Homestead Update

RTD made a joke of me because, like the United States, I’m a crumbling superpower who can’t get the infrastructure up to speed. For those who’ve not been keeping up with MEEEEEEEE, our April 30 post ended with a simple, “So the dirt;s all prepped. We’ll wait a couple weeks for the trees to arrive and then wrap up this slow little fiasco.”

Early Phase Fiasco

Well, the valve wasn’t in the yard yet — that’s new. So you’ll recall I dug that hole. Well, this is where we tapped in to the community irrigation pipe to feed our delivery service.

Then the trees were installed:

I had sprinkler and drip installed just because I’m getting the yuppie package. I’m glad I got it now because that drip is doing a lot of heavy lifting as I’ve got as much a chance of completing this task looking competent as Joe Biden does issuing an Afghanistan withdrawal.

The list (ccw from right): lime (existing), lemon, apple (x2), apricot, tangerine (x2), pecan, and pomegranate (off picture to right). Think a tangerine is gonna die. And two or three ficus trees. We’ll see though. Still no grass, obviously.

So what is good?

Oh there’s the pomegranate (left) and pecan (no your other left)

I did get my wall realigned and gate added. That’s a good thing because that little window is on the side of the master bed and I want to bring that wall out and extend the master bed/bath into the outdoor space + patio. The old wall alignment came off the house (where the gate is) but that corner spot used to be wasted front yard space. Now it’s ‘open’ backyard space — and is also the route for the water to flow through to the backyard.

Sorry — is this not interesting? Imagine all the places Dak Prescott could injure his ankle in the offseason on this uneven terrain I am leaving out for my family!

Also got the mailbox done. We were the only house on the cul de sac without a big reinforced masonry bomb shelter for our Bed Bath and Beyond coupons. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! NEITHER COULD MY WIFE!

I really like my masonry dude though.

So, elephant in the room, why all the dirt? Pretty simple — when the zanjero ran the ‘test’ irrigation at my lot (to confirm the grading is sound and they’re providing the correct amount of water), there is a joint in the pipe under my neighbor’s driveway that is “showing leaking”, per the stop irrigation notice, when under pressure. So they shut it down and we’re waiting on this repair to happen.

This is out of my control and you ain’t gonna hear a peep out of me about it for another 60 days. All the earlier pushing was to get everything done in May. Now that it’s summer, I’m fine just letting this follow its course. Yard is dirt but, so what, this summer is brutal enough that I’m beginning to make headway on my, “Let’s just be snowbirds here!” proposition while we enjoy the 90 degree pool. And am I worried it may hang out? Not at all — because the little old lady at the end of the street who has always gotten irrigation is now not getting any irrigation until the fix is made. Super nice lady and all — definitely is ‘in’ around here (and not as a bitch either; she’s awesome and I’m glad to share her interests here). I’m 100% sure a call from her will do more than any Petition.Org campaign I could put together to draw attention to the matter.

Really, my work is about done for now.

Here’s a better example of the front yard space I moved to the backyard with the chain-link fence sitting on the old wall alignment.

Anything else?

My wife, as many of you can appreciate, is so unhappy with the situation that she’s going to…vote for anyone but Biden — which seems to be a lot of peoples’ solution to a lot of things unrelated to my yard these days. Still, even as I am pivoting to the planning the outdoor kitchen stuff, I’m keeping that prep work all to myself for now. I really don’t like opening new work until old stuff is closed and July is a good time for planning indoors, more than executing outdoors.

And, like Joe Biden, no one has the balls to challenge me so I’m going to keep NAPPING GOING HARD!

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I sat on a jury years ago, 2nd degree attempted murder case. One day the defendant wore sneakers with his suit to court. It was that day I knew he was guilty.
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Don T

The Dak crack 🤣🤣🤣 Question: Is this the cactus imbroglio propertty? Pecan and citrus trees hell yeah.


I guess this is the night thread? Someone tell me different.


I can’t. Sorry.

Mr. Ayo

It is not. The next one is up.


Aside from the numerous death spirals each and every game, I don’t mind the Spaniards that much.


A nice appetizer for the IMPORTANT game this evening.

Horatio Cornblower

The main course?



Oh, them Canadians will be poutine a beating on Messi & The Guys.


Well that’s just delightful for Spain. Well done, hombres.

Horatio Cornblower

I have to question France’s offensive strategy of breaking through the Spanish defense then making a mistake at the last minute to…Wait a minute!

They’re running this offense!


“Sounds like steam escaping” kills me every time.

Horatio Cornblower

It’s such a great delivery.



Horatio Cornblower

Me, standing anywhere near that French fan with the drum:

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That’s a great line.

Horatio Cornblower

Didn’t end well for him, though.


Yeah, well, he stole John Wicks car and, uh, killed his dog.

Doktor Zymm

Good thing you’re a CORNblower

Horatio Cornblower

What Mbappe just did in terms of ball control is insane.

Horatio Cornblower

A “triple French substitution” sounds like Andy Reid getting three orders of fries instead of one side of fries and two vegetable options.

Horatio Cornblower

“They can’t find any gaps in the Spanish defense” the announcer says, as France runs right through a huge gap in the defense to produce a corner.


If that was true the Reconquista would never have been needed.

Horatio Cornblower

That commercial with the Argentine fans crammed in a small car reminds me of that old joke:

Why were there only 2,800 Mexicans at the Alamo?

