Greetings and welcome to another edition of DFO Radio! Don T provided us with this week’s fantastic topic, “Damaged Goods” and it turned into one of our biggest (and best, in my opinion) playlists ever. I’m headed off to jury duty today, so I’ll be watching lots of potential jurors play the fun game of presenting themselves as “damaged goods” in an effort to avoid having to participate in a trial. I’ve been bounced from every jury I’ve ever been considered for (once the prosecutor and defender actually played chicken with me!), and I think I’ve found the secret. You just have to ask a semi-intelligent question of some sort. If they see you as a rational thinker who bases their decisions on logic, there’s no way in hell they’ll want you anywhere near their jury. We’ll see if my theory holds up; in the meantime enjoy the tunes.
As always these days, here’s the Spotify link. I put in a request to the guy who wrote the app I use to build these to make some changes so Spotify doesn’t miss so many of the songs; hopefully he’ll get that sorted out (or maybe I’ll code it myself if I’ve got time) and those will be a bit more accurate in the future.
That version of “Samson” is so effing excellent. This whole playlist could’ve just been that song as far as I’m concerned.
Great list man! This tune kinda beats that theme over the head…
I am legitimately surprised Donald Trump hasn’t come out to Zombie yet.
True! We could easily find a song that he has no idea what the lyrics mean.
Holy jesus, it’s my mp3 collection in video form right up to the guilty pleasure of “Torn”
Natalie is a ‘Murrican Treasure!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And like all the best parts of it, she’s not from it!
Fucking Australia, man.
(grumble grumble)
Allegedly? ALLEGEDLY???????
Fuck off…I’m damaged fo’ sho’.
Allegedly, my ass.
The good kind, of course! ✊?
You weren’t kidding, this playlist is fucking awesome. Good work, team!
/HARD ass slaps all around
Oooooh yeahhh. That is one solid playlist.
/runs away
//takes shirt off
///should’ve undone tie first
////”No officer, I thought a mosquito was inside my shirt”
The only thing I know about Neko Case (artist #2 on the list) is that they are the musical guest when Norm ruins Conan’s promos.
1) Norm is the funniest fucking guy on the planet and I don’t think it’s even close.
2) Neko is pretty kick ass.