Monday Night Open Thread – Warhammer adjacent

Hello from cold damp San Francisco.  The wife brought me here to support her as she is working at her professional conference.  I was here for the Pride Parade and it did run right by the hotel, but there will be no pics or boots on the ground.  I just got stoned and tried to ignore the noise.  This is going to be a short entry as I am trying to write this on my tablet sans any sort of physical keyboard with my fat fingers, so ignore the typos please.

After they started doing the Attenborough Warhammer series on youtube, I have lost a lot of desire to continue with writing about it.  They are well written, good with the lore, and the narration sounds exactly like Sir. David Fuckin Attenboroh and I can just not compete.  However, I do want to point out a computer game that is coming out that looks like a lot of fucking fun – Warhammer Speed Freaks, basically a Warhammer version of Twisted Metal with lots of dakka.

Here is the official trailer: If someone can get this to embed, I would much appreciate it (doing this on a tablet sucks so bad).


It is a multiperson game, so it may be a lot of fun to have an evening where everyone gets online and we work out our agressions.  Plus, who does not want to be an ork sprayin’ dakka and blowin’ shit up.  Even the alpha looks really good, especially for it being an alpha.  Not sure if there are any sprots or not but my evening is going to be cocaine bear and a pre-roll, so my night is looking great.  I hope you guys have a great one as well….

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Mid 50's geek/nerd, avid reader of Science Fiction and Fantasy, manga, Chinese Web novels, and British mysteries, cult movies are my thing (have you seen Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter?)
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Independent State Legislature theory goes down in flames at the Supreme Court 6-3. No surprise that Alito and “Clearance” Thomas dissented. Gorsuch was the third.


Kavanaugh once again on the side of the right. Gotta love a guilty conscience and an unyielding urge for atonement.

Horatio Cornblower

On the other hand he did just write a decision keeping the Navajo from getting enough water.

Brett cares only for water with added hops.


Token Evil Teammate still has “evil” in the name.


Why am I so tired? I didn’t do a damn thing today. I just answered my own question, didn’t I? Fuck. Oh well, goodnight my darling dears.

Brick Meathook

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I know, buddy, I know.

Game Time Decision

Got some locally grown strawberries today. They are so much better than anything that we get during the winter that it should be a crime to call them Strawberries. The winter one’s are just red and shaped like a Strawberry and are meally. These are juicy and sweet and all different shapes


Tomatoes are like that also. When you taste again a home grown one you are reminded that the store brought mass produced ones and so totally bland.


I had an argument with a couple of my coworkers when I lived in Georgia, that they could not grow good tomatoes in the local sandy soil. I proved I was right when I brought them good tomatoes from Gumby’s grandparents garden in Western PA. Shut them right up.


Well, tomorrow are communication meetings with employees starting at 5:30 am and ending around midnight. Repeat on Thursday. We really should just post this on a bulletin board and sleep instead of this.


I get to do some conflict resolution today. Two employees who don’t get along, one demanding a separate office that we do not have. They are both fixin to get a load of me in my old First Sergeant mode. They will both know the office standards. They will both treat each other with respect. Or they will both be gone.

Horatio Cornblower

Well, barring a 14-run comeback in the 9th I think LSU has the College World Series about wrapped up.


Two touchdowns isn’t a huge mountain to climb, especially in college.



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King Hippo


Don T

Do your thing, A&H.
Attenborough is a signature attached to teams that wrangle top production values and consultant teams for research, graphics, and scoring invites to award shows.
An informed, unique take coming from deep appreciation is a great read, always.
Don’t go mute on account of Big Canon, maan.

Horatio Cornblower

Just back from walking the dog. Got my headlamp going so I don’t step on the dozens of frogs and toad that are out hunting the millions of bugs.

All of a sudden I see a loose dog on top of the dyke, (not that kind), we’re walking along. I get into rescue mode, get a little closer…it’s a fawn. Can’t be more than a week old.

I sweep the headlamp over the field and there’s Mom, at the bottom of the dyke, having decided, (because she’s a trollop), to go down the side with the big jagged rocks. The fawn can’t figure it out and is stuck at the top, trying how to figure out how to get down without breaking its neck.

I hold the dog back while the fawn takes forever to get out of sight down the side, (it’s probably 20′ to the bottom, not steep, but like I said, a lot of big rocks to pick over. Tricky when you’re about 6 days old), and then we start forward. Mom’s getting edgy and starting to move away, even though we’re nowhere near her.

As we draw even where the fawn went over we see it down at the bottom. It needs to make two more steps and it’s on the field and off with its absolutely useless mother. So what does it do?

It turns around and runs all the way back up the side, nearly into my arms. It literally goes nose to nose with the dog, (who definitely tried to take a sample bite before I pulled him back), before tearing back down the wrong side and towards the woods. Meanwhile Mom has disappeared into the night in the other direction.

Nothing to do for us at that point besides walk away and hope the fawn hunkers down and Mom comes back for it, and maybe this time doesn’t try to kill it by walking down that part of the dyke.

If not, well, coyotes gotta eat too.


It’s sink or swim in the wild kingdom.


Nature, red in tooth and claw.

