Sunday Gravy with yeah right: When Life Gives you Beans and Bacon

Good morning Gen Pop! Welcome back. Hope everybody is staying strong and keeping healthy. Not sure if it's the same everywhere but my little community of El Segundo has decided to use this lock down as an opportunity to get in shape. While fantastic on the surface it's turned into a goddamn obstacle

Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Fancy Fancy

Well, its Friday once again. That means we're mixing drinks again. Usually, my cocktail selection process follows one of two paths. I either search the web with a pre selected base spirit in mind to find an obscure drink or recipe I've never had before. The other method is to

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Easter on Lock Down

Good morning everybody! Hope everyone is maintaining sanity and social distance. We've got to keep pushing on, it's our only option. I was mentioning the other day that I spend hours each day reading about our current world situation, not because I'm forced to but because I seek it out. When trying

Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: Bittersweet

Happy Friday...wait, is it Friday?   Regardless, it's a day that ends with "Y", so we should start drinking right? So let's get to it. Just like last week, I'm dipping into the "bench" and instead of using the canton again, I'm instead using elder flower liqueur as a key ingredient. But

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: We’ve got the time to make it from Scratch.

Good morning everyone. For you poor folks who can't leave your house let this be a reminder that today is Sunday! Goddamn, how can you even tell what day it is if you can't leave the house? Again, I feel fortunate to be working AT work but then again it's scary as

Sharkbait’s Cocktail of the Week: The Need For a Deep Bench

Hello and welcome to yet another inside Friday. It's week 3 of social distancing; hopefully supplies of food and liquor remain high. I'm certainly looking to make the most of my stash, mostly because I'm trying to limit my trips outside for errands.  Looking at my "bench", I found a

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Dessert Special! Key (?) Lime Pie.

Editors note: during each season of Sunday Gravy the author will "stash" or pre-write an episode or two since events happen, shit gets in the way and life intervenes. This is one of those episodes. Obviously with its upbeat or Pollyannaish nature it was written just prior to the events

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Some butter, flour and milk? We got this.

Good morning shut-ins! How is everybody holding up? I had a Monday off a couple of weeks ago right as this shit started and to be honest? After three days of staying in the house I was ready to flip my shit. I know that I'm extremely fortunate with my work situation. Not

Sunday gravy with yeah right: St Patrick’s Day for The End of Days

Good morning everyone. Welcome back to Sunday Gravy where despite the fact that the world has gone fucking insane, we soldier right the fuck along! Nothing can stop that Gravy Train! I'm going to try and keep you entertained and hopefully bring a tiny bit of light to our confusing-ass times. Not to

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: I’m hungry, let’s make a taco.

Good morning fellow quarantiners! Hope everyone is still feeling healthy and relatively disease free. As we muddle through our virus induced madness it's important to remember that it's safer if you cook your own food. Always tastier too. And since there are no sports of any kind right now, another thing