Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Here I Am

…Rock you like a hurricane tropical storm! Tropical storm? Sure it isn’t a hurricane, but it still counts. Currently I’m posted up on FOB Cape Cod to do some storm prep. This isn’t the first time I’ve been posted up on the Cape for a major storm. That was for Hurricane Bob all the way back in 1991. Unlike Bob where I was without power and water for 5 days, I don’t foresee Lee being that big of a nuisance (Editor’s note: Knocking on wood) considering the storm is forecasted to be some 350ish miles offshore, but we’re still due to get some pretty good wind, also the fact that we’ve got a generator and I’m of legal drinking age this time around so I can at least day drink the storm away, which is nice.

Speaking of which, there was no way I could NOT do a hurricane right? I ended up combining  a couple different recipes here. Mainly based on what I had on hand, and what sounded good to me.

I ended up mixing the following:

2 oz. Light rum
2 oz. Dark rum
1 oz. Overproof rum
1 oz. Lime juice, freshly squeezed
1 oz. Orange juice, freshly squeezed
1/2 oz. Pineappe juice
1/2 oz. Simple syrup
1 teaspoon Maraschino cherry syrup
Garnish: orange half-wheel
Garnish: preserved cherry (Omitted because I was out of the cherries)

Add the light and dark rums, lime and orange juices, pineapple juice, simple syrup and maraschino syrup into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

Strain into a large Hurricane glass over fresh ice.

Garnish with an orange half-wheel and a preserved cherry.

Yes, I know it’s in a tiki mug. I don’t have a hurricane glass, and I figured with all the rums in there, a tiki mug wouldn’t be completely out of place.

Orange notes on the nose. Surprising that there isn’t much rum aromas since there’s 5 ounces in this thing. Though the rums at work here aren’t as overpowering smell wise as some other base spirits.

Wow this is fantastic. It’s ridiculously smooth. I’m rather pleased at how well the two white rums and the dark rum play with each other. Going back in for second and third sips, I start to get more and more of the pineapple, orange and lime juices, with touches of rum interspersed. This nice mixture stays pretty consistent the rest of the sip. No flavor really takes over, and keeps it very drinkable, despite the potency of this drink. Though the finish is a touch on the sour side. Not unbearable mind you, but that’s what I get the most. Probably due to the lack of grenadine and/or the passion fruit puree/juice. Though I think my orange juice/pineapple/ maraschino syrup swap out works really well here. A couple of these and you’ll feel like you got hit by a hurricane the next morning.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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Senor Weaselo

It’s after sundown, so L’Shana Tovah to all who celebrate from a guy who has to wear a yarmulke on the clock, except that one time they put a shtreimel on me.

Unfortunately it means no gigs this weekend, which sucks combined with my teaching studio being next to nonexistent at the morning means Senor’s monthly transactions are shaping up to be… less than ideal this month.


Go Fund Me!!!


I rarely complain (at least, I try not to), but this week, hell this month, has been nothing but getting stuck with the smoldering ruins from someone else’s cock-ups.

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Last edited 1 year ago by WCS
yeah right

God speed to you and the entire shark family.

King Hippo

So long as ya gots power, cable, internet, and booze/drugs


Ummmmm did anyone else watch the Carlton-Melbourne match?

King Hippo

Did Carlton win?


I’m not gonna spoil it for anyone planning to watch the replay but it was a squeaker!

Brick Meathook

I went to prison for armed robbery, but I stayed for the chili.

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Brick Meathook

A negative vote for chili?

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That was an inadvertent click but you know what, I stand by it.

Brick Meathook



Because WCS operates with about 45% less brain power than most functional orangutans, I forgot both my new cigarettes, AND my wallet.

How long before I lose it on someone? PLACE THOSE GAMBLORS


Stupid question…what’s a pack o smokes run these days?


Too damned much.

(nine or ten dollerie-doos in Pennsyltucky)




Jeez, that’s a lot. I quit in 1998, when they hit 2 bucks a pack.

