Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Coffee Coolers

Happy holy fuck it’s hot Friday. Is it me or does it seem like its been either a wet. smoky, or boiling hot summer so far? Not surprising given that the planet is on fire, so might as well finds a creative way to cool off.

I’ve been eying this one for a while, and this past scorcher of a week seemed like the best time to try this. It comes from the Gentleman’s Companion, and it’s called the Mi Amonte. Not gonna lie, I was a bit skepical about how this one would turn out considering all it is is gin and coffee ice cream:

Take of the best gin possible, 1 1/2 jiggers (2.25 oz.), of coffee ice cream, 1 cup. Put into a chilled shaker and shake well, or better still, in the blender. Some people add a few lumps of ice to help the chill – straining the latter out in serving. Pour into large saucer type champagne glasses. 

I chose the blender method and added in a couple ice cubes as well. By blender I mean stick blender in a cocktail shaker. I would suggest doing it that way unless you want to make a bunch of these, or you don’t have a stick blender. If it’s the latter, I highly suggest picking one up. It’s a very versatile kitchen tool and you will use it more than you think.

Anyway, on to the tasting!  This concoction smells like gin and not much else. Not surprising since I don’t think coffee ice cream has much of a smell to begin with so of course one of the more potent smelling spirits is gonna stand out over the ice cream.

Well, the author of the Gentleman’s Companion, Charles Baker has yet again nailed the description here. He says “results are entirely at odds with the first reaction to its written formula”. It is boozy, sweet and cooling all at once. You get all gin in this one, no wonder he specifies to use the best gin you have on hand. The coffee notes in the ice cream are completely overshadowed. The ice cream acts more as a cooler (and a half ass sweetener) as well as a thickener. The ice cream coats your palate so the strong juniper and spice flavors of the gin hang around, making this one a slow sipper for sure. Unless you really, really like neat gin. Then by all means knock this down as fast as you can.

For me, as cooling and refreshing as this is, it might be a little too strong for me. Words I never thought I would say. Shocking isn’t it? It is good, and when its stupid hot like it has been (THANKS CLIMATE CHANGE!) It was a welcome changeup in the repertoire of cocktails and drinks to cool off. Maybe next time I’ll back off the gin as a start and see where that gets me.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Horatio Cornblower

Oh good, Lowartio’s on the banner again.

/drinks turpentine

Game Time Decision

blax celebrates
/sock optional

King Hippo

Is the Mrs. upset that the family secret is out?

/and tell her Hippo says hi and good work on the ear douching (that’s GOOD WIFE HUSTLE)

Horatio Cornblower

I believe I mentioned this before, but I told her it’s now DFO canon that we have a sex dwarf and she just stared at me before saying “you’re all idiots”

I’ll tell her you said hi.



Horatio Cornblower

Just nothing quite like watching police body-cam footage of a person failing a field sobriety test while the fire department wheels a stretcher behind them.


Is it a Ted Kennedy documentary?


Bob Huggins’ Hall of Fame introduction speech.


I don’t care for coffee, but I don’t see why you couldn’t make this with virtually any ice cream and dispense with the notion you aren’t making a boozy milkshake


(of course, I’d probably rather have the ice cream version of a brandy Alexander)

King Hippo

/judges BFC in Fredbird

comment image?w=960&h=540&crop=1


If you’re doing that, I’d go for rum instead.

Last edited 9 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury
Don T

I got a buzz just reading the ingredients.
/Nico gum takes note of slight


My mother in law and her friend Ida, who lived next door, were big gin drinkers. If either of them made you a gin and tonic, you’d better hope there weren’t any malaria carrying mosquitos around, because the only protection you had was a ginormous glass of gin and a few ice cubes.


A gin and tonic is all well and good, but sprucing it up into a Dachshund is not much more effort for a TON of extra bang.


Ooo. That looks good. I’m wondering how this would taste with Aperol subbed in for the Elderflower liqueur. Might be too bitter, but maybe worth a shot this evening.

King Hippo

That would be especially fun when drinking it in the “hair of the dog that bit ya” context.


“It is a curious fact, and one to which no-one knows quite how much importance to attach, that something like 85 percent of all known worlds in the Galaxy, be they primitive or highly advanced, have invented a drink called jynnan tonyx, or gee-N’N-T’N-ix, or jinond-o-nicks, or any one of a thousand variations on this phonetic theme.
The drinks themselves are not the same, and vary between the Sivolvian ‘chinanto/mnigs’ which is ordinary water served just above room temperature, and the Gagrakackan ‘tzjin-anthony-ks’ which kills cows at a hundred paces; and in fact the only one common factor between all of them, beyond the fact that their names sound the same, is that they were all invented and named before the worlds concerned made contact with any other worlds.”
-Douglas Adams (RATEOTU)

King Hippo

That is stronger than I could ever handle! I always made my gin and tonics almost exactly “two parts tonic for every one part gin” – regardless of the full glass of ice cubes. And ALWAYS with a lime wedge. No limes, it’s not a gin and tonic and I refuse to even mix it.

Even at that ratio, scenes still often went missing. Gin makes you sin indeed.

Don T

Lotta lime* for my gintonics

* whatever the green one is

King Hippo

Those gin-soaked green candies at the end of one’s g&t? CHEF’S KISS


We were drunk all the damn time.

King Hippo

ie, livin’ right