Little Drummer Boy Challenge 2024

Hey all, as some of you know, we do the “Little Drummer Boy” challenge each year.  It’s really simple, if you hear the “Little Drummer Boy” song between Black Friday (Nov 29 at 12:01 AM in whatever time zone your in) and Christmas Eve ( Dec 24 at 12:01 AM) your OUT.  Also, for those playing “The Game”, you’re out too. haha. One does not need to hear the full song to be out, as long as one recognizes it as the song, your done.  This includes samples and remixes and whatever else you want to call it, if it’s the LDB, you’re out. Nor does it matter where you hear the song, at home, in a store (ha like any of us go out), driving or whatever, it all counts.  Now, if someone tries to trick you or RickRoll you into hearing it, you are safe and they are out.  The full challenge rules can be found here.

I hope to make it this year, but my family thinks the challenge is dumb, and won’t help me out to nawt hear the song, so it’s not looking good for me again. Hopefully you can do better than me.

I’ll post this on the sidebar and we can update the post as we fail in the challenge.

Good luck everyone.

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Game Time Decision
Recovering lurker; jack of all trades, master of none; Canukian; not as funny as he thinks he is. Funny, but not funny ha-ha
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I’m out damn it. In the most unceremoniously of ways, with my dick in my hand taking a leak in the commissary men’s room to the piped in holiday tunes.


A late Bing-Bowie did me in last year. This year I will avoid holiday sites and concentrate on warm beaches instead.


Little Drummer Boy kicks off my PR Deadlift playlist. You all crazy for not having that Christmas spirit year round.


Horatio Cornblower

The best thing about finishing your deadlifts for the session is knowing you don’t have to do deadlifts again for a few more days.

A necessary but hateful exercise.


Coach Reid has said it a few times, though.

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Last edited 3 months ago by Rikki-Tikki-Deadly

It’s not necessary at all. I quit doing deadlifts years ago and my back feels the best it has since my twenties.


I’ve found that lighter weights (because the home gym lacks a spotter) and more reps just makes me feel better with decent results. Us old guys gotta watch the back for sure.

Horatio Cornblower

Way lighter weights, higher reps, and focusing on form so as to effect the upper legs way more than the back.

Also putting everything down at the first feeling of a twinge.

/is old


Just put in a .25 cent parlay on the first Saudi Arabian soccer action I’ve ever seen. See if I can turn a quarter into five bucks I can lose on the Chiefs game at 3:00. (LOVE the Raiders getting all those points, by the way, and I suck) First thing I’m noticing here straightaway is the stadium is damn near EMPTY. If you want to watch Cristiano Ronaldo and Sadio Mane from the front row of an empty stadium, catch a discounted fare to Dubai and you’d be all set. Think of the pictures!


My friend who worked on constructing the Sphere in Vegas got tapped to work for MSG (owner). They’re gonna be doing the next one in Dubai.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

Are they playing at the Mohammed Atta Memorial Stadium


I thought that was the airport’s name.