King Hippo

I won’t let Kruger outside, because we are getting a few hours of Biblical storms. To mollify him, I carried him gently upstairs (like a baby, he lets me do that now that he’s old and his bones hurt), set him gently on his favoUrite blanket.

He hissed at me, and immediately jumped down. Tomorrow, I will apologize.

King Hippo

And I already PRE-bribed him with an extra can of food.


Don’t bother apologizing, because the turds are already in both of your shoes.


Later this week I will have one of the top 5 best pizza’s I have ever had. Location? Bismarck, North Dakota.


Are you a time traveler? Did the Connors stop Skynet?

Brick Meathook

North Dakota has always been known for the best pizza. The secret is prairie dog meat.


Abandoned missile silos make terrific ovens.



Horatio Cornblower

We knew a guy who had one. I think somewhere in upstate NY. Spent millions pumping all the polluted water out and making it livable.

Part of him really has to be rooting for a nuclear war because otherwise he’s gonna look pretty dumb.


He’s going to VERY surprised whenever he realizes Pennywise has made it It’s home.

Don T

with cold cheese and extra snouts

King Hippo

ground bison on it?


So apparently CNN now has the audio of our former President showing classified documents to various witnesses. I’d listen to it myself but honestly the sound of that man’s voice is so irritating I’d prefer to listen to any one of these things instead:

Last edited 10 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Senor Weaselo

That does it, that’s the smoking gahhh nothing’s gonna happen, let’s be real.


I mean, he’s already been indicted twice (two more times this summer!), so I think that counts as “not nothing”


I don’t know why people fall into despair at this point – we’re finally getting to the good part! He’s been indicted twice (and could face as many as FOUR more) and E. Jean Carroll took him to the tune of $5 million with another $10 million potentially pending. Plus, Fox News is out a billion bucks (and potentially a billion more) thanks to buttressing his conspiracy theories, they won’t carry water for him that way again.


Plus apparently Judge Cannon isn’t allowing the prosecution to file the witness list as confidential. Hellooooo witness intimidation!


No, she just asked the government to make its case for why it should be under seal, because several media organizations have objected. It’s the government’s burden to justify the sealing.


Ahh. My fault for the knee jerk reaction to her ruling. I’ll let it slide…this time


When I need clarification as to whether Cannon’s decisions are corrupt or not, I check in with She’s not particularly fussed about this one – for the reason Dunstan mentions.

King Hippo

I’m pretty sure he/it sleeps at the foot of the bed and/or is cast out to share the cat’s shed.


He sleeps like Michael Scott

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Angel on left: DON’T post a Burn After Reading .gif

Devil on right: Post the Bills dildo .gif you candy-ass I bet you won’t


Just “found” it, randomly, on Netflix. loll ok champ.

Horatio Cornblower

Why do you think I haven’t seen it?

King Hippo

Summer just sucks the life out of one. All I want to do is sleep, personally.


Me too. I’m too tired to even go to the pool, and it’s literally 30 yards from my back door.

King Hippo

Raises glass* to soul sistah in solidatirty.

*is actually an empty water bottle, dreading going downstairs for refill


The Left Coasters are stuck in traffic, Zymm’s probably halfway to the planet Neptune at this point, and the Aussie contingent sunk into the ocean apparently.

Last edited 10 months ago by WCS
Brick Meathook

In all the years I’ve lived in Los Angeles I’ve rarely ever been stuck in traffic, and I’ve worked everywhere (but always lived at the beach). It’s so avoidable, and I don’t need no Waze horseshit. I go strictly by instinct.

Horatio Cornblower

I just got back from the gym and still have to walk the dog, (assuming his paws are OK), and replace the air conditioner that kept me up last night by switching speeds at random moments.

Suffice it to say, the topic is not the issue here. You should keep doing Warhammer though. Your posts are wildly entertaining, and the whole subject is just insane, but in a good way.


Saw a Military History professor on a video use “more dakka.” Later on in the discussion he used “roflstomp.”


Turns out the guy is not a professor, but plays one on Youtube. Still funny to see that in some in-depth discussion about Wehrmacht small-caliber AAA doctrine.


I’d post some pictures of Duke WCS’ Baptism, but I don’t want to doxx others.
It was very good. Old Italian and Yinzer Irish combine in a meeting of Catholic guilt.

Then the car broke down on the way home. Still haven’t been told what exactly is wrong, so I’ll be launching my Kickstarter to pay for it tomorrow.


Okay, the ork riding a missile is pretty fuckin’ metal.

The whole game is basically Mad Max Fury Road but the warboys are green. It looks fun.

Your final point reminds me of how we used to go out and get drunk and then when we came home we’d play Mario Party until we passed out. Damn those were fun nights.

Last edited 10 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

Do.. do I plus one this? This is equal parts awesome and sad.



Here, I’ll give it the other +1/2.

King Hippo

It’s not easy bein’ green neither ,, ppl forget that

King Hippo

ah gots childrens all over town!


“Tell me about it.” – any player that has ever put on a Jets uniform

King Hippo

especially now that they have to hear Q-aron drone on and on about Lizard People in the canteen


My first real pet (fish don’t count; ask Ron Swanson) was a rabbit named Gretchen. She was a descendent of the killer bunny from Monty Python. She loathed everything.