

2/10 would not bang joke

Brick Meathook

Keanu Reeves once bummed a cigarette from me, plus I once stood in line behind George Carlin at a Starbucks. Circles within circles, folks.

Game Time Decision

Maybe (haha) scotchy is more of a knife person, so more upset with more guns than knives in those movies

Brick Meathook

Ain’t nothin’ better than a painless pedicure from a nice corn-fed Vietnamese lady on a SoCal beach afternoon:

comment image

Mr. Ayo

I don’t know whether to make a Rex Ryan or Robert Kraft joke here.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed the handy.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mr. Ayo

[looks at pic]


[looks around nervously]

-Rex Ryan


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Game Time Decision

Sweet sock tan


I just added this documentary to my queue last night. GET OUT OF MY BRAIN

Mr. Ayo

The Gang takes a nap