Yes, my friends, ESPN is #branding this as the bestest gosh darned opening weekend you ever did see…but for reals, that is really more about name value and TOP matchups. It sure as shit ain’t about depth. As you will note in my viewing guide below, your remote control batteries will get a RedZone Channel sized rest this soggy (yeah, East Coast Bias TILL I DIE, muthaflippas) September Saturday.
Georgia Tech vs. Boston College (7:30 am, ESPN2)
I dunno exactly WHY we are so hell bent on making the people of Ireland like terrible college footy. I was going to compare it to the degradation of the Old Firm Lesser Footy rivalry, but that’s fookin’ Scotland. Anyway, read the linked article and ya’ll larn soomet, ya bloody yank. You don’t want to set your alarm for this, which may or may not count in the ACC standings. It will have no bearing on who loses to Louisville/FSU/Clemson for the league title.
Oklahoma at Houston (noon, ABC)
Hey, give credit where credit’s due – no matter how much teevee green they threw at Bob Stoops…this is a ballsy opener to agree to, especially on the road. The Cougars are a tough foe, and likely the only legit Cinderella contender to run the table and earn a seat at the grown-ups’ table in January. The Big 12 is a shade down this season, so Boomer Sooner could also use a statement win for style points.
Missouri at West By God Virginia (noon, FS1)
HAI, cousinfuckers!! We see you over there. This is mostly a viewer’s guide for WCS, so he don’t forget. But in case Okie shits all over Houston, a backup plausible option is nice to have. Mizzou could hang around. Or not, it’s week one and the fuck do I know about anything??
UCLA at Texas A&M (3:30, CBS)
This is a really interesting table setter game. The Aggies are unranked (how can this be PAWWWWWLLLL??), but you know there will be raw talent and a hostile atmosphere. Josh Rosen is a legitimate Jewish Heisman candidate, which would totes ruin OJ’s Fred Goldman joke. SUCH A PITY. Anyway, the Bruins will start getting national playoff contender talk if’n they win in College Satition. BUHLEE DAT!
LSU at Wisconsin (3:30, ABC)
This is on the not yet frozen tundra of Lambeau Field, for the first time EVAR. Sadly, Keith Jackson is dead, and Les Miles was almost fired one year before he could have munched this rarified sod. I literally can’t smgdh enough. My brain is so fucked, I was sure Miles actually WAS fired before I Googled him to find out where he was now, and who replaced him. Holy fuck, am I ever stupid.
Georgia vs. U*NC (5:30, ESPN)
The Dawgs are still starting the sad sack reject QB who couldn’t cut it at UVA. This ain’t a good sign. If I am dead by my own hand on Sunday, it’s because the Cheaters won in the Dome.
Southern Cal vs. Alabama (8:00, ABC)
This game has the fun/interesting backstory of the Trojans coming to Tuscaloosa to play Bear Bryant’s all-white Tide, and whipping their asses. Supposedly, Bear scheduled it as a “lesson” to the Board of Trustees as to why he needed to be able to recruit black athletes. Because he knew any argument based on simple human decency wouldn’t be worth his breath. Local black folks – barred from the segregated stadium – sat on a nearby hill and cheered every SC touchdown. Long story short, fuck Alabama.
Clemson at Auburn (9:00, ESPN)
Another bit of good scheduling, by Clemson’s idiot savant Dabo Swinney. Go on the road, get tested in a VERY hostile environment on the Plains…but almost surely win the game. This should help when those tough Louisville and Florida State games come ’round the bend. Plus, good teevee.
BYU vs. Arizona (10:30, FS1)
The always popular insomniac/DVR/West Coast/tweaker special. I know nothing about either side this season.
Notre Dame at Texas (Sunday – 7:30, ABC)
Sigh. Too bad the Longhorns still suck out loud.
Ole Miss vs. Florida State (Monday – 8:00, ESPN)
Chad Kelly, ultimate redneck QB for Johnny Reb, is still kicking around. Perhaps they can make things interesting, though FSU is so loaded for bear on D, it will be hard for even Jimbo Fisher to screw it up. And that’s saying somethin’ coming from me.
People who say “melk,” defend your existence.
They have a cleft palate?
a completed forward pass! witchcraft!!!
Fuck that computer!!!!
That is all.
I thought Fournette was literally the second coming of (purple) jesus and too fast for the big 10, what crappened?
Gotta say, I thought the badgers would be so very dead by now. Long way to go yet, but hey, good job Bucky.
6-0 Wisconsin at half. Any guesses on the final score? I am going with 35-6 LSU.
7-6. That kinda game. No QBs need apply.
Yeah… I kinda get the feeling one team is gonna score 30+
I really want to punch that LSU promo chick.
I don’t want to go to work now. With my luck, I’ll get off for lunch around 6 and find out that Manziel and Tebow are starting and this entire site is shitting itself to death.
Nacho is going to get caught eating a Whataburger and drinking a Big Red on the sidelines this year.
Denver REALLY tried.
At least the Cowboys didn’t give a draft pick or anything for Nacho.
On the bright side the Cowboys didn’t sacrifice a first round pick to get a shitty QB, so there’s that.
Magary’s timeline is the new factory of sadness that was built only after the government basically paid for it and gave out tax breaks for the next century to Sadness, Inc.
I am old, terrible and willing to make terrible mistakes to ruin any opportunity for self betterment. Can I be the Wisconsin QB?
Cowboys blooper-reels this season are going to be amazing
Christmas all season long!
Fuckity fuck fuck ….
