Zooper Bol “L” Pre-dick-toons: Charlie Kelly

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Charlie 1 Charlie 2 Charlie 3[Try to transcribe it yourself in the comments, then click below to see the translation]

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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers
Low Commander of the Super Soldiers is a native North County San Diegan with an affinity for the Padres, beer, whiskey, punk rock, video games and the end of days. If you eat a fish taco with a fork in his presence, you may lose your hand.
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I love this so so much and I love you for creating it. This is awesome.


Charlie doesn’t like being around horses anymore.


What is that, college rule? Nice.

King Hippo

Whilst Charlie is on the clock, my brain does worry about a full on Big Cat raping (despite my persistent, illogical good Donks feeling).

Senor Weaselo

Is “At least it can’t be worse than two years ago” the right thing or the wrong thing to say here?

Old School Zero

My glod. This is better than eating rum ham.


Cats do not abide by the laws of nature.