Ok, we won't go into 'Horatio climbs mountains' again, because frankly two mentions on consecutive days is probably one mention too much. But I did in fact spend a lot of time outdoors today going uphill, (it's pretty funny seeing my Fitness Calculator just fucking spin at how many calories
Tag: Commentist Participation
Monday Morning Mock Draft: Hey, Not So Loud!!
Subsequent GTD reflections, Contiguous US Substitute Teacher Edition
Monday Morning Mock Draft: Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes!
Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 30
Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 29
Monday Morning Mock Draft: This Is The End
Monday Morning Mock Draft: Oh God He’s In The 80’s Again!!
Morning folks. Today's the first Monday of Daylight Savings Time, thanks to those fucking farmers. Or something. Whatever. Hopefully you were able to get up on time and aren't late for work, so you can spend the appropriate amount of time avoiding work by participating in this here draft. The 1980's
Your “Random Thoughts with BFC, Volume 28” Thursday Night Open Thread
A Thursday Afternoon Carpenter Existential Experience!
Your “How the Hell Is it Mardi Gras?” Open Night Chatty-Chat
Seriously. T-Swift can'y even stand yet after post-Owl celebrations her and Travis have been doing, and it's friggin' Lent tomorrow. On Valentine's Day! Anyway, it's Mardi Gras tonight, so NAWLINS had to have been weirder than normal this past weekend/week. I'm grew up Catholic, and now generously describe myself as "lapsed" at
Your Yinzer/Wing How Did We Get Here Playoff Afternoon Thread
Well... For the life of me, I still cannot piece together this season. We saw QB2s all the way to QB102, all of which were still better than Uncle Jack Pickett, Kissin' Tittay Truthbisket, and especially MILF Hunter Z. As always, our pugilist, law-talkin' aquatic mammal's write up about the weekend's