INT. RECORDING STUDIO – DAY A pair of radio professionals are busy setting up the studio for the afternoon's show. A large piece of electronic equipment is directly outside the studio door, appearing to peer inside. DJ 3000: ...ALL I AM SAYING IS THAT GIVEN THE NATURE OF MY EXISTENCE I WOULD
DFO radio
DFO Radio: One of Those Days
Request Line – Did You Ever Just Have One of Those Days?
[8:43am, Interior Recording Studio, Miami] The cleaning lady is puttering around, acting like she's cleaning, as the producer thumbs thru his notes for the day's schedule. Just then... [Door Flies Open] Producer: Holy shit...aren't you....? Richie Incognito: Yeah, I am. Thanks for having me on the show today, btw. Producer: But you weren't scheduled Richie
DFO Radio: How the F*** You Doin’, Flyboys?
Request Line: Flight Plan
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – EVENING The radio booth sits empty. CONNOR, THE INTERN sits in front of a large piece of electronic equipment, sipping coffee. The PRODUCER sits in front of the exterior control panel, getting things ready for the evening's broadcast. DJ 3000: Oh, man! I'm so excited. It's my first time
Request Line: Girls, Girls, Girls
DFO Radio: Things Are Not What They Seem
Request Line: Things Are Not What They Seem
DFO Radio: Literature
DFO Radio: Chatter
Request Line: Chatter
INT. RECORDING STUDIO – NIGHT A producer moves around the interior of the booth, showing the basic features to its occupant, a physically perfect specimen of a man. PRODUCER: ...and so mostly everything is controlled from outside, so all you need to worry about is chatting with the callers. Sound good? ADRIAN PETERSON: NO PROBLEM! PRODUCER: Actually, you're