Conference Tourney VOID Day Thread

Hello, everyone.  Everything is still more than a bit shit, but I got to enjoy the schadenfreude of the Redshite filth blowing their lead and crashing out of the Shempions at mid-week.  So you get a cheer pic, which is also a complete sop to Mister Pickle (odds-on favoUrite to become the next Pope).

I also like that the new Prime Minister of The Canadia is a fellow Evertonian.  He’ll know how to look a challenge dead in the eye, and kick it straight in the bollocks.  Surely, that’s at least half the battle?

NC State is still looking for a hoopsball coach (men only, as the womenfolk are REALLY good), and we Wolven Sort all have McNeese State’s Will Wade on our hope chest.  His black hat/Johnny Cash showmanship would sell like hotcakes in West Raleigh.

Fuck Chuck Schumer.  This is a rare uprising that doesn’t threaten any ideological schisms – the centre-left, the Very Online left, shit, even The Bulwark centre-right types are all up in arms.  We don’t have much leverage, but where we DO have a little, we motherfucking expect a motherfucking FIGHT.

I could listen to this song on repeat forever, I do declare.  Plus, what’s to wait for?  Doomsday is already here, the point of no return is in teh rear-view.

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King Hippo
Reclusive, vulgar Broncos fan. Also a proud fookin' Evertonian. Likely dropped on my head repeatedly as a small child. [Insert George Carlin quote followed by thoughtful nod.]
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Doktor Zymm

As you may know, in Chicago they go hard for St Pats on the weekend before, aka this weekend. Friend of mine somehow got talked into escorting a group of bagpipers around to 11 bars today, for free.


Now I’m trying to picture a scenario involving a “Bagpiper Escort”. Thanks.

Horatio Cornblower

Never forget the time the Bears social media hamster decided it would be a good idea to dye the Chicago River orange for St. Pat’s.

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Up the Union!!

Senor Weaselo

This is the worst idea Schumer has had since he declined that scholarship for the trip around the world because he’d end up breaking up with his HS girlfriend, only for her to break up him at the end of the summer anyway.

No scholarship, no trip around the world, no girl, no democracy.

Senor Weaselo

(I heard that speech at least twice, possibly thrice. I don’t remember if he was at my Master’s graduation.)


Happy Moyes-Derby Day to you, good Sir Hippo!


I mean, if you’re disappointed in Chuck Schumer, I think that says more about your need to start set realistic expectations than his need to change his Palenstinian spots.