Hey Johnny. Hey Jimbo. You look different this week. You like it? New haircut. Wanted to get it a tiny bit shorter, so that I could improve my ultrasonic hearing abilities. Important for planning those off-season nighttime raids. How right you are, brother of mine. Night vision goggles are for pussies, after all. Remember
Author: The Maestro
Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The War of the Oaken Bucket
Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The Pork & Beans War
Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The War of the Golden Stool
CFL Beat: Your 2019 Season Wrap-Up
CFL Beat: Playoffs – Grey Cup
CFL Beat: Playoffs – Division Finals
CFL Beat: Playoffs – Division Semifinals
The playoffs are here! The regular season is over at last. For BC, Toronto, and especially Ottawa, this week couldn't have gotten here fast enough. We've already seen some turnover happen previously this season, but a few other key dominoes are falling now. In league news this week: Ottawa REDBLACKS
Bye Week Update: New England Patriots
CFL Beat: Week 21
Happy Halloween, folks. Hope your children do well with trick-or-treating... and that you end up stuffing your gullet with all of their stolen candy. Remember, you brought them into this world... it's your God-given right to take their candy as desired, too. As the pumpkins and costumes fade away, we're
CFL Beat: Week 20
We're into the weird bit of the schedule, where half the games remaining are incredibly meaningless, while the other half are incredibly meaningful. This makes watching CFL football this time of year a real coin flip - sometimes the meaningless games are incredible, and sometimes the meaningful ones are absolute