25 Questions – Special edition

Your regularly-scheduled 25 Questions post is tomorrow, but this was too good to pass up:

1- I knew Dangeruss was undersized for a QB,  but this much?

2- We’re now more sure than ever that JPP is NOT the father,  right?

3- How awesome would it be if the little dude was farting when they took the picture?

4- Why is Ciara wearing tighty-whities?

5- Is Dangeruss wearing tighty-whities too?

6- That would make so much sense,  wouldn’t it?

7- How much you want to bet he has nasty skidmarks?

8- All I’m saying is maybe Indian food may have been a bad idea?

9- Was that raycess?

10- Should I have said Taco Bell instead?

11- But doesn’t Dangeruss look like the kind of black hippie (bippie, trademark pending) That would never go to Taco Bell?

12- Like seriously you guys,  have you tried the new Triple Double Crunchwrap Supreme?!?

13- They have a spicy version too.  Maybe that’s what caused the skiddies?

14- You KNOW that Ciara is now craving Taco Bell, right?

15- Does it cause family tension because of Dangeruss’ misguided anti-Taco Bell policies?

16- If Ciara got a divorce and you lived in the same town,  would you try to date her?

17- I mean,  she’s pretty and all,  but two kids,  amirite?

18- That’s gotta be difficult, but, do you think it would be worth it to drink from the tap?

19- Dangeruss thinks drinking from the tap is disgusting,  doesn’t he?

20- Did you know that drinking milk is one of the best ways to combat the effects of spicy food?

21- Now you’re thinking about taking Ciara out for Taco Bell on a date,  aren’t you?

22- I don’t need to make the obvious fumbling joke,  do I?

23- Have you noticed that Dangeruss’ ring is about the same size as Ciara’s?

24- Did you also know today is International Women’s Day?

25- Can you put together the Deadpool joke or do I need to connect the dots for you?

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Balls somehow lost his bio and didn't realize it. He's now scrambling to write something clever and failing. He likes butts, boobs, most things that start with the letter B, and writing in the Second Person. Geelong, Toluca, Barcelona, and Steelers, in that order.
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Hawt Taek: Fuck the world.

That is all

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Fuck the purists and the right wings trolls who imitate them. Whichever combination of those two fucking idiots these people are.


Also clickbate headlines that I fall for.


I’ll only believe it if I see a tweet from the two of them topless like Emily took with Kim Kardashian.

Otherwise, she embodies the saying, “No matter how hot she is, somewhere a man is sick of her shit.”

Brick Meathook

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That’s a mighty nice cloak of perpetual virginity/celibacy he has there…


My tinder account has a better pic…

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

It is nice to see that Kyle Orton is still working out and active.


Yay…this made me laugh.
That’s two today….woooo!!!!

King Hippo

Amazeballs European Lesser Footy story in progress on FS1…

King Hippo

got ’em in 7 minutes. JEEBUS FUCK


What a darling picture. Kidding. Fucking narcissistic bullshit. Keep in your bedroom, weirdo.

I’m not a prude, but this shit smacks of “Look we are so special, we make special babies. Life is wonderful.”

Well, I suppose it is, because when that kid showers the walls with shit that smells like the Cleveland Browns locker room, your fucking nanny will clean it up.

Dangeruss the rapper has to be wiped from the earth. Immediately. I’m saddling up with the Black Light team to make it happen.

Bloody Lethal



Whose idea was it to arrange this bizarre and disturbing photo shoot?

This was Russell Wilson’s idea.

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Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

28. Did God step in and tell the Charmslinger this wasn’t the best idea, but he did it anyway?


29. “Russel, my son… What the hell are you doing?!”


Hee hee….this made me laugh.
Thank you. I needed this today.

Brick Meathook

Hey sorry I missed you guys at the Atwater pub crawl. I almost made it! Have another one!


Road trip to the Kentucky Derby?

We could take the DFO company jet, if Moose isn’t using it for HookerCon.

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

You know he is. He already expensed the shirts.

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Unfortunately she is just modeling THE shirt.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

No, no, I’m taking the van and the dog to Rangely so knock yourself out. I already have weed, scotch, and beer, so no worries, mates.


I feel like we’re looking at some kind of “you got chocolate in my peanut butter” type situation.


26- Can someone alert us if they attempt something like this again so we can call in a tactical air strike?

That kid is going to be so fucked up.


Would an arclight strike be acceptable?
Short of nuking the site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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12. Fuck yes.
13. If that caused the skiddies he’s a wimp. Or at least his GI track is.
24. Yes, and have you seen Trump’s tweets about it.

I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 8, 2017



I have tremendous respect for women and the many roles they serve that are vital to the fabric of our society and our economy.— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 8, 2017


Holy fuckballs!!!


I am sure of two things:
1) Trump did not write those tweets
2) Dangeruss jerks it to interspecies cuck porn

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

“As long as they stick to those predetermined roles and don’t stray into areas they shouldn’t.”


2. No. The kid’s hands are clearly not visible for a reason (flippers).

3. I’m not alone. Good.

Enrico Pallazzo

26. Can someone arrest QB Dork for being naked with another man’s son?


Not while a sexual predator is in the White House