King Hippo

Step 1 – find a hobo
Step 2 – demand a smoke
Step 3 – casually mention that you know scotchy

yeah right

One more time after photo editing.

Day 3 in Porto.

How is it possible that each day just gets better than the previous day?

King Hippo

Have the local ladyfolk given you neck spasms yet?

yeah right

My God man!

My God.

King Hippo

probably still bare shoulder season, too

yeah right

They have this smoldering Mediterranean look and it’s still very much like summer. Short skirts and bare shoulders indeed.


(this is the posting equivalent of a boner)


Completely unrelated.. Found out that a buddy from Sweden decided to drive from St. Pete’s to Vladivostok as an early (and divorce-induced) midlife crisis. On one hand, I sorta envy him for the adventure of a lifetime. On another, I strongly suspect the muppet didn’t actually bother to really consult a map, ’cause he thinks that even with sightseeing a week will be plenty XD As a good friend I’m supportive, though.. and took Ufa in the betting pool that sprung up on where Ulf will realize he fucked up and give up in favour of doing more touristy shit


That seems like a really really really long drive.

King Hippo

on some…not great roads for at least part, one surmises


Actually at least until lake Baykal (so like after the halfway mark), the roads are on par with the US highway( interstate?), with quite a bit of the European bit of Russia being closer to the autobahn system (only, with speed limits and more easily bribeable cops if you forget about those speed limits).


10000 kilometers and that’s if he doesn’t stray from the least-time route (and despite the jokes/stereotypes there’s plenty to see in there).

King Hippo

oh, I always wanted to take that long train trip (Trans-Siberian Express?). Would be a life-changing event, no doubt.


Nice. And I want to take my kiddos to see the Hermitage and St.Petersburg in general. In fact, we had it penciled in for our first post-coof grand trip (driving up from Stalingrad to St. Petersburg over a month or so), but “stuff happened” and that’s on the back burner for now


Yeah, my stepdad raved about seeing Moscow/St Pete, but I can’t imagine setting foot in Russia during my lifetime (approx 3-7 months)

King Hippo

my ex-wife went on a business trip to St. Pete like 15 years ago. She’s less crazy, but still a cat person, so she went on and on about how they treat local cats like princelings (because of how they had to…you know during the war). I found that very touching.

Even she was weirded out by how much weird food she was expected to eat during the vodka toast marathon welcome dinner, but she made it through!


According to Google it’s 123 hours of driving in total. So basically 5 full days – if you literally do not stop at all.

King Hippo

that would indicate “going on the beak” as part of said midlife crisis


That is…not a commonly used expression.


… ‘sup folks, how are you all on this fine-arse.. one could even say striking day 😀

King Hippo

woke from a 3-hr nap just now, so all is well Down South


I like when I hit 3 HRs during a nap.


… only for the nap to turn into a nightmare, when you realize that A)you’re playing for the Mets and B) Chernobyl’s the closer an’ there’s no lead he can’t blow 😀

King Hippo

Spam Ohtani-vision!


3 hour nap? That’s a proper short sleep, mate. Naps are like 90 minutes or less. And no, I’m not envious whatsoever that you (or almost anyone else for that matter) can actually rest that long at a time 🙂

King Hippo

Thanks to my late summer 2020 dance with #NuAIDS, I been apt to fall asleep almost any time. Still, of course, have trouble falling asleep at bedtime – whether I napped or not.


You blowing shit up today?


Yurp, anything short of a howitzer (and MANPADS), I’ve fired. It was glorious. Especially since even me being rusty didn’t get my accuracy down to “official effective range” values which.. honestly, I’m not sure how someone arrived at those, since even if we take the humble AKM.. for a gun with an effective range of 440meters (or so), our nearest targets during long-range quals were at 500 and if we failed to hit ’em, our instructors whacked us with sapper shovels (on the helmets.. usually) . And again, if someone actually dials in his AK and uses something even a cut above the dankest mil-surplus ammo left over from the Korean war accuracy can exceed an AR (and with way more oomph downrange)


I always love a drink with passion fruit and maybe once have even had passion fruit at home.


