Wednesday Motivational – Have No Regrets

All of us have differences of opinions at times.  We get into arguments with one another.  We get angry.  We say things sometimes that later we wish we hadn’t said.  Or maybe things that actually needed to be said but weren’t well-received and we’ve upset someone else.

That’s just how life is.  It’s how people are.

But in spite of arguments or differences of opinion, whenever I leave the house, even just to go out and run errands or something silly like that….Even at times when we’re having differences….

I always make sure to hug my mother and my niece, or whomever else is in the household….. and tell them I love them.  I got into that habit several years ago.  And the reason is simple.

Because if I get hit by a bus and never come back, I want the last thing I said to them to be something which was loving and tells them that I loved them.

You never know when you won’t have another chance.  Let me repeat that…


So don’t waste this chance.

Even during difficult times…..tell the people you love that you love them.  As often as possible.  Make sure they know.  You have no idea when you won’t be able to do that ever again.

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An unapologetic, even if often manic-depressive (it's a requirement given his choices of sports teams), fan of NC State University, the Baltimore Ravens and the Baltimore Orioles. When not parked in front of the computer and/or TV, can often be found on the golf course shouting obscenities to no one in particular.
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yeah right

Just had my annual visit to the doctor. He just told me the results of my blood draw. “These aren’t good numbers”, he said, “These are great numbers.” He told me that I should live to be 97 years old unless I get hit by an SUV on my morning walk. Once again I was told to “Keep doing whatever you’re doing.”

I’m gonna go home after work and drink.

Doctor’s orders.


/sells SUV


Can’t wait to read your recipe posts in 30 years.

“Take the steak and cover it with German polka music when you’re out at the lake reading purple moths and butter ripple.”

Probably still be delicious.