Hello there fellow DFO’er. Hope you’re well today. And thanks for coming back to see last weeks tl;dr of last week as decided by my brain. There’s no reason as to why some comments make it and others don’t. Seriously. There isn’t.
This weeks cheesy motivational quote is:
The darkness always lies [in bed].
Anthony Liccione
Darnit Eli, just open the curtains.
-An exasperated Olivia trying to get Eli to go to sleep.
Without further ado, here are the comments of the week.
Weird Science
I had that already.
The feel good hit of the summer:
March 3, 2025 9:38 pm
Plane ticket purchased. First time headed back to Yonkers in a couple weeks to visit the Duchess since driving her back there last August. First time together since December. Nine days. Try and help her unpack her new house. Golf courses are opening that week, the ‘Bombers are hosting the Brewers that week and gonna try and make it into the city. Missed my punk rock girl!
Col. Duke LaCross
This is exactly what I needed right now- what we all need. Thank you , Armedand Hammered! Your buns are beeyoutiful! I didn’t know they need to have their haircut, I bet that’s fun. And squirmy.
It’s hard when our furbabies get old. My Henry is 17- I keep telling him he needs to stay a kitten forever, but I’m starting to see the inevitable slowdown. Not decline, not yet, but he’s not the cat he used to be. I think part of it is he’s missing Gumby, but he sleeps more now, and he’s clingy much more than he used to be. My brain shies away from the thought of him going. I just try to enjoy every minute I have with him.
Mrs Sharkbait looking at her inbox
Her: Did you order something recently? I’m expecting fabric swatches but the only package we have coming is from California
Me: Oh that’s probably a butt keychain.
Her: What. The. Fuck
Two of my project award submissions are being recognized at our industry convention this spring (one with first place, one with second in its category). Naturally, the third was the one my team most wanted to win (I knew it wouldn’t, by the historic nature of that category — one of those reminders that we’re still just a little regional family-owned guy in a sea of The United States Steel Industry).
I’m most pleased that the winning submission was, I thought, the worst one. But, to my team, it is their #2 project so I’m glad they’ll get that to hang in their office. And I hid a couple Easter eggs in the photos and text of the writeup for my brother. He’ll catch the ones in the images pretty fast. He may never ever read halfway through the 1,200 word write-up to get to the one I dropped in the project details text.
The submission that is getting a second place (that I was so sure won it’s category) doesn’t really matter to anyone on our team (it’s just pretty much mine, as no one else still around worked on it) and I just wanted it to get recognized as kinda a [funny] dig at a guy. So it’ll still take place on the stage and, thus, accomplishes the joke.
So, as a matter of priorities, things are working out as best they kinda could on that.
Plus I found a state project awards I am going to submit the third (losing) project. Don’t think it’ll win their either (if our specialty industry judges didn’t appreciate it — and they don’t need to — then general industry won’t appreciate the “art” side of it) but I’m really trying to collect buy-in right now and if these guys who have said for decades they don’t fucking need praise and those awards are bullshit between bullshitters and they’re just fine being professionals silently want me to go try and tell their story (in the appropriate place), then I’m more than happy to get another reuse out of those stupid writeups (theyre not stupid, i put time and care into them. The awards is stupid. Dont make me win the Special Olympics.) Other than taking the award submissions and getting them spiral bound and issuing them with a clear plastic cover, I’m or about out of ROI on this IP.*
So that was a good thing to accomplish. Kind of feel like I’m about 300m out and just kinda collecting everything for the impending pain.
*So I need some of my tax money back kthx.
Props to Cena. I didn’t think he’d pull off being a Heel but he is really committed to the role.
My niece is covering the State of the Union shitshow. She just interviewed MTG. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have time to go home and bathe in bleach. Katie has Cooties.
Aw man, soooo many questions I would love to ask MTG. They’re all really condescending and disrespectful so she probably wouldn’t answer any of them, but would still be fun
Doktor Zymm
“Madam Representative, how can you claim to be anti-Trans yet you look like a transgender female who did her transition with a 2×4 and a hammer? I’m just asking questions.”
Downvote me all you want! We all were thinking it!
Israel and Palestine continue their Forever War, Russia is measuring the curtains for Kiev and the unmarked grave for Zelenskyy, and the United States has gone back to the 1810s by declaring blood vengeance on her Eternal Arc Villain, Canada.
Props to you, 2025. Only two months in and you are bringing it!
Don’t forget about the stock market crashing 5% in the last two weeks!
Reply to Rikki-Tikki-Deadly
March 4, 2025 1:45 pm
…and that’s why I sold my entire portfolio. The end…of Western Civilization.
Pretty big week in the comments for yours truly. Think I’ll hit the showers, blow off my conference calls, and take a nap.
Just kidding.
About the shower.
Horatio Cornblower
Thanks GTD, nice roundup as usual.