Add “with a” in front of the last fruit in the sentence, and same for Buddy


Our fruit receptacle right now:


In the garden right now (hopefully producing its own fruit by next year):

yeah right

My photos ain’t uploading for shit today.


Are they too big? I find that even with my shitty tablet camera the files are too big to upload here – I have to edit them manually to make them a little smaller.

yeah right

Thanks! I’ll give that a try.

yeah right

It worked! Obrigado!
Now I owe you a Super Bock beer.


Some kind soul here introduced me to the Photo Compress app. Hero!

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Kristi Noem bangs more Polacks than low ceilings in Linden, NJ


she’s used by more Polish guys than a submarine’s screen door


In Poland she’s known as “the solar flashlight” because she’s pretty easy to turn on but kinda useless otherwise.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

So after years of being unable to do so, Buddy actually learned how to touch type. This just means I can describe Rick Mirer jokes in double time.

This is the most advanced Speak n Spell since Dexter Manley.


Oof. Poor Namibia is getting beat 24-3 just twenty-five minutes into the game and one of their players got Theismann’d. Rough day.

Brick Meathook

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Which county jail are you in now, Brick?

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I don’t know but it better end with JK Simmons getting shanked in the production of Avenue Q

Brick Meathook

That is Phillipe The Original in downtown L.A.


Where’s the jus? Don’t they give you any extra?

yeah right

They can double dip the sandwich for you but I don’t remember the extra cup of jus.

Brick Meathook

That is a “beef double dip.” Philippe’s doesn’t give you a side bowl, because they are The Original.




Brought to you by the “Party of Family Values”


at least a kid didnt get fucked this time


Give them two weeks.


Outstanding work.

King Hippo

TRUE HIPPO STORY – my first legal drink was a hurricane. I was on a cruise ship the day I turned 18, and immediately hit the casino craps table. As soon as I hit a purple patch, they asked to see some ID. I showed them it was my birthday, and my table asked what I was drinking. I told them to surprise me, and a hurricane it was.

Quite a blissful nap afterwards, it must be said.


Hunker down Buddy and stay safe.

King Hippo

The dirty little secret is that…hurricanes are kind of fun. They deffo give one an adrenaline rush, just so long as no significant casualties. I lived through one crazy strong (but fast moving) storm – Hugo, which was like a hollow-point bullet aimed from Charleston through Charlotte from the Atlantic. The second was Fran, slow and rumbling drenching (Raleigh). My then-fiance got high and super paranoid, and her roomie and I spent hours calming her down until she finally zonked out.


“What are you spraying me with?” “RUM!! So no one will believe your story!!”

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Fine by me.


Game Time Decision

-JJ Watt


-Aaron Rodgers


How fucking awesome is it that videos embed now? Should cut down on Blair Witching pretty dramatically, assuming it continues.


A Bob Dylan song about wind? Let’s make this a DOUBLE SHOT!

Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly


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just looking at her shes not half bad

just all stupid

shame, its worth finding a girl that takes hot loads to the chest


Throat, actually.


Pearl necklace.


The violin and drums on that song are just perfection. One time he could have been the champion of the woooooooorld!


Stay safe, Sharky!


Okay so I’m in the middle of watching the movie Warm Bodies and there’s a cut to a scene of R (the male lead) and a bunch of other zombies doing the slow walk accompanied by “Rock You Like a Hurricane”. It’s particularly funny because they’re not on their way to an apocalyptic fight or anything; they’re about to start a zombie commune/goat farm.

Anyway, the opening riff from that song is goddamned fantastic. It’s like bacon, or cheese, or both – it makes everything better.

Last edited 1 year ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly