Emcee: LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! Welcome to the Laff Hole! You guys ready to have some fun? You look like a great crowd! Except this guy, right? He knows what’s up. Hey, where you from Romeo?
Guy Wearing A Wrinkled Polo Shirt: Uh, like, a few miles away.
Emcee: (pregnant pause)
Emcee: Wow, you are a WILD MAN! Hey everyone give it up for this crazy guy right here!
Emcee: (waits for nonexistent applause)
Emcee: Ok, folks, you know our next performer from his many appearances on Judge Joe Brown and from his wacky Facebook page…please, give a warm welcome to Rock Gobbler!!!
Rock: Hey, thanks very much. How bout a nice hand for Joey? No? He sucked?
Guy Wearing A Wrinkled Polo Shirt: (nods sleepily)
Rock: Great! Ok folks, as you may know, I used to have a radio show on KBAL 1170 AM here in The Valley, where I hosted a call-in show every third Sunday from 3:00 to 6:00 AM, and the topic was always FOOTBALL! YEAH! So since we just finished the first week of the season, I’m gonna give you some football knowledge…with a comedic twist!!!
Crowd: (Mostly leaves)
Rock: Must be a small-bladdered crowd, am I right? Well, we’re not waiting for them, but you guys can repeat everything when they get back. Hey, anyone watch the games this weekend? Great stuff! For me, the highlight was watching the Patriots win, and Tom Brady got right to business! If you play that phantasm football you’ll wanna start Tom Brady, because he’s about to BLOW UP!
Smaller Crowd: (Looks puzzled)
Rock: Because of DeflateGate? Opposite of deflate is inflate? Blow up? Ok, you guys are gonna love this next one. So I see the [*Redacted] s lost, and that’s good. We don’t need to be encouraging SUNBURN! I mean, skin cancer kills people, am I right people? And here’s this football team, telling us to get out in the SUN? How do these people live with themselves?
Native American In Crowd: Um, that’s not what [*Redacted] s-
Rock: Hey, get a loada TONTO here, interrupting my set. Hey keno slobby, go get some firewater and relax.
Native American in Crowd: (glares at comedian, drinks from bottle labeled “Firewater”)
Rock: Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I saw the Bengals won their first game. I mean, really? The Bengals??? Hey, I like “Walk Like An Egyptian” like the next guy, but why are these broads playing football??? Hey, I’m just yankin’ you guys. I know Bengals are actually birds.
Other Guy In Wrinkled Polo Shirt: Heh, good one. Birds.
Rock: (looks puzzled)
Other Guy In Wrinkled Polo Shirt: I mean, Bengals are tigers, so…
Rock: Hey, lookit Marlon Porkins here! Tigers are a baseball team, numbskull. This guy…hey go suck a tiger, idiot.
Tiger Woods In The Audience For Some Reason: (massages his sore knee/foot/back) No thanks.
Rock: Hey, I’m losing control here. Okay, g’night losers. (walks backstage)
Rock: Hey, you’re a veteran, how do you keep control of your audience?
Bill Cosby: Well, first I fix the drinks…
This was great. Really sad I missed it the other day.
I need to lighten my workload.
/gets fired
Thanks for the post – good luck in your next job! (I’m hiring, but I can’t pay anything and you have to paint my house.)
Immediately after this performance, the standup was signed to a sitcom deal where he plays a schlubby husband and dad who’s always fucking up and has an improbably hot wife. It was canceled after the first commercial break and replaced by “Celebrity People’s Court”.
Dennis Leary: [writes down this guy’s material to use in his own act]
Carlos Mencia: /Peers over Leary’s shoulder.
Hey, I see that something called the Texans lost. What do you expect from a franchise whose QB is named after a Creed song!
(croons “Can you take me, Hoyer”)
I thought it was a Steven Winwood song?
(Hoyer Love)
Take my Hoyer. Please.
“And how about Adrian Peeonmyson? He really knows how to spoil the rod. Amirite? Up top,bro.”