Local Beat Reporter Bud Winston Asks You To Give

Dateline: July 27, 2015

Hello, loyal Winstonians! My drunken summer vacation dried up like a Palm Springs housewife recently, and, boy, did I have a time. After my vacation breakfast of four Ojai oranges and a pint glass of Mezcal, it was time to head home, which meant getting to the airport, and neither me nor my two hired handjobbers were in any state to drive. One recommended taking one of these newfangled sharing economy car services you hire on your phone, and I was in no state to disagree!

Turns out my driver had both vertigo and severe myopia, but since he gets neither health insurance nor a living wage, they were both quite untreated. It took us 300 miles to get three blocks away, at which point I was sober enough to figure out I should just get a regular damn taxi. That driver was quite nice, but as it turns out, he was dealing with Multiple Sclerosis, which was starting to be a burden despite his union health insurance.

MS ain’t no walk in the park, let me tell you. It gets between your brain and your body quite randomly, and like your Mother-in-law, it’s not going to leave just because it’s made you miserable. Treatments and therapy can help slow things down and keep life livable, but that takes money.

I heard about a guy raising some money for it and sent him a supportive text–due to the regulations put upon me by the Greedy Sportswriters Union, I can’t actually use my largesse to do good in the world–but I thought maybe you, my loyal readers, could pitch in and make a difference. So I want you to dig deep, like a circus clown reaching into his big, goofy clown pant pockets to find a condom while the kid’s corpse is still warm, and give what you can. Hell, together we might be able to get this guy over $1,000, which would be noble and fantastic. If you do that, maybe I’ll bring back my old advice column, The BudBag, and teach you all something once again. I’ve been around this block a while, and know a thing or two about a thing or two.

Until next time, fair readers! Give here.

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Old School Zero
Ex-Chargers fan in Portland. Sorry about your carpet.
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You got me, thanks for the reminder. I’m a teacher and it’s summer, so I’m broke, but not brokeback. Yet. Terms are negotiable. Ride on.


You had me at “pint glass of mezcal”.
I’m in.





On one hand, I hate diseases like MS. On the other hand, I don’t want to encourage pelotons, or “cyclists” in general. On the the third hand, I could make my donation name “Lance Armstong is a prick and you idiots believed him.” On the fourth hand, this would encourage public spandex wearing by middle-aged paunchy white guys. On the fifth hand, this would encourage public spandex wearing by fit women in their twenties . . . .

Wait, what were we talking about?

King Hippo

Like Dennis Miller said WAAAAYYYYY back when he was funny…let he who has a free hand cast the first stone.


On the sixth hand, I will probably make a donation soon in honor of, as Ice Cube put it, “sweatin’ all the bitches in the biker shorts.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Meh, cycling is one of the better fitness cultures.


Sure it is, Moose. Sure it is.

comment image

King Hippo

On the seventh hand, try to get someone who does crossfit NOT to talk about crossfit. YOU CAN’T!!

Covalent Blonde

Palm Springs will do that to you. Palm Springs will do that to everyone.


Holy shit!

If this line:

So I want you to dig deep, like a circus clown reaching into his big, goofy clown pant pockets to find a condom while the kid’s corpse is still warm, and give what you can.

doesn’t get you to donate, I don’t know you all anymore.

I’m proud to have given and I encourage you all to give what you can. Even if I don’t have any condoms on me.

King Hippo

Oh dear God, how I laughed. It probably got me on yet another government watch list, but I laughed until I almost fucking suffocated.

c’mon, imaginary friends. If’n we try REAL hard (as hard as that clown, amirite??) the imaginaries can beat out OSZ’s REAL friends!!! Motivation!!!!

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

The was beautiful.

“You know what the worst thing about making love to a virgin is?”

“No, what is it?”

“Getting the blood off the clown suit.”


*THAT was beautiful, OSZ’s line that is.

“You know what the best vehicle to pick up chicks with is?”

“A Porche?”

“No, and ice cream truck.”

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Clown on clown crime.


I wanted to respond to this thread by posting a picture of Alison Brie dressed as a clown. I started looking for said image, but was unable to find one.

That was two hours ago.