I don’t know this Nacho guy that the Cowboys just acquired. He can’t be worse than the last guy though
If Nacho ever plays he better hand that ball off. Don’t even think about throwing a pass.
Ol’ Double J, you crazy motherfucker. Never change.
Nacho is a Cowboy. Fuck me……..
Are you a female high school senior?
-Sanchez, M.
Always get proof! ID or I leave!
~Chmura, M.
The ABC crawl in the Wisconsin-LSU game says that Adam Schefter is reporting that Mark Sanchez will sign with the Cowboys.
Horatio drinks all the bleach in the house, asks neighbors for more.
I was wondering why I just had hate bursting out of my (admittedly cold, dead) heart. It is having to listening to an announcing team of Steve Levy, Bob Griese and Todd Mcshay.
The irony is not lost on me that desktop computer I’m trying to unfuck was picked out by my ex.
One last twist of the knife. At least I hope it’s the last one…won’t be surprised if it’s not tho.
Re: Sully movie
1) why.
2) what’s with the intrigue angle? Should he have crashed it instead?
3) why.
4) stop it Tom. I miss funny Hanks. Wither Bachelor Party? Money Pit? Sigh…
SPOILER ALERT: He lands it in the river
Money Pit was FUCKING GREAT. And who can beat Marvin the Magical Sexual Mule??
I am assuming that is what the Wisconsin QB was doing the last 4 years and that is why he is getting his first start at 23
Is the one in the back left a woman? If so, this is what ahppens when you let em in combat zones. If not, no homo.
Anybody else watching Gardner-Webb/Elon?
/slapped about the head and neck by everyone
Yes that’s really on here. Oh channel 28…how the mighty have fallen.
“Don’t put your QB in this position”
The position where he throws it into triple coverage instead of taking a sack?
Keifer Sutherland as THE SECRETARY OF AGRICULTURE, in ‘Designated Survivor’ this fall (for three weeks), on ABC!
At least food issue should be good.
Sec. of Ag is usually a know nothing pencil pusher? This totally new information!!!!
so…he’s President Tom Vilsack instead of Jack Bauer?? That’s…less fun.
Currently I have no choice. With an 11 yr old ADHD niece, who has yet to comprehend boundaries….yeah….no choice. 🙁
OK, understand that your….. BALLS WOULD BE IN DANGER!
WhyTF are they playing in Lambeau?
Attempting to establish an annual “neutral site” game for the Badgers.
Computers suck. At least the laptop behaves mostly.
/laptop begins to spontaneously combust
Beer and football sucks less than computers.
I hate this computer
I think I should sell it
It never does what I want
Only what I tell it
Manziel was like the only QB the Aggies EVAR had two years in a row.
11 defenders in the box all within 3 yards of the line of scrimmage. Let’s still try to run up the middle to get that yard on 4th down.
“Yeah, it has been a while, sorry.”
Oh Christ you guys, JJ Watt’s got a brother.
I hope he keeps it humble.
The humblest! Works his humblemuscle til it genuflects! NO ONE HUMBLES BETTER!
/humblemuscle? Eh, why not.
//huh, watt is quite trumpish.
He seems small, so I’m sure the amount of jism over his grit will keep my teevee box on UCLA/TAMU as my primary option. Like the CBS crew better as a general rule anyhoo.
Steve Levy has gained 20 pounds…but only his head. What the jebus?
oh snap, Houston also gets Louisville in November. I have brazenly picked the Fightin’ Petrinos to dispose of Clemson and FSU in the Atlantic, both teams could come into that fucker (I think on Friday night) 10-0.
Brazenly is right; they might beat FSU but not Clemson.
I am putting my money on coaching to FINALLY win out over talent, though you are probably right.
Also love how Louisville says “fuck it” and just wears their black hat proudly.
Those hash marks are brutal in college.
Just get it down the middle, kid had the distance.
yep. And it’s been that way forevs, and coaches are still like DURRRRR when it comes to setting up the FG.
I’d snap it at a 45 degree angle if I could from that spot.
they had it DEAD CENTER on 3rd down, just 5 yards back. Should have (i) saved the time out and down in case of bad snap (Hippo’s option); (ii) thrown for the end zone (if you trust QB, the highest odds play – but they probably don’t); or (iii) burrow up the middle with extremely explicit instructions not to cut right or left under any circumstances.
What they did made the FG about 3-4 times harder for the poor fucking kid. This is all on Dan Mullen.
There are clock management and end of game scenarios that involve math and probability analysis, and I am convinced that they aren’t properly emphasized. If every staff had a “math/stats guru” this would be a Great Leap Forward for sports logic and my sanity.
/knows this is a personal hobby horse that annoys Moose, and I certainly admit there are myriad OTHER aspects of coaching that I have no clue about and thus could not do better. But this 1% is important!!
welp, now Boomer Sooner will need TWO onside kicks and now I can sorta hope the first one works. BECAUSE ONSIDE KICKS ARE JOYOUS.
75 play drive…kinda hate I missed that 😉
NOPE, they ran a play and PUT IT STUPIDLY ON THE LEFT HASH…but it will be from like 29 yards out now. I’ll bet on miss. Short kick from the hash in JV? Sheeeeeeeeeeit
If he hits I’ll change channel quickly.
Cowbells will give me flashbacks.
Oh my…no cowbells. Woooo!!!
Suck it Sooners.
well, they wasn’t steers today, so…
shitty kicker from like 34-35 foar the game…
at the 32…two TOs left. Their kicker always SUCKS, though
Cowbells already at midfield, 50 seconds left. Game on SECN, if curious.
Was just gonna ask in fact.