Wumbo Wednesday With Weaselo: “I’m a Professional”

Please note that when those words are uttered it usually means the person who said it had fucked up and made some sort of rookie mistake, and are either A) using that statement as a crutch to be beyond reproach or B) mocking themselves for doing something dumb. Normally it depends on how well you know the person. Most of the time with my friends it’s B. Or with me. Like forgetting to use the school printer to print out music for a party the next day when the contractor (who is also your partner and you can see the stress that’s been on their face and body and everything else for the last two weeks as they’re just barely on the verge of saying “fuck it”) is counting on you.

Which is to say, I’m a professional! And that’s why I’m doing a quick “I guess this is sort of a Senor in the City category” Wumbo post on the bus, between going from my class’s group concert (I am very proud of them) to *checks notes* sing in a choir because my best friend asked me nicely and also she’ll throw a couple bucks my way, plus I’m playing Midnight Mass there.

But hey, I had a great country solo in “Let It Snow,” so it worked out!

(It was not country.)

In non-linked news, condolences on anyone who took the over on David Montgomery’s rushing yards for the year. 775 for a 775.5 O/U heading to this week is great… if not for the MCL tear that claimed his season.

QAaron continues with the hottest takes from 2021 about asking about people’s vax status.

Starting QB changes, as Penix is in for Cousins, and the Famous Jameis era seems to have ended in the Factory. Meanwhile the mayo’s gone bad for Don T’s Tits, as Mason Rudolph is in.

What’s on tonight? Hockey, and the Whatever the Fuck Bowl.

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Senor Weaselo
Senor Weaselo plays the violin. He tucks it right under his chin. When he isn't doing that, he enjoys watching his teams (Yankees, Jets, Knicks, and Rangers), trying to ingest enough capsaicin to make himself breathe fire (it hasn't happened yet), and scheming to acquire the Bryant Park zamboni.
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Ugh, I didn’t pull the trigger on my liquor store order and now they’re sold out of luxardo cherries when they were a great price.

No, shut up, you have first world problems.

Horatio Cornblower

I finished watching the Fightin’ Horatios when their Big East opener, (badly, against a very injured Xavier team: ain’t gonna be no 3-peat, folks), and now I have something called ‘The LA Bowl’ on my TV.

Someone get over here and unplug my television


Man I like didn’t eat enough today then was like, “I need to get my into the gym this afternoon.”

I’m still fucking feeling sick. I don’t even know what would alleviate this sickening feeling.


^ Master of the Pen, This Asshole

King Hippo

Usually when I feel that way, I just eat until I Carpenter.

Horatio Cornblower



I did some.


This must be how Kirk Cousins feels on game day, based on his play.

King Hippo

lookit them thar Fightin’ Fronks, standing on their hind legs!!


Energy Vampire Update:

Over the course of an hour and fifteen minute (should have been 20 minutes tops) meeting at a bank EV says to a complete stranger that is trying to straighten out some paperwork that, “I’m trying to be patient but I want to bite your face off”.

/that is verbatim stuff, guys

Horatio Cornblower

Seems like more of an actual vampire…


No TV tonight, just classic rock and MaryJane (Spidey’s gf or marijuana – either one would be fantastic) to smoke.


The comics one, not the movie ones.


Are you smoking part of Spiderman’s girlfriend?

Seems like more of a scotchy sort of thing.


I was really hoping to see Penix in action live.

Instead I saw Cousins being done.


How dare you besmirch the Boca Raton bowl?


I turned it on. These two teams and the venue obviously suck.


He surely wasn’t referring to the ART OF SPORT L.A. BOWL HOSTED BY GRONK.

Played at 6 PM PST at RAMMMMMMIT Field.

Featuring Cal-Berkeley, from the Atlantic Coast Conference.

And UNLV, playing in LA for a bowl game whilst USC plays in Las Vegas.

Everything is stupid!


I bet 20 on the Rebs. It means something to me!


Good bet! The Cal QB ain’t playing, and UNLV is good (indoors).

King Hippo

Be proud you a Rebel cause teh SOUTH’s gonna due it agin…

King Hippo

I read it as being sponsoUred by 80s weirdo band Art of Noise