I’ve got to go after work to look at the 3rd flooring and tile options place. After the past months other sub contractors meetings, 3 door and window place options, and being asked countless times for an opinion on something that I really don’t have an opinion on (younger is living there not me). Wifey’s other property reno is really making me want to give back shit I didn’t even steal.
Pray for 2pack.
Me: “How’s Trump’s speech.”
Dadshirt: “Terrible.”
Me: “Yeah, I’m sure it sounds better in the original German.”
I’d like to address this joint session of the commentariat: RELEASE THE KRAKEN!!!!
Mr. Ayo
Horatio Cornblower
Me: (getting a good night’s sleep, waking up relatively early and ready to have a productive morning at work)
My Computer Keyboard: “The p, o, i, and u buttons don’t work, and also fck y.”
Horatio Cornblower
Lowratio dropping crumbs from his feed bag onto the keyboard while surfing Lil’Tinder late at night?
Brick Meathook
March 5, 2025 7:24 pm
Don T
I am having a sucky day. I thought yesterday was the worst, with the scalpel to the tit, but noooooo! I called DFAS to find out why I haven’t gotten any money from Gumby’s retirement. I’m supposed to get 55% of his check monthly. I called twice before,once to find out what I needed to do, and then to see if the forms were filled out correctly before I faxed them. Both people told me everything was done. I checked to see today, because it was well over the time they told me it would take, only to be told there are three more forms I needed to fill out, that both of those two other people should have told me about. In her defense, the lady I spoke to today was pissed, and she is going to speak to their supervisors, but now the clock starts again when they finally get these other “mystery” forms. 30-45 days minimum before I see the money, if it all goes well. What the actual fuck! I will get back pay to when he died, but it’s disgraceful that they have employees who don’t know what they’re talking about giving bad information.The forms are confusing as fuck, because of course they are, gubmint. I’m reasonably computer literate, but what about the poor older widows who aren’t, or the ones that don’t speak great English? It would be an absolute nightmare for them. Disgraceful.
We went through this with the Widow Ms. Deadly-in-Law. I am convinced that they intentionally make the process of collecting survivor benefits into a huge fucking hassle so that most people will simply give up and bail. If you need encouragement or even actual help please let me know because it would be gratifying to see them have to shell out money that they fucking owe you.
I swear I’m alive because I dance.
Flowers are in bloom early this season.
Also the videos of the SpaceX Starship explosion are wild!
Apparently airplanes trying to land in airports in Florida are having to watch out for falling debris…
My brother had a scary gallstone/infection episode last year, but after getting the gallbladder removed, he says he feels better than he can remember (family has genetics for shitty digestive system). His theory (he has engineering degree like me, but he’s not an apostate) is that we siblings should all get ours removed.
Does anybody know if they’ll remove your gallbladder just because you ask them to (after a visit and explaining symptoms and family history)? Because I don’t want to dick about with a bunch of expensive, inconclusive testing.
King Hippo
This is a very convoluted way to get pills.
My fav is “Kid Rock makes music for people who know exactly how much Sudafed you can get for a catalytic converter”
Got a very cool thing tomorrow.
New live action theater event place near SOFI stadium and youtube theater and that big entertainment dealie.
Cinevita. Live with real actors and musicians and the show is called Tarantino.
Music and scenes from the movies all live.
The whole place is cashless.
Smart parking entrance that reads your license plate. Parking is prepaid.
Bar code menu on the tables thus eliminating waitresses and waiters you just bar code what you want on your phone and it’s brought to your table.
I’m wearing black coat, black pants, skinny black tie and a white shirt.
Gotta get into character.
yeah right
Welp, least-favorite call ever (up till now)?
74-year-old female vomiting poop. Yes, you read that correctly.
Where in Germany is she from?
Oh fuck no.
SOURCES: The Seattle Seahawks are targeting Sam Darnold to be the team's next QB, per @diannarussini.bsky.social. Darnold is looking for at least a three-year contract, Russini added. Details:www.nytimes.com/athletic/618…
— The Athletic (@theathletic.bsky.social) 2025-03-08T00:16:27.246Z
Mr. Ayo
“Now even Armstrong Garden Centers are making jokes about my sex life, that’s great, that’s really great.” – Deanna Favre, opening her mail
So the last two times the Seahawks have traded away their starting QB, they have done it the same day as I receive my season ticket renewal. Coincidence? I think not!
/puts on foil hat
Aaron Rodgers will be the next Seahawks QB, in this essay I will…
Jackie and Shadow welcome eagle baby #3!
Last funny:
Also don’t forget to set your clocks 1 hr forward!
What do Drake the rapper and Drake the basketball team have in common? They’re both hoping to get to the Sweet Sixteen.
