Where are we going?
Oh yeah,Hollywood Forever. Fun.
Is that Merle Oberon?
If you can’t see the ghost over Johnny’s right shoulder then you and I are on a different journey.
It was a cool place. Legendary for it’s creepiness. Hell the band, The Misfits did a live shindig right in the middle of this place for a record release.
Works for me, so I floated around trying to take in the vibe of the place, feel the disquietude of the moment when out of the corner of my eye I see a man riding on a lawnmower.
Regrettably he did not scare me as much as I had first hoped.
The place had an odd out of place, otherworldly feel about it and there are a LOT of famous Hollywood familiars. Come on! Mickey Rooney, Cecil B DeMille, Chris Cornell to name just a few but for me there was only one trophy that I was seeking.
Trophy? Dear god.
R.I.P. Johnny Ramone. You will be missed forever.
Full disclosure, Mr Ramone’s remains are not on the premises this is merely a monument.
Ghosts? No.
Cemetery Yes.
The don’t be a dick rules remain fully in place.
Inspiration hits, I know, let’s try a different place.
How about where Frank Zappa is buried? Practically guaranteed spookiness there.
Off to Westwood Village Cemetery.
You ever been to Wilshire and Sepulveda in West L.A.? Now that’s scary.
Good luck finding parking.
What? Props to the original spank master.
This place is a right bitch kitty to find. You can walk past it 3 times as I did and not even know you have.
Too enter this beauty you must first traverse a bank parking lot. Then over there behind the bank’s (Who knew they still have such things?) drive through windows. Alright, now do you see that weird looking alley over there? That’s it, boom.
Right in the middle of freaking Wilshire Boulevard is a very famous and very exclusive resting place for the chosen few.
Again as before there was only one. This time my mission was to find the greatest director who (don’t forget the perfect lady) that has ever ruled Moviedom!
Resume says it all.
Now I did tell you about a certain guitar player who is also buried here? He being the scamp he always was in life lies in an unmarked grave. I damn near forced (well asked nicely) the very well groomed young receptionist to show me exactly where this magic space exists, she did.
And as advertised it is an empty spot. Snuggled under a lovely young elm tree but no marker anywhere to announce anyone rests anywhere, near here.
I did not take a picture of the grass. If you would like one simply go out into your backyard and shoot a mostly sunny grassy area for you own just rewards.
Can’t think. I need to pee, frustration level is rising. Where is she? Damn it?
Writer’s note: She appears in chapter 3 just to confuse.
Hey, No swearing this is a cemetery.
Methuselah? Metamucil? Did they do it on purpose.
Next up; Hey Where’s Bela?
A completely different location in the greater Los Angeles area. Culver City this time for Holy Shit (Oops, sorry) Cross Cross Cemetery.
So innovative, nah crummy light.
Now, since all I have done is thrown wee wee into the face of the whole spirit world this may sound a little contrived, but this place?
Had a different vibe.
When I pulled into the parking lot and got out of my car in a near empty car park I swear I heard someone or something behind me.
The willow trees made a soft sighing sound, like whispering. The sun was directly overhead so all of the angles were sharp and glaring from the light. When that strange sighing sound began again this time it was from all around me. She’s here, flashes in my head, then again, She’s Here!
Once and for all we are all going to know what there is to see.
Hey is that the final resting place of Bo Bo the chimp?
If I die before they do? Well, eh, it was a work in progress.
Jan-Feb 2025
Got the news, they’re springing him tomorrow!
That’s wonderful! Longer term prognosis ok?
Luigi Mangione!?!?
(It’s cool for your Dad, too)
Yay!!!! Our juju works!!!
Moar like old guns.
Younger Than Me Guns. Le sigh.
“Young Guns 3: Shootin’ Blanks Boogaloo!”
Young Guns (When I’m Sixty-) Four
Young Guns 3: Nugenix Total T: She’ll Like It Too!!
Breakfast and lunch today:
Is that black bean soup? I want it!
Cuba-sized portion of pollo smh
I firmly believe Taj floated around the Hollywood Forever cemetary! If any of us have the ability to levitate, it’s him.
Sorry dearest, much to fat to float. I can flop but floating is right out.
Hey, the Hindenburg floated all the way across the Atlantic!
Well, almost all the way.
Didja hear? Mason Rudolph returns to PIT after a year in TEN with A LOT of playing time. So if I get a stomach ulcer in ‘25, it won’t be because of Rudolph. I’ll take it 🎉 🎊
Thanks for sharing?
So, I just saw a compilation of Chuck Norris jokes and it made me wonder (still work hours so I am not stoned) if say 500 years in the future if there will be a Chuck Norris religion based on all of the miracles he was able to perform, particularly if civilization falls.
Best one: Even people with severe Alzheimers remember Chuck Norris.
This was colorful and creepy. Loved it!
Tampa Bay announcing they’re not building a new stadium for the Rays is truly a sign of economic doom. I mean, Florida LOVES spending money on stupid stadia.
I saw that.
Finally, Hartford has a chance at revenge for the Whalers going south!
And bring back the Devil
The Hartford Devil Rays
Like the Utah Jazz in its appropriateness!
Eh, close enough…
Somewhat related to stadium funding.
“Unsustainable” or just plain “futile”?
It’s a shame about the Rays.
Jesus, the floor in the Big 12 tournament is more psychedelic than Taj’s post.
Yeah, I have to stay away from that tourney when I am stoned, you can really get lost in the patterns.
Holy shit, Georgia Tech is terrible.
I’m not saying this was RFK jr I’m just asking questions.
This doesn’t quite rise to level of waking Rod and Todd from their slumber, but it’s heartwarming nonetheless:
Can’t believe this website isn’t illegal yet
I have no illusions that this will continue through the second half, but Duke down at the half to the 9-seed in the ACC tournament is a great way to go into the weekend.
/took tomorrow off
Cooper Flagg is in a wheelchair!?
Seems I’ve missed something important.
“…helped to locker room after awkward landing”
White guys, please, for the love of God, do NOT try to jump.
(got an ACL repair scar to back up my plea)
I think at this point it makes more sense to refer to the Union states as “former”.
Did they not watch that documentary? I think it was called Rampart, or at least that’s what Woody Harrelson kept talking about.
My favorite part of that debacle:
Nothing makes me want to sprinkle meth on top of my breakfast Cheerios as much as a DJ Taj post.
That’s a compliment.
but does it make you want to dance?
Ask me after I finishing licking the cereal bowl.
You lick the cereal bowl? Why do you even HAVE a dwarf?
He can get his own meth.
“Counterpoint: nothing makes me want to sprinkle meth on top of my breakfast less than a DJ Taj post. What I’m saying is that all things make me want to sprinkle meth on top of all meals equally.” – Todd Marinovich
Wow, so the song IS right, Bela Lugosi really is ded????
Dead, undead, whatevs
Cool Brah.
Isn’t Hughs cript right on top of Marilyn’s?
Wouldn’t mind being on top of Monica’s.
Come back next week and you too will see exactly where Marilyn is entombed.
I would sanctify that crypt with my staff of many blessings dispensing my holy unguent.
It’s amazing how many famous people are in the Westwood cemetery…
Well, it turns out lots of famous (and famous-adjacent) people get killed in Westwood, so it makes sense they would be buried there.
On the other hand, it did result in a Jewish guy winning the Heisman, so who’s to say OJ wasn’t actually a progressive?
You are my driving force. Trying to learn the 50 every time I shoot anything.