Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Something to Keep ’em All Warm

It’s no secret here that I am an avid Jimmy Buffett fan. Even more so now that I can listen to his album Volcano on my turntable I got up and running last year. On that album is one of my favorite songs: Boat Drinks. I love the theme of being somewhere cold (and shooting six holes into your freezer because of it), wanting to go somewhere warm, and the nod to watching hockey (obviously). Don’t ask me how or why, but I ended up going down a wikipedia rabbit hole about this song and found this neat little bit of trivia: It was February in Boston, and I was cold and wanted to go home. Rum and tonic was the antifreeze, and the newspaper was full of ads for warmer climates. I was in a place owned by Derek Sandersen, who was a very famous player for the Boston Bruins in the ’70s. I came out of the bar and couldn’t find a cab except for the one that was running in front of the nearby hotel. There was no driver in it, and I was too cold to care about the consequences. There is an old Navy expression which says, ‘Beg forgiveness, not permission.’ I hopped in and drove back to my hotel. I did leave the fare on the seat.

Grand theft auto aside, that is a cool anecdote about the song. Also by now you should know where this is going: rum and tonics. It had never occurred to me that rum and tonic was a thing. If it’s good enough for 1970s Jimmy Buffett, I think I should be exploring these drinks. Not knowing which rum would be best, I texted my bartender friend and he said pretty much anything goes. He suggested Plantation Dark because it works well in just about everything, and he also mentioned del Barrilito or any other Puerto Rican rum. Having neither of those, He followed up with Bacardi 10 or Goslings since I have the option of using both. I think I’ll go with the last of my Bacardi 10 here. My friend also suggested trying with orange peel/lime coin or wedge. To keep with the Caribbean theme, I think I’ll  go with lime, since rum and lime are perfect for each other:

2 oz. Dark rum

6 oz. Tonic water

Lime wedge

Fill a highball glass with ice. Add rum, and squeeze the lime over the rum and ice. Add tonic. Stir and enjoy

I get a decent amount of rum up front. The tonic mutes the signature rum aromas a bit, but bringing it up to take a sip, you can’t help but pick up the caramel/molasses like smell a dark rum has.

Oh that is excellent. I get a decent amount of rum flavor up front. But the tonic does a good job of reducing the intensity. So you get a great balance of rum flavor without the intensity. The tonic adds a nice subtle depth of flavor as well as the carbonation with plays nicely here. The lime comes through at the end with a little citrus-y brightness which is a nice touch and finish.

And…..that’s about it. It’s a beautifully simple drink that certainly acts as an anti-freeze as Mr. Buffett so aptly put it when describing the inspiration for Boat Drinks. It’s a nice changeup from my usual gin and tonic (of which, might be my favorite summer drink). I’ll be making this more before I take a  revolver to a major household appliance.

(Banner image courtesy Matthew Tetrault Photography)

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Sharkbait has not actually been bitten by a shark, but has told people in bars that he was for free drinks. Married to a Giants fan, he enjoys whisk(e)y, cooking, the Rangers, and the Patriots.
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yeah right

I absolutely love this cocktail. Back when I first started getting into cocktails I drank rum and coke but they get too sweet and cloying. The bartender suggested this drink and it’s fantastic. Almost like an adult lemonade.


Verdict already in, will be read in a few minutes.

This gonna be SPENSIVE.


At the risk of beating a dead horse, Alina Habba is really bad at this law-talkin thing.

Just getting obliterated this morning. Hate to see it.


I found this exchange particularly amusing:

Judge Kaplan: She showed you only five tweets-

Habba: Objection!

Judge Kaplan: Only one lawyer. Who is it?

Habba: Michael.

Michael Madaio: Objection.

Judge Kaplan: Overruled.


Don’t get why Trump doesn’t just rape her.


The same reason there were never any scandalous whispers about him raping White House staff – because his dick hasn’t gotten hard in the last decade.

Horatio Cornblower

They already know they’re getting hit with a huge verdict, which they have no intention of paying. They’re playing to their base.

Their stupid, idiotic, mouth-breathing, oxygen-wasting base.


On 1/16, I went on the USPS website and ordered stamps to be delivered to my home address, which receives at least a junk mail packet every day. USPS charged me $15 in fees for shipping and handling. On the 20th, the package was initiated Kansas City, MO. On the 24th, the update changed to In Transit and Will Be Late. There are no further updates.

Thanks Biden.


because the illegals and durhg deelrs from mexixoc are comin over the brdoder to get works art the woke post office thsank to binden and harris smh lol MAGA


Shit, you should have just asked me; I’d have mailed you some of the dozens of forever stamps we have here and never use.

Don T

My local post office only carried Love stamps. Most apt for sending alimony

Horatio Cornblower

I usually just walk over to my local post office, hand over some cash, then take the stamps they offer in exchange.

As a system for obtaining stamps I’ve found it quick and virtually foolproof.

Don T

It’s funny how Trump actively dismantled the USPS in ’20, during Covid lockdown.
And still lost an election when folks were afraid to go out.
Trump is fucked in ’24.


I think the saying is: sometimes it’s easier to beg for forgiveness, than ask for permission.
Regardless (or irregardless) cool Jimmy story.
And same feeling here, life is a beach.


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Game Time Decision

This look good, and almost simple enough for me to make it.
And had never thought about rum and tonic, but can see why it works


Anything with rum is made instantly better.

Including balls
