The Green Room Slide

Here’s your background music…


geno-final GENO: ‘Uh ‘outs ‘aid I’d ‘oh ‘igh… (The scouts said I’d go high…)
kiper-final MEL: Automatic!
geno-final GENO: ‘ith ‘og’istle ‘anguage… (With dogwhistle language…)
nolan-final NOLAN: He’s athletic!
todd-final TODD: ♫ …trust…Mel Kiper… ♫
schefter-final ADAM: He’s prophetic!
berman-final BOOMER: [staccato] Geno’s movin’ downward, falling back-back-back-back-back-back, he’s-a-made-it-past-the-Vikings, we’ll SEE YOU TOMORROW!
meaghan-final MEAGHAN: You guys are still waiting?
lindy-final LINDY: It’s pathetic.
andy-final ANDY: Hungry hungry hungry.
meaghan-final MEAGHAN: Like, how’s Brady dealing?
lindy-final LINDY: Getting frantic.
andy-final ANDY: Hungry hungry hungry.
meaghan-final MEAGHAN: Wow, it’s getting late.
Hey, at least your hair looks great…
aaron-final AARON: ♫ So all those teams…
Who said they liked you well I guess they lied,
You’re gonna move, move, move,
Down on their draft boards and your hopes just died. ♫
crabtree-final MICHAEL: ♫ You’re stuck in front…
Of all those cameras and you wanna hide,
But I’ll teach you, teach you, teach you,
Just how to cope with the Green Room Slide… ♫

Repeat ad nauseum.


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Law-abiding Raiders fan, pet owner, Los Angeles resident.
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Missed this yesterday (darn work!). This is beautiful, Rikki!

King Hippo

goddamnit RTD, it hurts my ear when I laugh


Senor Weaselo

Am I the only one who doesn’t like the fact that the song and the dance don’t match up? There’s two extra steps.

Can we get a song for horrendous draft day busts?

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I am JaWalrus….

See how I run for the pigs in a bun, see how I fry, “I’m brine’n”,
Eating all the cornflakes, waiting for the spam to come,
XXXxL T-shirts. Mega Taco Tuesday. Man you’ve been a hungry boy, you let your girth grow long…

And then all inspiration ran out (at least it is more athletic then him)


*than him* dammit

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

At lest he’s still in the lieg.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“Anonymous” pro scout “He smokes pot all the time, the gateway drug, don’t cha know.”



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And with that selection the Vikings picked…


All told, that was a pretty good switch.