Your “I Just Don’t Get Why It’s A Paid Day Off” Easter Monday Open Thread

Maybe it’s a byproduct of my conservative upbringing, but I don’t understand why the Monday following a holiday that falls on a Sunday is a paid day-off.

I mean, I’m already off on Sunday, so why the Monday as well? If it’s because the holiday was on the Sunday, why am I getting paid, since I don’t work on Sunday. Thanksgiving (in Canada) falls on a Monday, so I get that I get that off with pay. But Easter is a Sunday, which I already have off, and I don’t know of a single, secular North American school that teaches on a Sunday. (Praise Cthulhu!)

And I feel bad for the folks who don’t have a union contract that have to work both days – they don’t get a day off, and sometimes I wish union folks remembered that when they whine about how badly they are treated by their employer.

But, since I’ve no other option, I’m taking it. Day drinking, y’all!

Tonight’s sports:

  • NHL:
    • Senators at Bruins – 7:00PM | CNBC / Sportsnet
    • Capitals at Leafs – 7:00PM | NBCSN / CBC
    • Blackhawks at Predators – 9:30PM | CNBC / Sportsnet1
    • Ducks at Flames -10:00PM | NBCSN / CBC
  • NBA:
    • Pacers at Cavs – 7:00PM | TNT / TSN
    • Grizzlies at Spurs – 9:30PM | TNT /
  • MLB:
    • Pirates at Cardinals – 7:00PM | ESPN / TSN2
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A Canadian man-child of indeterminate age, he stays young by selling alcohol at sporting events and yelling at the patrons he serves. Their rage nourishes his soul, and their tips pay for his numerous trips to various sporting events.
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Four-on-four (Giggity?) in Nashville.

Mr. Ayo

4 for 4 on OTs?


I’m OK with the series going 7, so long as the Ice Rams win. By then, Mrs. Litre Cola will have given birth.


I should hope so!

Mr. Ayo

Life comes at you fast


(For SEO purposes) Kate Upton on Lip Sync Battle doing Britney Spears Baby Hit Me One More Time

This preview gif doesn’t do the full version justice (, which also allows you to appreciate the work whoever applied her body glitter to her boobs did for her.

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Even better than the original video


That’s because I’m not a lazy hack like the fucks who just ripped it and upped it to gfycat like on reddit.

Or did you mean the original Britney Spears video?

Senor Weaselo

Lizard people…




Roger Furlong may be the best character on Veep, or at least in the top three.

Brick Meathook

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@balls Since we didn’t catch each other yesterday, in response to your question about why I have given up on sex is because I never bothered to try. It’s kind of like The 40 Year Old virgin when he explains how after a while he just gave up, except between my horrible self-image and lack of self-worth/depression and a weird accumulation of goal focusing and a general attitude of never trying to do anything/expecting things will work out as they should, I am just a complete fucking mess. I’ve had women hit on me, ask me out, and I’ve aggressively friendzoned and then just alienated several because I am a piece of shit.

Porky Prime

Is…is that you, Alternate timeline Porky?


God, I hope not.


I figured you’ve had women hit on you. Like I mentioned in the other thread, you’re not a bad-looking dude. I think the biggest key for you is what’s going on inside YOUR head and fixing that. The women will always be there but Unsurprised needs to be happy with Unsurprised before anything.

Porky Prime

Hey. So I thought I’d start making an effort with trying to get a date and all again. So far I’ve been really, really shitty at it. So you might say it’s like i never lost a step.


Keep trying.


Porky, take your time, brother. The last thing you want to do is rush into something. Above all, have no expectations and do it for fun. If you remember that you will be fine with or without someone, the pressure evaporates and you can just concentrate on having a good time.


Woooo Ice Titans make it a close game in the third.

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Brick Meathook

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Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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Big Show’s a long way from the days of one hopping the ropes to try to murder Disco Inferno, but it’s heartening to see how well he moves in the ring at 45 when most people his size don’t make it to 40. Modern medicine at work.


For future reference, when you’re on a collapsing stage, holding the part that’s collapsing the fastest will not help you not die.


Lol, i didn’t even notice the ref the first time,

I was thinking, “oh great, the destroy the ring spot”, here we go….”


I was shocked (SHOCKED) that Cole didn’t do “OH MY GOD THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED” for the third time. Still, good for Show still being able to take bumps like that.


