DFO Cocktail Hour – Exit Incognito

As the days get longer and warmer, we here at DFO are sharing our favorite cocktails to help put that extra kick into your gatherings. Friends and family will salute your mixology acumen and your parties will be talked about for years to come. Just print out each recipe and bind into a handsome cocktail guide, or use the DFO app which might be created someday but probably won’t be. Either way, as the legendary actor W.C. Fields used to say, “Hey, anyone know what time it is?”

Sometimes you just want to forget. Maybe you had a rough day at work, or maybe your attorney just had his office raided, or maybe your significant other found your collection of tiny cat skulls and has some questions. Everyone has a reason, and whatever your reason, a potent potable can help you get to Amnesiaville much faster than a long career in football. And when you get really blitzed – even to the point where you’d bully someone under your own roof – it’s best to don a disguise and get away from other people as quickly as possible. To that end, here is a recipe for just such a drink.



1 ounce vanilla vodka

1 ounce Bacardi 151 rum

1 ounce spiced rum

2 ounces tonic water

Splash Irish cream


Add vodka, rum, and tonic water to a shaker half-filled with pyramid-shaped ice cubes. Shake well for 30 seconds. Strain into a sugar-rimmed cocktail glass over crushed ice. Float Irish cream on top. Drink through a stainless steel straw even though it makes you look like a sissy. Repeat ad nauseam.

This drink is refreshing and very very white.



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SonOfSpam is a mediocre ship captain and an even worse writer. He is allowed to contribute to this website in exchange for money and drugs. Please don't encourage him or make direct eye contact.
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/accepts call from White House

“Yes! Of course I’d love a Jack and Coke!”

-Marilyn Monroe, August 5th, 1962

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show
Brick Meathook

I haven’t seen anything like this since the Luke Bryan concert
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Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

I’m hearing The Cooking Channel from another room and they’re talking about delicious Hot Browns. Sadly, there was no Padma Lakshmi during the segment.

Buddy Cole's Halftime Show

“This drink is refreshing and very very white.”

That’s actually what a Black Israelite said about my blood on the F train the other day.


I got yo’ Incognito right here!

[Grabs Crotch]

[Attends DPSoM]

Sorry to anyone who found my attempt at humour offensive.


No, no, you’ve got your apology all wrong. It’s “I’m sorry you found my attempt at humor offensive.” The way you formulated it makes it sound like you were actually sorry for saying it.


No way he uses spiced instead of white rum.


That drink sounds look it would taste delicious going in AND coming out!


The Nomonkey Whiskey and Coke:

Buy a big bottle of cheap whiskey.
Buy a bottle of coke.

Drink whiskey from bottle. When feel need to burp, drink from coke.

Repeat until passed out.

/What? Yooooooooooooooooou have a problem.

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This Richie Incognito cocktail sounds delicious but I don’t have any vanilla vodka. I’ll just have an Honorary Negroni instead.


Curiously, this drink would actually qualify as such, with the added bonus that it’s real name makes it perfect for someone like Richie Incognito who is looking to “get smashed”:


Game Time Decision

vanilla bean with insides scraped out for other baking + vodka + a week or so =homemade vanilla vodka

/works lots of spices
// thanks Mr Brown

Low Commander of the Super Soldiers

If you’re more of a beer fan or just plain lazy, the Honorary Negro Modelo also works in spades.


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