They only had three cars.


I want to hunt down and neuter/spay whoever wrote that damn commercial about talking to the ref. I hate that commercial.

Horatio Cornblower

It was funny the first time.

The next 4,833 times have sort of killed that joy.


The concept might have been funny once, but the execution was *never* funny.

And speaking of “execution” I feel like ArmedandHammered has gone soft as far as appropriate punishments go.


I didn’t say that there would be any anesthesia nor that they would be sutured up after the removal. I might pack the wounds with salt, lemon juice, and capsaicin you know to prevent infection.


oh, and my scalpel will be a sharp piece of paper, surgery by papercut.

Senor Weaselo

Ooh, I can help you out there!


Holy shite – final score 6-5 is my prediction. But my status is at Gorgon victim.


My goodness what a goal by Spain!


“See what you want to do is head the ball *inside* the net…” France’s striker to Spain’s.


Is the irrigation water line metered? If you being shut off effects a naigbor down the line I would think not. So free water?




My in-laws ‘took a sliver’, but instead of taking a bite with a fence, they built their house on it. Ah…oops.

The whole issue with that house is a fucking mess. There’s a small house by the road, that was turned into a garage (WV, don’t forget), and it has asbestos shingles. Then you have that house over the property line thing. Fuckin’ white elephant. When MIL passes away (her 90th birthday was a few weeks ago), that’s going to be a headache. My sister-in-law works for a lawyer, and has been his secretary/clerk for getting close to 40 years now. We ask her, “WTF do we do about this?” and we get ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

And yes, I want some cheese with my whine.

Doktor Zymm

Unless you really need the money from selling it, maybe just give the whole place to whoever owns the property it’s infringing?


Depending on the local laws and the amount of time that has passed you may be able to claim adverse possession I think it is called.

Horatio Cornblower

Adverse possession isn’t real, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

It’s been a while since I looked into it, (while I was adversely possessing a large chunk of my neighbor’s property, and still am!!), and you basically have to be using it openly and notoriously for 20+ years and if the legit owner does anything to assert their ownership, (like keeping up with the taxes, or saying something like “hey, why are you putting your house on my land” the clock starts all over.

I’m sure it varies from state-to-state, but in CT it’s basically a myth.


One of the neighbors put a fence up due to the thought that the kids passing through his property would make the path become a right of way that could not be touched. The only person touched in the whole thing was the neighbor, and I certainly do not mean physically.


Apparently, washing our hands of the whole thing isn’t an option. We don’t want it, SIL doesn’t want it, and we’re not sure we could sell it without remediating the asbestos issue.

Thinking out loud here, we should just probably bite the bullet and get things going. Get estimates of what it would take to handle the asbestos, fix the boundary issue, and sell it for whatever we can get. If all we end up with is enough to visit the Korean chicken place for supper, that’s a win.

Horatio Cornblower

Have you considered making sure the insurance papers are up to date, then turning to the cleansing power of fire?

Doktor Zymm

But asbestos is a fire retardant!


I don’t think you’re allowed to call it that anymore.


I loved asbestos brakes, they lasted longer, did not squeal, and had excellent stopping power.

Horatio Cornblower

lasted longer than the poor bastards who had to make them, that’s for sure.


I hope Satan holds up a hunk of ice in front of this guy’s melted face and says “see, it can’t be hot enough down here to flay your skin off in scorched strips, just look at this snowball!”


Their state mascot is literally “a person who cheated the system in order to illegally obtain land”.

Horatio Cornblower

This is awesome news. Fuck that guy.

Doktor Zymm

Instead of grass, have you looked into wildflowers or something else to attract pollinators? It’ll help your trees fruit and is also lower maintenance than grass. Grass is basically useless around houses.

I also feel like making a horrible joke about installing trees, so maybe this would all be going better if you had installed the upgraded Trees 2.0?


If the Brady Bunch could put down astroturf, you can put down astroturf!

Doktor Zymm

I didn’t mean fake grass, but rather some other cover vegetation that isn’t a useless resource drain. There might be some native plants that work well and sometimes you can get a subsidy for planting them too

Horatio Cornblower

“some native plants”

Just tell him you’re looking for property for a marijuana farm. No one cares anymore.

Doktor Zymm

Pfft, I can just go to my nearest state park like anyone else


Behind the stands of bamboo, just off the highway has always worked well, people see bamboo and even if anything else is mixed in they still just see a stand of bamboo.

Doktor Zymm

They are bamboozled!


I solved the puzzle in this post and am feeling very clever about it.

Game Time Decision



Maybe it’s not a puzzle so much as…an opportunity for an unexpected sexy encounter (among other things).

Game Time Decision

I’m sooo lost right now. I’ve read the post twice and still have no clue.
/feel like I’m missing some inside joke but that I’m supposed to know


He’s channeling the ghost of TWBS for some reason….


Forget it, GTD, it’s DFO.


Hint: reading won’t help.


“I knew it!”

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Doktor Zymm

This reminds me, perhaps in an upcoming post you could recap what the whole deal is with the puzzles in the Request Line? I have no idea and I know I’m not the only one. I even tried going back to early posts to try and find an explanation but then I got bored and wandered off to get a glass of wine

Horatio Cornblower

I never have any idea that there is a puzzle, let alone what the answer might be.


I absolutely will do that, if I remember.