Also, this page exists, lol


Man oh man did that movie scare the shit out of me when I was a kid.

In a lot of ways, kids movies are amazing now. I mean imagine trying to do the pitch for “WALL-E” 30 years ago…

“I got an idea for a movie where there is zero dialogue for the first 40 minutes and the main character only ever says one single word”. It would have never been made.

But in other ways, kids movies kind of suck. There aren’t really any terrifying or dark kids movies anymore.


Pixar is pretty much it for the “WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?” kids movies it seems. The “Whoops, she can’t have babies. Psyche. Cancer killed her” montage from Up comes to mind, as does the toys in Toy Story 3 all accepting their death before the save.




My mom let me watch the original, Night of the Living Dead, the 1968 version when I was maybe six. That terrified me. Watching Judge Doom kill that poor shoe for absolutely no reason, just to demonstrate what a prick he was utterly ruined my childhood.

Even today, it’s like watching a puppy drown.


So it just occurred to me how much sense it makes for the predators to play megaman music.

Good for them


Dirt Stillers lost, but, dammit if, Ice Argos and REDBLACKS haven’t taken series leads.

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Mr. Ayo

Canada 2, US 0

King Hippo


Angry Massholes, LMAO


I’ll leave you all with this for the night:
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Later, Taters!


This is beautiful


Looks like it’s gonna be Miss Bliss vs. Bayley for the title.

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Did you get a peek at the script already?



King Hippo

Now for some Masshole tears PLEAZ!!


Look, when you realize how fake it all is; the football, the basketball, the Lady Gaga, the Justin Bieber—you know, who gives you these carbon tax messages… They tell your kids they gotta love Justin Biebler, and then Biebler says “hand in your guns”, “pass the Cyber Security Act”, and “the police state is good”, and then your children are turned into a mindless vassals—who now, they look up to some twit, instead of looking up to Thomas Jefferson, or looking up to Nikola Tesla, or looking up to Magellan; I mean, kids, Magellan is a lot COOLER than Justin Bieber! He circumnavigated with one ship the entire planet! He was killed by wild natives before they got back to Portugal! And when they got back there was only like eleven people alive of the two hundred and something crew and the entire ship was rotting down to the waterline! That’s destiny! That’s will! That’s striving! That’s being a trailblazer and explore! Going into space! Mathematics! Quantum mechanics! The secrets of the universe! It’s all there! Life is fiery with its beauty! Its incredible detail! Tuning into it! They wanna shutter your mind, TALKING ABOUT JUSTIN BIEBER!!! IT’S PURE EVIL!!! They’re taking your intellect, your soul, and giving you Michael Jordan and Bieber. Unlock your human potential! Defeat the globalists who wanna shutter your mind!—Your doorways to perception!—I wanna see you truly live! I wanna see you truly be who you are!!!


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I hope that evil motherfucker finally fucking kills himself.


I’m surprised he knows not to put his booger-flicker on the bang switch.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

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I finally got around to trying Rob’s suggested Graham Cracker ale. Sadly, it didn’t taste to what I was expecting. It had like a vodka aftertaste. So thumbs down to that.

However, that brand’s pale ale was really good.

And the food at their restaurant was excellent. If you’re in North Vancouver, go there and try the wild boar burger

King Hippo

Wild boar is the best meat product I have ever consumed.

King Hippo

Seems like Toronto should be better at teh hockey. Fuck else they gots to do??

King Hippo



I could do without the Norah Jones on this airport shuttle. Sup around here?


Oh, just a slow Monday night…
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I love and miss 80s panties.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

I got some you can use.


Norah Jones is the antidote to Red Bull.


Anyone else think its hilarious that Alex Jones’ lawyer in his child custody hearing is making the argument that he is a performance artist and his show is totally made up?


Yes, but his devotees know he’s just playing the system.


From what I hear, it is all an act


I do, but I also know it won’t change anything. But either way it makes him, like every troll, evil as a motherfucker in a way I cannot describe because my anger overwhelms my capacity to explain myself while discussing them. Humanity is worse off because of him, and the only just end to this scenario is where he eats a bullet, followed by everyone who has ever listened to him.

King Hippo

c’mon Canadia!!!


