Your Saturday Night Shut-In Post

Ah Saturday night!  John Travolta had a fever for it, because that was the night he could go out, shake his ass to Donna Summer and not have to worry about going to work at that stupid paint store the next day.  Also no one questioned his sexuality for focusing

And Now For Something Completely Different…

It's 5:26 Eastern Standard Time and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is still dead. Justice Scalia apparently passed away in his sleep, at the age of 79, while on a "hunting" trip in Texas.  As deaths go this is pretty much a conservative Republican's wet dream.  So good for him.  Incidentally

The Son Of The Morning Star Shall This Year Rise In The West!

Narrator:  George Armstrong Custer was a United States Army officer and cavalry commander in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars. Raised in Michigan and Ohio, Custer was admitted to West Point in 1857, where he graduated last in his class in 1861.  His ability to estimate numbers has

Your Sunday Evening 2016 Pro Bowl ‘For God’s Sake Get A Life And Do Something More Worthwhile’ Live Blog

The best players in the NFL who aren't playing in the Super Bowl, aren't injured or at least aren't pretending to be injured because they've already been to Hawaii and don't feel like playing a 17th game of football this season, are at the Aloha Bowl in Hawaii tonight at

So. Much. Gay.

Open:  A bar, tastefully decorated.  Oh yes, there are ferns.  Conversations can be had, although one has to lean close to do so.  Three athletic looking men sit at a quiet corner table engaged in conversation.  One can't quite make out what they're drinking but it looks like some kind

The Curse of Oak Island, Part the Third

Oak Island is a 140 acre island located off of the south shore of Nova Scotia.  For more than 200 years people of all types and backgrounds have searched for treasure supposedly hidden away on the island.  To date almost nothing has been found.  Still people continue to pursue the

The Curse of Oak Island, Part The Second

Oak Island is a 140 acre island located off of the south shore of Nova Scotia.  For more than 200 years people of all types and backgrounds have searched for treasure supposedly hidden away on the island.  To date almost nothing has been found.  Still people continue to pursue the

The Curse of Oak Island, Part The First

Oak Island is a 140 acre island located off of the south shore of Nova Scotia.  For more than 200 years people of all types and backgrounds have searched for treasure supposedly hidden away on the island.  To date almost nothing has been found.  Still people continue to pursue the