Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The War of Jenkins’ Ear

Hey Johnny. Hey Jimbo. You look different this week. You like it? New haircut. Wanted to get it a tiny bit shorter, so that I could improve my ultrasonic hearing abilities. Important for planning those off-season nighttime raids. How right you are, brother of mine. Night vision goggles are for pussies, after all. Remember

Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The War of the Oaken Bucket

Hey Jim. I need some advice. Since this seems to happen to you all the time, I figured you'd be the ideal person to ask. What can I do for you, brother? Well, Jim, I wanted to ask - what's your approach for dealing with getting your ass handed to you on

Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The Pork & Beans War

Nice job last week, Johnny. Living up to the family reputation, I see. Watch it, kid. My season may be done, but at least the Ravens have a bright future ahead - unlike your prospects of returning to an NFL gig any time soon. Look, we may have gotten our asses kicked

Super Harbaugh Rivalry Bros: The War of the Golden Stool

Hi, I'm Michigan Wolverines head coach Jim Harbaugh. And I'm Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh. You might recall us as the first pair of brothers to ever face off against each other as NFL head coaches. It's safe to say that as brothers, we're close, but also competitive as hell. Isn't that

CFL Beat: Week 21

Happy Halloween, folks. Hope your children do well with trick-or-treating... and that you end up stuffing your gullet with all of their stolen candy. Remember, you brought them into this world... it's your God-given right to take their candy as desired, too. As the pumpkins and costumes fade away, we're

CFL Beat: Week 20

We're into the weird bit of the schedule, where half the games remaining are incredibly meaningless, while the other half are incredibly meaningful. This makes watching CFL football this time of year a real coin flip - sometimes the meaningless games are incredible, and sometimes the meaningful ones are absolute

CFL Beat: Week 19

Howdy, folks. Three weeks to go in the CFL regular season. The playoff spots are all locked up, but the question of the West Division champion still hangs in the balance. We've got a big game this week in Calgary between the Stamps and Bombers that will affect things for