Who's the greatest wrestler in history? Hulk Hogan? Ric Flair? The Iron Sheik? You'd think that it'd be a difficult question to answer, what with accounting for style preferences and attitudes and all, but as it turns out, it's actually very east to figure it out: it's Khutulun. And it's
Historical Badasses
Historical Badasses: Drukpa Kunley
Historical Badasses: Thomas Fitzpatrick
Historical Badasses: Ching Shih
With Senor Weaselo publishing a piece very shortly on his adventures through China, this felt like an appropriate week to write about this topic. From Captain Hook to Blackbeard to Jack Sparrow, pirates have been romanticized in Western society for a long time. As many of us already know, there's not
You WILL Bow: A Tribute to Mama Shogun
I’ve told you the tale of Father Shogun, which in itself is unique. But it pales quite honestly to the tale of Mama Shogun. No, honestly. As I even begin to try I know I’m leaving out many things that in themselves are standalone chapters. I’m just going to give