Since we here at Door Flies Open tend to be a social, genial and interactive bunch of individuals we have this tendency to have and attend random get-togethers. Events where we collectively gather, have many, many adult beverages, and share tales of our travels and past experiences.
Many of you have attended said get-togethers and can attest to the general frivolity and festivities that these gatherings tend to create.
Well guess what, motherfuckers?
We’re doing another one!
In April!
In Toronto!
Ever been to Toronto? I haven’t and I’mma fix that shit proper!
Details are: Dates – April 15th through April 19th. That’s a Tuesday through a Friday with a flight back on Saturday.
Where? Downtown Toronto Canada right downtown near the Rogers Center.
Fuck we gonna do? Drink, eat, also there will be a baseball game (Jays vs Braves 4-16-2025 12:00 pm daygame start) involved since I’ve got to check off the Bluejays as a visited home game on my dance card. We are also batting around a day trip to Niagara Falls. That would be on Friday the 18th. Let me know if that or the game sounds interesting.
I do know that there will be several evenings that are wide open for whatever the fuck ever and if some of our Canadian brethren have suggestions I’m down as fuck for that too.
Any of this tickle your fancy?
My fancy is tickled!
What say you?
Let us know in the comments.
WE ARE (not gonna talk about that thing that happened with that guy a few years back, you know the one, it should have gotten us the death penalty, both metaphorically and, in some cases, literally) PENN STATE!!!
If you do Niagara Falls what time of the day do you think it might be? I might be able to join you for the Friday. Just debating on whether I leave Thursday after work or waking up at like 4 AM to head down and beat the worst of the morning Toronto traffic.
It will probably be midday. It would be a day trip from Toronto. I’ll get a little more research on and let you know. It would be that Friday for sure.
Trying to convince the MrsSloth to attend, but since she is a long time StL Cards fan, AL teams do not exist for her and she doesn’t want to watch a Braves practice in Toronto.
I said if she went, we’d
roleplaycosplay some Superman/Lois Niagara Falls scenes. Fingers crossed.Started watching ‘A Gentleman in Moscow’ and enjoying it so far. Kinda makes me want to listen to Rachmaninoff while staring pensively at a chess board though
Yeah, we started it and it was fun, and then we didn’t watch it and it’s lost to the ages.
That happens a lot, probably going senile (moreso).
Hm, I might be able to drop by for a day, think I’ll be in Chicago then
I don’t know how many of you all would be allowed back into the U.S.
DFO shocktroopers and by the time they are done Canada will become a part of our glorious America
I bet JJ Reddick cares about how California treats its homeless population now.
Probably and hopefully will still be caretaking but have fun! Do everything I wouldn’t do!
Who dat
Bayley and Asuka, two female wrestlers for WWE.
What the hell. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take, right?
Fuck it, I’m goin deep
HI I’M MARK DAVIS has fired Tom Telesco. Tonight Girlfriend and Spaghetti Camp could be next?
Tom Telesco can now go back to being the 80s guitar hero his name says he should be
I don’t know about Toronto, hopefully I’ll be out from under this damn house, but who can say? I’m making brownies (not that kind!) Henry loves a warm spot!
I will look into this, as it’s not a bad flight, but I suspect it’s going to conflict with my bitch of a trial schedule, and if it somehow doesn’t it will almost certainly conflict with what appears to be Mrs. Horatio’s newly hatching plans to go to Puerto Rico.
She’s not fooling me; she met Don T in New Haven and is just looking for a chance to burn [another] [several] with the suave son-of-a-gun.
He IS suave isn’t he?
I don’t blame her, I enjoyed burning one with him as well.
That makes all of us.

I wonder if [REDACTED] will [REDACTED] another [REDACTED] at this meetup
If the opportunity presents itself [REDACTED] might have to, because the magic has sure as fuck worn off the first [REDACTED]
trying to think of places with a [redacted] down there, but nothing is coming to mind. But it’s been a bit since I’ve been down there, so maybe?
not that I ever go there, but you can see my office building in the banner pic. look at the left most edge of the runway, and then down from there is a low building, behind a few taller buildings. The office is in that low(artio) building.
And I’m in for the game on Wednesday.
for weather, it might snow, but not stay long, or it might be a nice spring day or anything in between or all of the above ( most likely). Note that it will be cooler by the Skydome ( it will ALWAYS be the Skydome to me) due to how close it is to the lake.
Thanks. Wasn’t sure what to bring. Taj and I have a rental that’s walking distance to the stadium. Should be epic.
Bring a parka and a sleeveless t-shirt.
also hat and mitts, a rain jacket, flipflops and sunglasses.
No mention of pants, as it should be.
Oh, the dress code is Canadian Formal? Got it.
Thought that was all denim
It was my understanding that all denim* is a “Canadian Tuxedo”
*also a terrible potato chip flavor
How does this DFO-Con affect the Leafs’ chances at winning the Stanley Cup?
TSN can blame the first round exit on DFO.
27 hour panel about this early, but not unexpected, playoff exit, starting now on all TSN channels.