Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Falafel!

Good morning all! Hope life is treating you well. Always good to have you here. It's Gravy time! We had a quick preview of spring/summer here in LA this last week and that, coupled with watching some Spring Training baseball, gets you all giddy and shit for spring. I promised my offspring that we would

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: New Orleans Style Barbecue Shrimp!

Good morning all. Time to wake up and smell the gravy! Hope everybody is surviving the beginning of the long-ass NFL offseason. I know why you're here. You're here for the goddamn gravy! And boy howdy do we have a good one today. It's truly the best of both worlds. It's tasty as

Sunday Gravy Season Premiere!: The Low Cost of Luxury.

  Good morning Gravy heads! Welcome back to Sunday Gravy! Now that we've finished another mostly disappointing NFL season, we can get back to the good stuff! Today marks the start of the 6th season of Sunday Gravy. God. Damn. We've covered well over 100 some-odd recipes dating all the way back to my very

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Game Day Quickie – Chicago Style Italian Beef Sandwich

Well hello there everyone! Didn't expect an "in season" Sunday Gravy post now did you? One of the promises I made to myself was that if I cooked anything tasty during football season that could be converted into a "Game Day" meal then I would share that fucker. Guess what? I cooked just that

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Season Finale! Taking Game Day Food One Step Beyond!

Good morning all and happy Labor Day weekend! We made it! We got through the longest off season of any major sport! We survived and are hereby awarded with real motherfucking football next week! As such, today will be the season finale of Sunday Gravy. For you newer readers Sunday Gravy is one

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: The Iowa Pork Tenderloin Sandwich!

Good morning everybody! Hope everyone's having a good weekend. Next weekend is Labor Day Weekend, which will feature substantial grillage no doubt, then the following week? Motherfucking football! Got a real fun one for you today. Super goddamn tasty, pretty damn easy to make and can actually double as a couple of featured

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Cajun Shrimp Boil! And by boil I mean foil.

Good morning early risers! Welcome back to another edition of Sunday Gravy. As we enter the home stretch of the off season shit gets real. This is the time of year when I help you start girding your loins for the upcoming NFL season. You do "gird your loins" yes? These last few episodes of

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Red Beans and Rice. Ya’ hear?

Good morning all! Nice of you to drop by. Been watching any pre-season football? Yeah, I know it's week 1 of the pre-season but some of the starters have been playing almost the whole 1st quarter! That means shit's getting close to REAL. Know what else is cool as shit? I just bought

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Request Line! Shrimp Scampi!

Good morning everyone! Nice to be back in the saddle after DJ Taj filled in so astutely last week. We're coming into the home stretch for this season of Sunday Gravy. After today we have 4 more episodes and then we return ourselves to the brutality, futility, frustration, angst and over-caloric consumption

Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Chef’s Series – James Beard’s Chicken and 40 cloves!

Good morning everyone! After looking at today's banner image you probably had a reaction of outright joy, morbid curiosity or intense fear. I wanted to try this new thing where I fuck around with a famous chef's signature dish. I'm thinking about making it a recurring feature here. Today we are paying tribute