Wow. Drake is 29-3 and getting no love whatsoever. (not in the top 25)
3 losses were all to Kendrick Lamar
The 29 wins were against high school teams
BC Dick
If you have having trouble “loggin in”, once logged in it may say that you are not logged in, at that point, refresh the page. If that does not work, then clear your cache and “loggin in” again.
Thanks for all the comments and funny and everything else.
NOTE banner image from here
It’s been a bear of a week. Saturday I learned a friend of mine passed away on Thursday from some unknown issue.
Then today’s been a doozy. Senorita Weaselo’s mom fractured an ankle, but I still will. Padre Weaselo had a heart attack. Fortunately Hermana Weaselo was around to drive him to the hospital, as I’ve been too far away today to get there. Getting updates but it sounds like he’s out of surgery and stabilizing.
Remind me to breathe.
Geez man, take care of yourself. So sorry to hear about your friend and Pops. All the best to your family.
Breathe, Senor. Breathe.
Jesus, dude! Hope things improve and everyone is okay!
Sending all of the positive thoughts your way, my darling dear!
Time to save all of our lives, Let’s dance!
Watching ChainSaw Man and that first episode gets you right in the feels in between bouts of horrific bloody violence. I think this is a must watch.
Pittsburgh’s QB Choices look to be Aaron Rodgers or Russell Wilson, with Mason Rudolph as backup.
washed up douchebag vs. washed up smug ass vs. racist asshole never been I call that a real dilemma.
Haha, Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.
I’d want a Texas hat, if it wouldn’t fall apart after two wearing’s. New Era hats suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
You shouldn’t be able to hold a trademark if all you do is clown off with it.
Spam, can you get me an Anaels hat?
No love for the TeTas?
Closest I could find
Just saw an ad for a medication whose side-effects include “redness and swelling between the anus and genitals, both of which can be fatal” and I do not care what disease I have that this medication is supposed to fight, that disease is just gonna have to run its course.
“The perineum” no no it’s the taint call it the taint and we’ll understand you
Taint. Didn’t he play for Notre Dame.
Can’t spell Manti Te’o without Taint ppl forget that
Thank you for the great wrap up here GTD.
Semi annual teeth cleaning update. Didn’t get my usual nice lady (not pictured), but drew another girl who was nice also. She was a tad bit rougher. The real downside was she didn’t grind her boobs into my bicep which was the real disappointment.
You win some – you lose some. I hope for better luck in September.
Lady Balls’ son got a teeth cleaning in which the lady brushed her boobs all over his face. The kid is so innocent that he didn’t think anything of it.
Any day that starts with reviewing a police report that includes the phrase “brain matter was observed in the road” is not going to be a good day. But hey, at least it’s also the 30th anniversary of Mrs. Horatio making just about the worst decision a girl could ever make!
Happy Anniversary.
Congrats to you, condolences to her!
Ours is coming up soon, gift ideas are welcome.
Shoot, just read that the 30th anniversary gift is pearls. Never mind on the ideas.
Pearl necklace then?
Can’t imagine the woman who wouldn’t adore that.
That joke has already been made over here.
So can Lowratio give a pearl necklace? Or does he just provide the earrings?
Not without a step stool.
Here you go
+1 passive voice.
And has the missus sobered up yet?
Grats on 30 years. Not that common these days. Go you!
Had my kids explain the Kendrick-Drake nonsense to me at couple months ago so I could pretend to comment sagely during the Super Bowl halftime (no one cared as I was in a room with 100 drunk Eagles fans). Based on the demographics of the college hoops illuminati, I think all this college hoops Drake dissing is less about Kendrick and more about Seinfeld: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rTkkklmeFOU
the Superb Owl half time show was basically a big FU to Drake.
here for the drama
As someone who has hated Drake since before he was cool, I endorse it.
I’ve been occupied with emptying shadow government warehouses of MREs, weapons and ammo.
All in the name of efficiency, of course.
Be careful. Those MREs are dangerous.
Having a prepper garage sale?
Well when there is no risk of war from our major traditional enemies, it makes completed sense to feed our military reserves to ::checks notes:: imprisoned Mexicans living in immigrant prisons and being parted out as manual labor for the jobs they were doing when arrested.
Because we’re gonna have so much abundance that ::checks notes:: we need ultra-efficient systems or else there will be resource-scarcity.
Ah, that explains it. That and the dump truck full of money.
I won! I mean “Thank you, GTD!”
it warms my little black heart that yall are out doing stuff IRL instead of commenting here. I’d like to think that with the weather getting a bit nicer ( in North America at least), that you are all doing stuffs outsides.
I did some grilling and took my dogs for a long walk yesterday afternoon, expecting some rain today so no walks today.
I’ll take rain over snow any day
I’m at work dealing with idiots and waiting for the rain so I can deal with even more idiots.
Come on, parking is the biggest complaint
I really should get outside more. Not today, it’s raining.