INT. UNDERDOG SPORTS BAR - NIGHT A thin crowd mulls around a dimly lit sports bar. Practically every available surface in the bar is covered with a television screen; most are showing basketball and hockey games. A door behind the bar marked "OFFICE" opens and the bar manager emerges, followed by
Tag: Request Line
Sunday Gravy with yeah right: Season Premier! Chicken Ala King (Hippo)
DFO Radio: Songs of Hope
Request Line: Songs of Hope
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY DJ 3000: ...and ownership wouldn't even tell you who it's going to be? PRODUCER: That's right. They said it was going to be a special treat, though. DJ 3000: Maybe it's Tombstone! PRODUCER: Don't get me wrong, Tombstone's great, but I don't think he's got enough star power to
DFO Radio: Yes and No
Request Line: Yes and No
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY. PRODUCER: ...and so I suppose at the end of the day, it's like that familiar saying, "how do we get to yes?" Now throughout this process, you've maintained radio silence. KHALIL MACK: Yes. PRODUCER: You haven't commented publicly at all? KHALIL MACK: No. PRODUCER: Well this is a treat for
DFO Radio: Do Your Job
Request Line: Do Your Job
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY We join our regularly scheduled program in progress... PRODUCER: ...but I think it's great that the team kept you on the payroll. JIM MCNALLY: Yeah, well, those ticket stubs aren't going to sort themselves. PRODUCER: No, I suppose that's true. Unless everything were done electronically, you know, using barcodes
DFO Radio: Ain’t No Party Like A Boat Party Because A Boat Party Floats On
INT. CYBERSPACE - DAY. A sleazy producer opens up a private slack channel. RIKKI-TIKKI-DEADLY: Hey man, thanks for taking over Request Line this week. BRETT FAVRE'S COLONOSCOPY: No problem, it's my pleasure. RTD: So, about publication. I'll handle DFO Radio, of course, unless you insanely want to do that part yourself too. BFC: Yeah, I'm not
Request Line: Ain’t No Party Like a Boat Party Because a Boat Party Floats On
DFO Radio: Milestones
Request Line: Milestones
INT. RECORDING STUDIO - DAY A human and a sizable slab of electronic equipment sit comfortably outside an empty recording booth. PRODUCER: So I don't know if you knew, but today is something of a special day. DJ3000: ZERO-EIGHT-ZERO-THREE-TWO-ZERO-ONE-EIGHT...[rapidly performs a series of mathematical calculations]...THE SUM OF THE DIGITS IN THE MONTH AND