I’ve noticed Easter Monday is a big deal in Australia too. I honestly don’t get it, but hey, if they’re gonna offer you a day off, you take it! It’s not like a glory hole!


So how is it not like a glory hole then?


Um, Buddy? Little help here?


I fucking hate post season Caps.

Its like they are a completely different team the moment the playoffs start.


As someone who has 6 caps, I agree. They look so disinterested in the series so far

Porky Prime

Even doing some thread reviews…Jeez i miss a !ot when I space out for a week or three.

King Hippo

that is the one downside to a proper heroine habit…


Do we even have 12 federal holidays in the US? Should at least have one per month. Just call them”Freedom Days” and keep adding until we get to 12


True freedom comes in enjoying one’s assigned labor. The strongest and happiest communities are the ones with the richest people at the top of it.


No. But, of course, half of the ones we do have celebrate war and one celebrates Christopher Motherraping Columbus.

Moose -The End Is Well Nigh

Nice tits.


I was SO close to making that comment before, but I was driving. Well done, Moose.


Went out to grab smokes. I started up again after catching a transformer on fire at work today…it was either that or punch a wall.

Since its raining here, I drove out to the convenience store instead of walking. The local am station I use to listen to sports was doing the Dave Ramsey show.

I fucking detest that guy. His call screeners earn their fucking pay check because it always seems like its utter complete financial morons that somehow are pulling in six figures a week. I’m not sure what about his show pisses me off more…the way he clumsily wraps evangelical religion into everything to try and keep the rubes listening or the way he helps perpetuate the stereotype that everyone could be financially secured if they wanted tol and that poor people are just lazy or stupid.

He never gets that person calling in saying something like “So yeah Dave…I got cancer…so my job fired me. I got about $600,000 in medical debt, I can’t get a job because I am bed ridden and I am about to get kicked out of my apartment…so what should I do?” Or I should say I am sure he gets those calls, but again, the call screeners make sure those people never make the fucking air.


I regularly tune drives for cigarette lines.

Every single tobacco manufacturer in the US is geared up to making marijuana cigs as soon as its legal on the fed level.

I’ve been seriously advising people not to invest in head shops because its going to eventually happen and all those head shops are going out of business. They won’t be able to compete with the cost or the quality assurance.


Yeah, but that’s not going to happen while Trump is President.


What sort of Sharia-law country gets the day after Easter off as a paid holiday?


I somehow get Good Friday off and I think its because I work for a Japanese company.

Its un-fucking-real how many paid holidays other countries get. Somehow Japan, China, South Korea, and pretty much everyone else in Asia seems to get a month off for Golden Week.


smh sounds like those countries dont support the small business man. Or freedom.


Or their heart surgeon industry.


What is truly fucking crazy is that China and Japan hate each other right? I think we all recognize this…

So back in 1948, the Japanese started this to celebrate the Emperor. Well China, in like 2000, started the same holiday on different days…only you know…its Golden Week New Year or some shit…

And they now have 3 Golden Weeks through the year.

Meanwhile in the US, a women goes into labor, it damn side better be during her break.


“We” doesn’t include anyone in the Trump Administration.


My company used to be based in Ireland. The Swedes and Irish get a ton of holidays to our…5?

Darkest Timeline Zack Morris

Hey guys, sorry for the downtime – server maintenance.


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Brick Meathook

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Welp, let’s see what’s in the fridge.
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King Hippo

well, you wants to stay a skinny bitch or dontcha??


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Brick Meathook

Wow this site vanished for a bit there . . . I thought maybe your podcast microphones had been taken away, or whatever it is that makes the internet work.

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Fuck that noise. Americans deserve more paid days off. I wish the general response to unions in this country was less “They shouldn’t get it if I don’t” and more “How do we get this for everyone?”

King Hippo

this is why Americans can never have nice things

King Hippo

Or the new version – “I don’t mind having nuthin’ as long as black folk got less than nuthin!!”


Americans are fucking stupid and deserve everything coming to us. Like Trump.

Shogun Marcus

So the “maintenance” is done?
/pants off

King Hippo

the Rooskies are tied up in Internet Dad’s basement, and he’s fetching the sack of rats as we speak!


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King Hippo

STOP fucking up, not-BAHSTAHN Ice Footy side!!


Where is everyone…one….one……one….

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Are they still coming back from that castle I was reading about?
DAWWwww, horsefeathers!