A “Sorry; Bad Day At Work” Wednesday Open Thread

Boy, do I need weekend liquor something fierce.

Free agency: not much to report or follow after today. But:

  • In an attempt to prove Bleacher Report correct, the Browns released Karlos Dansby and Dwayne Bowe.
  • Chris Long chose the darkness over the light, and signed with the Patriots.
  • Casey Hayward left the Packers to go jackin’ it in San Diego



  • Rubio is out; his delegates are free to follow whomever. As my grandpappy might’ve said if he wasn’t so Canadian, “Don’t let the door hit ya where the good Lord split ya!”
    • I didn’t realize until last night he’s also not running for re-election as Senator. Oof; that’s a terrible sound chamber he lived in.
  • Kasich won Ohio, strengthening his bona fides as a VP pick.
  • I got the feeling Hillary wanted to tell Bernie in her speech, “Okay Grandpa, that’s enough. Go home.” But she was too busy trying to get people to forget her AIDS/Reagan snafu to be bothered starting another war.
  • On the same day Trump says he won’t debate in SLC on FOX next Monday, he openly postulates about riots in Cleveland if the GOP establishment tries to force a brokered convention. It would have been the 13th debate, but they stopped being fun once his main punching bags dropped out. With pequeno Marco gone, he figured, ‘why bother?’

The games that aren’t lames! (All times eastern)

NCAA: Play-in day #2

  • Holy Cross vs Southern – 6:40
  • Tulsa vs Michigan – 9:10 (or 30 minutes after the end of the first game)

I enjoyed TruTV’s twitter feed making fun of the people making fun of their network. SENTIENCE!

NHL: (6 games total)

  • Flyers @ Blackhawks – 8:00
  • Rangers @ Ducks – 10:30

NBA: (9 games total)

  • Thunder @ Celtics – 7:00
  • Mavs @ Cavs – 7:00
  • Clippers @ Rockets – 9:30
  • Knicks @ Warriors – 10:30


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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Oregon Ducks have two prominent Canadians, which plays to my nationalism and their google search of their women is pretty awesome? Marc Trestman’s windowless van would be proud of this tournament winner pick.

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I would like to call Oregon State … ahem … Beaver, Kendra Sunderland for rebuttal.

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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

They’re making a Rush Hour TV show? Good fucking god…


It fits with the theme of a Drumpf dictatorship, so why not?

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

I mean, yeah, but…

We’re fucked.


Sit back and don’t allow them access to your precious bodily fluids.



Welp, Drumpf does currently have 666 delegates. . . .


Horatio Cornblower

Best. Birthday. Party. Ever.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

About to enjoy some greens and a Guinness before watching Colbert. Gonna be a fun day tomorrow.


Might’ve been too angry/upbeat earlier, so let’s so things down and just enjoy the depression and/or opiates. Layne did.


Metallica’s Fade to Black is my go to Depressed song



I prefer “Disposable Heroes,” or “Trapped Under Ice,” but, to each their own.


OK…I am out. If I’m gonna watch 12+ hours of basketball tomorrow (and you can bet your sweet ass I am), I need at least 3 hours of sleep.
‘Night dickholes.





How Dick Tips was seeded as a 7-seed should be tried at The Hague.


Something tells me Dr. Kim Nazi was at the Hague trials


I’d like to see Rusty Justice take on Sweet Orefice.

/loser rides the hobo train out of town

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Merry Irish Xmas from the West Coast everybody!

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Wow…they float.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

It’s a good thing.


I reckon a motorboat of those would require 10 minutes in the quiet room for concussion protocol.


Mike Leach approves!


Seriously…each one is individually bigger than her head.
I apologize for saying this, but that’s just too much boob.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

Doesn’t compute to me, but hey, there’s plenty out there.



Silly green hat….would bang.


Getting them that big with her size, she’d have to workout her back religiously to avoid major back pains.


It’s 3am in the goddamned morning.
I repeat my earlier profundity….YOU PEEPUHL ARE BAD INFLOONCES.


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Yeah, but what can you do?


Running cars based on shit, Hulk’s shit, would be a great way to switch fuel technology. Marvel should run with something like that. Mutant shit can fuel transportation or something.


Hulk methane could be alternative fuel source.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Radioactive methane; it burns cleaner.


Oregon’s leading scorer is a Mother Canucker? Shit, I need to go change my bracket and pick a new champ. . . . Oregon has two really good players who are Canadian!?! Go DUCKS!

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We should already be a powerhouse basketball nation. It boggles my mind that we aren’t.

Oh well, I just made my changes. Oregon Ducks all the way, BAY–BAY!

Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! Quack! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO DUUUUUUUUUUUCKS!


-said no Canadian ever.
Well, except one.


No really, we have a lot of good athletes. We should be better at basketball.


That’s what we NCSU folk say every goddamned year.


Fair enough. The only sport other than basketball that we should be a powerhouse in, but, we suck at, is soccer.


I hope these motherfuckers are prosecuted and imprisoned. “GOP Politicians Planned And Participated In Key Aspects Of Refuge Occupation” http://www.opb.org/news/series/burns-oregon-standoff-bundy-militia-news-updates/republican-gop-politicians-coalition-western-states/

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Are they that competent?


I’m not entirely sure they’re legally competent, but I hate them that much that I’m all for executing these mental retards.


Fuhrer Cruz would make this his intro song, completely missing the point/context.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

In 2012 when Paul Ryan said he loved Rage because they speak to him about a lot of Conservative ideology, I was ready to put my head in the oven.


I gotta watch Falling Down again….


…and now you’re gonna die with that stupid little hat on.


TSN (Canadian ESPN) has an anchor named Kate Bierness. When she first started at TSN 3 or 4 years ago, she looked pretty homely looking and had no personality. Now, she looks fantastic and has a wonderful personality. Kind of reminds me of Katie Nolan.

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and here she is doing a before the tournament/after the first round joke pic

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How is her head as big as her torso?


HGH? She got svelte pretty fast.


I think I saw her hanging around Celebrities