Your NY Giants Preview Featuring A Very Special Guest

I haven’t been looking forward to doing this because…Giants, but much like my guy I found an angle.

This interview is entirely unedited, fyi

Me: “Folks, I’ve got a lot of questions about the Giants upcoming year and I needed some extra insight so I reached out and was genuinely surprised that Sean Stellato was able to join us.”

Sean: “Hey, I’m always available for the right price. You got that coupon from WAwa we talked about?”

Me: “After the interview, like we agreed.”

Sean: “Ah, you’re a smart one, can’t put nothing over on you.”

Me: “Let’s get started, I guess we’ve got to talk about Tommy DeVito first.”

Sean: “Goddamn right! All the bozos out there were saying that my boy was headed to the practice squad but he made the 53, BABEEE!”

Me: “Is he going to contribute this year?”

Sean: “Are you kidding me? My boy is made of iron! A certain qb who shall not be named is not going to make it through the season.”

Me: “Well, I have to name him-what’s your honest opinion of Daniel Jones?”

Sean: “I hope he enjoys his last year ever as a starter in this league. He’s a scaredy cat but I feel a little sorry for him because he hasn’t played behind a good offensive line since maybe middle school. Poor kid.”

Me: “Ok, let’s talk about that offensive line that your guy might end up playing behind.”

Sean: “Yer putting me on the spot here, but I get it. These big mooks, they ain’t been good for going on four years now. Evan Neal is a basket case but you kinda can’t blame the GM-his name is Show-Hen? Anyway, everyone thought the dude was can’t miss but ya gotta show it on the field, bro.”

Me: “Sean, can you tell anything about the rookies coming in?”

Sean: “Whoa! Who else am I gonna talk about other than Nabers? Tommy tells me that he catches everything in sight. One thing I worry about is that Dimes has never had a #1 wide receiver ever and you could say that that loser has never really had a legit #2 either.”

Me: “Running back spot?”

Sean: “Dumbass goofballs are whining about Saquon leaving but the rushing offense was one of the worst in the NFL with State Farm Boy there. This Singletary kid will be just fine-he’s a move-the-chains dude and that’s what the offense needs if they’re going to go downfield. Daboll is the fattest big boy I know personally aside from your mom but he’s an above-average coach.”

Me: “Ok, what the hell was that? Anyway, the defense-any thoughts?”

Sean: “I don’t pay much attention to that side of the field but Lawrence at DL seems good as does Okereke at LB. As for the secondary, I can’t name anyone there just like everyone else in Secaucus.”

Me: “Thanks so much for your time, I really appreciate it. Anyone you want to thank or maybe mention any projects you’re working on?”

Sean: “Thanks for giving me this time and that coupon. I’d like to give a shoutout to Big Lou at the Sub-Basement School of Economics in Trenton. It was the worst two weeks of my life but it has paid untold diverdrends to me funianantially.”






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Found a funny:

*to the tune of Spider-Man theme song

Cybertruck, Cybertruck
Guy that drives is a stupid fuck
Thinks he’s cool but of course
He just went through a divorce

Watch out!
Here comes the Cybertruck

Horatio Cornblower

Pinned in the house and can’t walk the dog because some kid on a stand-up scooter just met a car at our main intersection and now all the traffic’s being detoured down our road while the kid takes a helicopter ride to one of the state trauma centers and the police get busy with chalk outlines and measuring tape.

No idea how this accident happened so I’m reserving judgment, but having just yesterday watched a line of 4-5 kids zoom down the side of a road as cars going by at 45-50 simply didn’t exist I have some pretty good guesses.


Natural Selection is a cruel teacher.

Horatio Cornblower

You can yell about right-of-way all you want (I’m not even sure where these powered stand-up scooters would fall in the vehicle regulations, so right-of-way may not even be an issue) (yes I could look that up, but since no one’s paying me to I’m not gonna), but physics is undefeated.


Lime scooters and the like follow the same rules as bicycles. Fuck ’em.

Doktor Zymm

I’m always amazed at how reckless people who aren’t shielded by a ton of metal can be when interacting with cars. When I’m driving I just always assume that any bike, scooter, pedestrian, etc is going to do the stupidest thing I can imagine and I’ve still been surprised sometimes so I’m gonna give a high probability to your guesses

Doktor Zymm

Also gonna add in a side bet that kid wasn’t wearing a helmet or other protective gear

Horatio Cornblower

I didn’t see anything and haven’t heard.

Having said that, I will mortgage my house to bet that you are correct. We can probably say the same about reflective gear.

Did I mention that it rained like hell earlier today and that the roads are still wet? Seems like that might argue against taking the ol’ scooter out for a ride down a highly traveled road with a 40-50 mph speed limit depending on where you are.


comment image


Given the way my wife rides her bike I am filled with dread that this is going to happen to her someday. And all my attempts to get her to be more careful are met with indignant fury, because apparently begging her to wear a helmet (and buckle it, for Christ’s sakes!) qualifies as “condescending”.


I just had my draft for my 20 year old money league and we just did the best way possible to choose draft order:

1) Crack open a beer
2) Start timer
3) Chug beer
4) Rumble (run/stumble) over to beer pong table and shoot three ping pong balls at each side.
5) If you make one in each side, subtract 30 seconds. Otherwise, add 30 seconds.
6) Rumble over to Cornhole setup.
7) Take four shots from each side. Once you make one, you can move to next area and subtract 30 seconds. Otherwise, add 30 seconds.
8) Rumble to edge of pool.
9) Shoot three mini basketballs at hoop in pool.
10) One make stops clock and deducts 30 seconds. Otherwise, add 30 seconds.

Lowest time gets choice of pick and so on.

I got the fifth overall pick going against veteran drinkers and one 16 year old son of one of the guys that drank water. He finished first with negative time.

Last edited 5 months ago by ballsofsteelandfury

Seems to me the 16 year old should have had a greater penalty for youth and non chugging of beer.

Youths today got it too easy.


The jokes going around were: At least give him a White Claw!

Horatio Cornblower

I threw up reading that.


“Me too!” – Karen Carpenter


“I found it insightful and pertinent.”

-Lea Michele


That’s Rocking!

Mr. Ayo

Hey! I’m negotiating over here!


My secret confession is that this song gets me incredibly hyped. I play it every time Ukraine scores some kind of win in the war.


As far as REO goes, this one isn’t hideous. I like Time For Me To Fly, but the rest of their stuff is hot garbage, IMHO.


I don’t *hate* their music, but there’s certainly no other song of theirs that pushes my buttons the way this one does.

Its usage in Cabin in the Woods probably doesn’t hurt.

Last edited 5 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
Doktor Zymm

The new league I’m in has a superflex and drafted this morning. Daniel Jones went at the end of the 15th round


Seems like a pretty measured preview of NYG this year.

The NFL should be a 14 team regional league.

Game Time Decision

Maybe with relegation


Surprisingly cromulent advice from Agent Boy!


I think of the K&P sketch whenever I see Daniel Jones’s name.


I wish more people did something with Tommy DeVito being Pesci’s character in Goodfellas.

King Hippo

Great read. That guy 100% makes a “your mom” joke to someone he’s just met.


I asked my Giants fan friend if I should use a late round pick on any of them for fantasy and this was his response (verbatim):

comment image


Thanks to this asshole for continuing to promote the shitty stereotype of Italian Americans everywhere. Fuck him.

Horatio Cornblower

Ay, I’m stereotypin’ ovah heah!!